Shar Pei insecticide will quickly and effectively rid the garden and garden of pests

Tell me how Shar-Pei insecticide works? The Colorado potato beetle just tortured him, he doesn't take anything, he has already changed three drugs. And during this time I saw my neighbor in the garden with a sprayer only once. I went to him to find out what he was processing, a neighbor advised Sharpei. He says that after him both the old and the young beetle died. I decided to try it myself. Is it also suitable for grapes? Yesterday I noticed leaf rollers on the bushes.

Shar Pei insecticide If your garden or garden has been attacked by pests, what's the most important? Correctly, quickly and effectively get rid of them, and preferably from all at once, including the larvae. This is exactly how the Shar-Pei insecticide works, one of the fastest-acting. This drug is indispensable not only for summer residents, but also for farmers growing agricultural crops. Wheat, barley, corn, beets - it will protect everything from insects, completely destroying them in a short time. Shar Pei will help both in the garden and in the garden, while it has an affordable price and low consumption.

Benefits and features of an insecticide

shar pei from carrot fly

Sharpei is produced in the form of a water-soluble emulsion with the active ingredient cypermethrin. Within a quarter of an hour, it affects the nervous system of insects and paralyzes them. If someone resists, then after eating the plant part of the cultivated culture, he inevitably dies. The insecticide completely destroys the pest colony in just a week and retains its protective effect for another week.

Among other insecticides, Shar Pei has significant advantages, namely:

  • acts quickly;
  • effective against most pests of agricultural, horticultural and even flower crops;
  • has a wide spectrum of action and destroys pests at all stages of their development, from violation of egg laying, feeding of larvae to adults;
  • convenient packaging (cans - for large farms, ampoules - for private use);
  • small consumption rate.

Sharpei processing can be carried out in hot weather.

Shar Pei insecticide - application rates

canister insecticideThe working solution must be prepared immediately before spraying, since it cannot be stored. In the process, it must be stirred periodically for uniform dissolution. The solution is applied to the leaves and shoots.

Sharpen is toxic to fish and bees, but does not pose a danger to the plants themselves (subject to the dosage). It can be mixed with pesticides, except for preparations with which cypermethrin reacts alkalinely. Sharpei should not be mixed with other insecticides.

The first treatment should be done in early spring. If necessary, it is repeated after 3 - 3.5 weeks twice or thrice (depending on the culture). However, during the flowering of plants, this is unacceptable.

Consumption rates are:

  • cabbage, potatoes, grapes - 3 ml per bucket of water;
  • apple tree - 2 ml per bucket of water.

Shar Pei will help rid the garden of aphids, moths, leaf rollers and apple moth. In the garden, he will destroy the Colorado potato beetle, aphids on cabbage, a potato bug, a scoop and flea beets on beets. And it will protect garden flowers from whites, moths, locusts and leafhoppers.

Use of Shar Pei insecticide against aphids - video


