Instructions for the use of Fitoverma in growing vegetables and flowers
Fitoverm is a popular treatment for indoor and garden plants. Instructions for use Fitoverma recommends using the drug to combat various pests. This is a really effective insecticide, which many experienced gardeners and summer residents have already appreciated. It is suitable for different types of plants. Experienced summer residents and gardeners use it to process fruit, berry and fruit plantations. In order to completely overcome harmful inhabitants, it is important to know the rules and features of using an insecticidal preparation.
Before use, it is worth considering the main features of the toxicity of Fitoverm:
- The insecticidal agent belongs to the third hazard class. But powder for washing clothes belongs to the fourth hazard class.
- Biological fungicide Fitoverm does not have a harmful effect on the environment. It poses a moderate hazard to beneficial insects.
- After Fitoverm enters the soil or water bodies, its active substance decomposes completely, this happens in a short time.
- Eat vegetables, fruits of horticultural crops - strawberries, currant, pepper, eggplant and others, a person can already on the second day after treatment with the drug.
Fitoverm can be safely combined with pyrethroids, organophosphates and agents that regulate plant growth. But in no case should you combine an insecticide with components that cause alkaline reactions.
Advantages and disadvantages of Fitoverma
The drug Fitoverm from pests has positive and negative qualities that must be considered before buying an insecticide. Many gardeners note that the product is available in different volumes, this is what provides convenience in use. On sale there are ampoules of 2, 4 and 5 ml and bottles from 10 to 100 ml. Canisters with a volume of 5 liters are suitable for processing large areas.
Among the positive qualities, it is also worth highlighting:
- Has a wide range of effects. The drug is able to eliminate various groups of pests.
- Fitoverm has a slight danger to humans. Since it is based only on biological components, it does not have a negative impact on health and does not cause side effects.
- Does not adversely affect plants.
- The active components of the preparation quickly disintegrate in the soil and do not leave harmful compounds.
- The insecticide is not addictive to pests, even with repeated use.
- Due to the fact that the product has a fast disintegration period, it can be used for spraying during fruiting.
Insecticide Fitoverm helps not only eliminate pests, but also protects plants from various dangerous diseases. Unlike other similar products, it can be used in dry and hot weather, these conditions do not affect the effectiveness and effect of the drug.
But still, do not forget about the disadvantages of Fitoverm:
- Has a high cost.
- In order to destroy all pests, several treatments are required.
- The insecticide is incompatible with other drugs.
- If you use the product during the flowering period, then pollinating insects may die.
- The prepared solution has an unpleasant and pungent odor.
- Instructions for the use of Fitoverm indicate that it does not destroy eggs and larvae of harmful insects.
Instructions for use Fitoverma
Insecticide Fitoverm must be correctly applied to fruit, berry plants, vegetables, seedlings and other types of plantations. Due to the fact that, under the influence of light, the active components of the drug rapidly decompose, spraying must be done at dusk.
The effectiveness of the drug may decrease with a decrease in temperature or precipitation. In order to eliminate all pests when spraying, it is worth making sure that the insecticide covers the entire surface of the plant.
The consumption rate of Fitoverma for each type of plant may differ. It is indicated in the instructions. Can be used to treat indoor plants, trees, shrubs, vegetables and seedlings.
Below are the basic rules for using the instructions for using the Fitoverm insecticide for each type of plant:
- The tool destroys the main pests of indoor plants - aphids, ticks, thrips, whitefly. It should be used up to 4 times per season. 2 ml Fitoverm must be diluted in 500 ml of water. Plants need to be carefully wiped off with a cloth, while making sure that the entire surface is processed. The interval between treatments should be 7 days.
- Fruit and berry and deciduous trees, shrubs must be sprayed with a spray bottle. The drug is highly effective against moths, leaf rollers, caterpillars, spider and fruit mites. It is required to spray tree crowns and bushes 2 times a season. 1 ml of the preparation is added to 1 liter of water.
- Fitoverm is used for spraying different types of vegetables - cucumbers, peppers, cabbage, eggplants, tomatoes. The consumption rate of the product depends on the types of pests. To destroy aphids, thrips, spider mites, 2 ml of the product is added per liter of water. When fighting whiteworms, scoops, caterpillars, a solution is used - 0.5 ml of the drug per liter of water.
- Seedlings are processed before planting them in the soil. To eliminate pests, it is recommended to water the soil with a solution before planting plants. For 5 liters of water, 2 ml of insecticide is added.
Houseplant processing
Fitoverm is often used for indoor plants. This is due to the fact that the drug helps to quickly eliminate pests, but at the same time it does not emit poisons and harmful substances into the air. This is due to its biological composition.
For orchids
Many gardeners use Fitoverm for orchids, but the instructions for use recommend following some important recommendations when processing these plants:
- How to plant Fitoverm for orchids? The instructions indicate that 1 ampoule of the drug should be added to 1 liter of water.
- It is recommended to pour the finished solution into a container with a spray bottle.
- Spray the surface of the leaves with a product.
- Treatments should be done 4 times a season.
Fitoverm from whitefly has a good effect. This pest has a fast reproduction. Its larvae eat the plant and spread disease.
For violets
For violets, a solution is made in such proportions - an ampoule of 2 ml is added to 500 ml of water. They should spray the plants without touching the flowers. After that, you need to remove it to a dark place to dry, otherwise spots will appear on the leaves.
Spraying strawberries
When growing repair strawberries often one has to deal with various pests that can lead to the death of the entire crop. To prevent this, it is required to carry out timely preventive spraying of bushes.Fitoverm is perfect for this.
You definitely need to know how to dilute Fitoverm for strawberries. It is recommended to add 1 ml of the product to 1 liter of water. Spraying is required in early spring or during flowering in the morning or evening. For treatments it is worth using a spray bottle.
Fitoverm is a good insecticide that is highly popular at home and in the garden. It has a biological composition that does not adversely affect health and plants. But still, when using it, you should carefully follow the instructions and precautions.