Instructions for use in veterinary medicine Nitox 200

The drug Nitox 200 is sold in the form of ampoules for injections, has a sharp unpleasant odor and is a slightly viscous liquid with a brown tint. Each bottle has a sticker, which contains instructions for use in veterinary medicine Nitox 200. It describes in detail the procedure for use, doses, indications and contraindications. Store the medicine in a refrigerator or container out of direct sunlight. At temperatures up to + 8 ° C, it is stored for no more than a year. The price of the drug is relatively low compared to its analogues. Depending on the region, the cost of one bottle is about 55 rubles.

The long-term effect of the drug is due to the effective binding of the main active ingredient with the Mg compound. After the injection, the drug is quickly absorbed throughout the body and is concentrated in the maximum amount per hour. The active ingredient is oxytetracycline dihydrate, it actively fights against almost all major types of bacteria. The drug acts on them by suppressing the synthesis of protein cells of harmful microorganisms.
The drug is excreted from the body of the animal after three days in a natural way.
Step-by-step instructions for use in veterinary medicine Nitox 200

The drug is injected into muscle tissue animal. The doctor prescribes the dose of the medicine for each animal individually. When using the drug independently, it is necessary to carefully study the label on the jar with the medicine and the instructions that are issued at the pharmacy. IN The instructions indicate the recommended proportions: 1 ml solution per 10 kg body weight. A drug retained in the blood of an animal for 3 days. When since the introduction vaccines have passed 3 days, and the animal's condition has not improved, you can repeat injection injection.
You can re-enter the drug no earlier than 3 days later. If it was not possible to inject on time, you need to do it as soon as possible earlier.
It is forbidden for a large animal to inject more than 20 ml of medicine into the same place, and for a small animal - more than 5-10 ml.

If the dosage is exceeded, allergies may develop. Allergy manifests itself in redness of skin areas and severe itching, especially in injection site. Normally, allergy symptoms disappear in a couple of days. If symptoms persist for more than 4 days, in addition to redness and itching, appear other symptoms must be injected into the animal's body calcium borgluconate.
Indications for application

Animals for which the drug is recommended and diseases for which it is used:
- Cattle and their offspring. It is used for pleurisy, diphtheria, hoof rot, anaplasmosis.
- Pigs. It is prescribed for pleurisy, atrophic rhinitis, erysipelas, umbilical sepsis, infections after childbirth, purulent arthritis, abscesses.
- Sheep and goats... With peritonitis, hoof rot.
For the listed animals, Nitox 200 is prescribed for mastitis, bacterial diseases and infections acquired as a result of injury.
Nitox 200 for rabbits is also actively used in veterinary medicine. Rabbits are especially vulnerable to all kinds of diseases, so in some cases the use of nitox cannot be avoided.
Signs that your rabbit needs an injection:
- poor appetite or complete absence of it;
- decreased physical activity;
- weak reactions;
- cough, runny nose;
- grinding teeth.
Such symptoms indicate the appearance of myxomatosis in the animal, in which the chance of a cure is 0.5%, unless the necessary measures are taken. When confirming the diagnosis, veterinarians recommend slaughtering all infected rabbits... But if the doctor's words are not convincing, then you can try to treat animals with Nitox 200.
The same situation is with chickens. The most typical symptoms for them are wheezing and a runny nose. Nitox instructions for poultry are not specified by the manufacturer. However, poultry farmers developed it themselves: they add Nitox 200 to the water for chickens in proportions of 1: 1. If the chicken is not able to feed on its own, then Niktos is administered by intramuscular injection. Poultry farmers note the effectiveness of this treatment.
Nitox 200 for pigeons is prescribed for the same symptoms and diseases as in chickens.
Do not forget that this drug is antibiotic. It is necessary to resort to using it only after setting accurate diagnosis and careful study of the instructions for use of nitox 200 v veterinary medicine. Treat the animal with this drug is necessary until complete recovery, and not until disappearance symptoms. Otherwise, the disease may become latent.
Contraindications to use

The most common side effects include itching and redness. In almost all cases, such phenomena go away on their own. When refusal of the animal from food and inflammation of the injection site; use of nitox stop.
The instructions for use in veterinary medicine of Nitox 200 contain the following contraindications:
- malfunctions of the kidneys;
- fungal diseases;
- during pregnancy;
- until the animals reach three months of age;
- allergy to tetracycline.
It is forbidden to use Nitox 200 for rats, cats and dogs.
Treatment of horses with nitox is not prescribed in the instructions, but if, nevertheless, the decision on treatment was made, then it is necessary to additionally use penicillin antibiotics.
The slaughter of an animal for meat can be carried out no earlier than 3 weeks after treatment. If the slaughter took place earlier, then the meat of such an animal is strictly not recommended for consumption. As for milk, you can drink it only after at least a week after treatment with Nitox 200 and only after boiling.
Benefits treatment with Nitox 200

Among drugs with a similar composition, preference is given to nitox. There are reasons for this:
- patented production technology;
- many studies that have proven the effectiveness of the drug;
- wide range of applications;
- low price;
- relatively short treatment;
- first improvements within an hour after drug administration.
Almost all veterinarians recommend this particular drug, despite the huge number of its analogues.