Fig Brunswik in the middle lane - is it possible to grow

Tell me, will Brunswick figs grow in the middle lane? We tried to grow this crop several times, but the seedlings froze out. The nursery told us that the variety was simply thermophilic and advised us to try Brunswick. What is the critical temperature for him and how do figs winter?

fig brunswick in the middle lane It is no secret that figs are a very thermophilic culture that came to us from the tropics. For this reason, many believe that he is not able to survive in our climate. But gardeners who grow Brunswick figs in the middle lane have long refuted this misconception. Thanks to the work of breeders, we have obtained varieties with increased winter hardiness. Brunswick is just one of these types of figs. Of course, like many other varieties, it also needs shelter. But the "minus frost threshold" is much lower.

Description of the plant

fig fruits brunswick

Under natural conditions, the tree can grow up to 2 m in height, building up a powerful root system. Its diameter reaches 10 m at a depth of up to 7 m. However, this is unnecessary for cultivated plants. Gardeners are limited to root overgrowth and regularly prune figs to inhibit growth. The variety is distinguished by very beautiful large foliage. Leaf plates up to 25 cm long are deeply divided into lobes. The surface of the leaves is smooth and shiny, but on the reverse side they are soft and covered with short pubescence.

The plant bears fruit with beautiful figs, shaped like pears. They are quite large, about 100 g each, green-brownish in color. On the side where the sun's rays caress the fruit, the figs turn red and even turn purple.

In the southern regions, like other species, Brunswick can produce two crops: in mid-summer and early autumn. The first figs are larger, while the autumn ones weigh on average about 70 g. However, in the middle lane, especially closer to the north, most often fruiting single entry, summer. Due to early frosts, the second wave simply does not have time to mature.

Fig Brunsvik in the middle lane - the pros and cons of the variety

fig hideOf the advantages of the variety, it is worth noting:

  • good taste characteristics;
  • yield;
  • self-fertility;
  • early maturity;
  • increased frost resistance (20 - 27 ° frost).

The disadvantage of Brunswick is one, like all varieties that exist today. Without shelter in the open ground, they all freeze. If severe frosts last for a long time in winter, it is better to grow a tree in a tub and bring it into the basement for the winter. At the same time, the variety is the most resistant among its relatives.

Summer fruiting figs Brunswick - video


