Instructions for using the preparation Brunka for trees
Even with careful care and agrotechnical measures, gardeners are faced with harmful insects. Parasites can cause significant damage to any crop and destroy the lion's share of the crop. Instructions for the use of the Brunka preparation will help to carry out high-quality processing of the garden plot.
Description of the fungicide
High efficiency and effectiveness of the drug is achieved through a successful combination of the following component composition:
- Aluminum phosphide - phosphorous acid has a toxic effect on the nervous and respiratory systems of harmful insects. The action is noted already half an hour after application.
- Imidacloprid - when insects enter the body, the agent paralyzes their nervous system, and also suppresses digestion. The protective effect lasts more than a month.
- Lambda cyhalothrin is a contact agent that acts as an active ingredient against a wide range of pests and ticks.
Thanks to the presence of these three components, Brunka is a powerful weapon to fight and protect against parasites and diseases. This fungicide is produced in the form of a soluble concentrate. In specialized stores, you can find a volume of 30, 150 and 350 ml.
The main purpose of the drug is the processing of fruit trees, ornamental shrubs, and vineyards.
Mechanism of action
The drug with an average level of toxicity is highly known among experienced gardeners. The tool helps to get rid of harmful insects that hibernate in the bark of trees, from moss and diseases of fungal origin. Brunka's drug has a high ability to penetrate the body of parasites and provide long-term protection. The contact properties of one of the components helps to protect the leaves of the fruit tree from larvae and caterpillars. However, it is worth remembering that some pests are resistant to phosphorine.
When disintegrating, a number of active substances present in the composition of the drug release useful substances and trace elements that serve as food for plants and thereby stimulate their growth. The product is used to treat apple, pear, peach, apricot, grapes, plums and cherries. Phosphorous acid affects fungal formation at the cellular level.
The effect of the insecticide lasts for 35 days.
Instructions for using the drug Brunka
Brunka's drug is capable of exerting a strong effect only with proper use and adherence to a number of rules. The components that are present in the composition are absolutely safe for humans if they are in moderation.
Active substances are active at different temperatures. Therefore, processing should be carried out in dry weather with a temperature of at least 12 degrees.
The tool is used in the form of a solution. The instructions for the fungicide Brunka are as follows:
- For complex plant protection, two sprays per year will be enough. The first event is held in early spring before flowering, and the second in late autumn, when the plant begins to prepare for winter. In some cases, additional processing of the fruit tree may be required.Then it is carried out immediately after flowering, and the amount of the drug is also halved.
- The dosage for standard processing is 30 ml per bucket of water (10 L). The amount of Brunka preparation for grapes and berry bushes is reduced to 20 ml. The measured amount of the chemical must be dissolved in a small volume of liquid, and then the solution must be added to the rest of the water. It is recommended to use the prepared product immediately, since in finished form it can be stored for no more than two days.
- It is imperative to take precautions and not come into direct contact with active substances. During processing, care must be taken that there are no children and pets nearby. The containers that were used to prepare the solution cannot be used for another purpose. Also, during spraying, you must arm yourself with protective equipment: gloves, respirator and goggles.
Remove protective clothing and shower immediately after treatment. Only then can you eat or smoke. It should be noted that drinking alcohol can increase the effect of toxins. It is allowed to start work on the garden plot only three days after treatment with this drug.
Advantages and disadvantages
According to the reviews of experienced gardeners, Brunka's drug is a reliable and effective remedy. However, any fungicide has its own strengths and weaknesses.
The advantages of this tool:
- Has a complex effect (eliminates not only insects, but also larvae).
- Completely safe for plants, since there are no toxic decay products.
- Able to eliminate harmful wintering insects.
- Differs in breadth of application against various parasites.
- Long term protection as the product can be applied twice a year.
- Eliminates kidney mites and gall aphids, unlike other drugs.
- Promotes foliar feeding of the tree, since during the decay of active substances, useful trace elements are released.
- Has no herbicidal effect.
- It is allowed to use the product at the initial stage before flowering.
- Blocks germinating spores of pathogenic myceliums.
Despite the large number of positive qualities, the drug also has some disadvantages: high cost and presence of dyes. Also, gardeners note that the drug can slightly inhibit foliage blooming, but this factor does not affect the yield of plants.