Interesting about shrub jasmine, its types and varieties

jasmine shrub on the site Jasmine shrub is a perennial crop of the olive family. The flower is prized for its exquisite beauty and unusual, strawberry aroma. Previously, the plant grew only in countries with favorable, warm climatic conditions. But thanks to the laborious work of breeders, culture every year gains popularity in Russia in decorating the landscape. To breed a decorative flower in your personal plot, you need to familiarize yourself with all its subspecies, learn the planting technique and further care.

Description of jasmine varieties

Over the past tens of centuries, many varieties of jasmine have been bred for certain countries and regions. In Russia, the most popular are beautiful frost-resistant varieties that harmonize well with each other in landscape design... Let's consider the most common ones.


abundant flowering of garden jasmine

The perennial culture of the hydrangea family garden jasmine mock-orange has many subspecies. At the same time, it has nothing to do with real jasmine, except for fragrant flowers. Ornamental shrub, from 65 cm to 6–6.5 meters high. The trunk is straight, gray. In some varieties of garden jasmine, the foliage is ovoid, in others it is broadly ovate. Many plants belonging to this species have evergreen foliage.

Flowers of yellow or white color have the following shapes:

  • semi-double;
  • terry;
  • simple.

Garden jasmine blooms in June and July. The main advantage of the garden culture is the unsurpassed aroma and beautifully descending clusters of white or cream flowers.

Jasmine ordinary

common jasmineCommon chubushnik is found not only in private gardens, but also in city parks. The plant is distinguished by abundant fragrant flowering, lasting about a month. Flowers are tightly attached along the entire length of the branch. For a lush flowering, the shrub does not require special care. It grows well both in the shade and under the scorching rays of the sun. It tolerates severe frosts and summer droughts.

Jasmine virginal

jasmine virginalVirginal, aka terry jasmine. The culture belongs to the type of garden jasmine. A voluminous plant bush in height and diameter can reach from 2 to 3 meters. Erect shoots. The foliage is decorative, large, about 7 cm long. In summer, the leaves are rich green, but in the fall they change their color to bright yellow, which surprisingly transforms the garden in cloudy weather. The flowers are large, white. The inflorescence is collected in 10 pairs. The flower blooms gradually at the end of June and continues to bloom until the 3rd decade of July.

Despite the fact that Virginal is a frost-resistant culture, without proper care, shoots can freeze over during spring frosts.

Jasmine Sambac

curly jasmineSambac or garden curly jasmine. The plant belongs to the olive family. The flower reaches 0.5 to 3 m in height. The leaves are ovate, leathery, 4–11 cm long and 2–7 cm wide. The flowers are white, very fragrant, semi-double or double in shape. The inflorescence is collected from 3 to 12 groups at the ends of the branches. A distinctive feature of this plant is that the flowers open only at night and close in the morning.

Jasmine Shrub

shrub jasmineJasmine Shrub is an upright bush, up to 1.5 meters high. The shoots are flexible, green. The leaf arrangement is spiral. Leaves are pinnate, trifoliate.Leaflets are narrowly elliptic, obtuse, ciliate along the edges. The plates on both sides are shiny, dark green in color, on the underside of a lighter color. The shrub jasmine begins to bloom from late May to early July. Flowers of deep yellow color, collected up to 5 pieces in one umbrella. The plant begins to bear fruit at the end of August.

Jasmine Airborne

jasmine airborneJasmine Airborne is a perennial crop. The bush grows up to 2 meters. The branches are straight. The leaves are dark green, decorative. The plant begins to bloom in early July, with a long period of up to 30 days. The flowers are creamy or white and have a pleasant strawberry aroma. The inflorescence of this variety resembles bells in shape, which are located over the entire surface of the branches. Under their weight, the branches tilt downward, which gives the plant a decorative look.

Jasmine Ermine Mantle

jasmine ermine mantleJasmine Ermine Mantle is a variety of garden jasmine. The plant has a compact, deciduous bush, not exceeding 1 m. The foliage is elongated, ovoid, with clearly visible veins. Horticultural crops begin to bloom at the end of May, with a flowering period of 1.5 months. Terry inflorescence is snow-white in color, has a pleasant, sweet aroma that spreads over a long distance.

Jasmine Mont Blanc

jasmine mont blancJasmine Mont Blanc is a French variety. The plant belongs to dwarf crops. The height of the bush reaches no more than 1 meter. Brown shoots are slightly lowered to the bottom. The leaves are small, 3-4 cm. With smooth edges. White flowers of semi-double appearance in dense groups of 5 pieces are located on a short inflorescence. The plant begins to bloom in mid-June, with a duration of 1 month. When flowering, the bush looks completely snow-white.

Under a large number of buds, branches often lean towards the base of the earth. To do this, to make the bush look more elegant, supports are installed under it.

Jasmine Venichny

jasmine crownJasmine Venichny is a deciduous shrub. The plant has a gray, straight trunk. Light green oval leaves, no more than 7 cm long. Simple or double inflorescences of 3-9 pieces, collected in a compact brush. The culture reaches a height of no more than 4 meters. Crown jasmine blooms in mid-June, 2-3 weeks. The petals are white-cream in color, with a pronounced honey aroma.

Having considered the varieties of jasmine that are recommended for growing in Russia, you need to familiarize yourself with the planting rules.

Landing rules

planting jasmineJasmine - ornamental shrubthat can grow on any soil.

But for better survival of the seedling, you need to take into account the following recommendations:

  1. The plant does not like stagnant water. Therefore, a landing site is chosen with a deep groundwater table.
  2. For good rooting, the seedling is planted in late spring or early autumn.
  3. The location of the holes is outlined taking into account the adult plant.
  4. Dig a hole no more than 50 cm.
  5. The soil is fertilized with 30 grams. nitrophoxy.
  6. The seedling is planted only in moist soil.

When planting, the root system must not be deepened by more than 3 cm.

After the work carried out around Jasmine, the soil is well tamped and watered abundantly. It should also be borne in mind that one correct planting is not enough for good plant development. Care and agricultural technology play a big role in the growth and flowering of decorative crops.

Growing features

growing jasmineHaving planted a jasmine shrub on your site, do not forget about its leaving, since its rapid growth and further abundant flowering depend on it.

The main features of growing a shrub include the following work:

  1. Top dressing promotes proper development and good growth. Fertilize the plant a year after planting. Mineral fertilizers in the form of a solution of 15 gr. urea, 30 gr. superphosphate, 15 gr. sulfuric potassium and 10 liters. water is introduced into the soil in early autumn.In the spring, the plant is fed with organic fertilizers with water at a rate of 1: 10.
  2. Crown formation improves the appearance of the plant and promotes abundant flowering Pruning of branches is carried out in early spring. In strong branches, only the tops are shortened, weak shoots are cut in half. It is also necessary to carry out sanitary pruning annually, thinning the bush from excess shoots and wilted flowers. After the work carried out, in order to avoid infection of the plant with fungal diseases, it is recommended to process all sections with garden pitch.
  3. Preparation for the winter period - prevents shrubby jasmine from freezing in severe frosts. To protect the root system, in late autumn the soil around the plant mulch compost or humus. In order to avoid the death of a young culture, the flower itself is completely covered with a covering white material, and fixed so that it does not expose the trunk of the seedling in the winds.

For the good development of the jasmine bush, planting and care should be carried out according to the above technologies. Only in this case will the plant have strong leaves and annual flowering.

Having considered all the characteristics of the variety, the Jasmine garden shrub can be called a visiting card for a personal plot. Ease of planting and maintenance, will save the free time of every gardener. And the enchanting aroma of snow-white decorative flowers will attract the attention of even the most fastidious taster in perfumery.

Meet garden jasmine - video


