We use the beneficial properties of figs in the fight against severe ailments
For centuries, people have tried to find a "magic" drug that would protect the body from disease. Over time, scientists discovered the beneficial properties of figs - a nondescript exotic fruit. The oblong shape of the berries resembles miniature bulbs or pears. Inside are seeds-seeds, which are scattered throughout the pulp. Fruit color mainly depends on the type of plant. There are both bright yellow and black and blue varieties.
Usually fresh figs are tender and soft. Has no visible damage. When dry, the fruits look like shiny gold coins. Sometimes white bloom is present. However, many of our compatriots do not know what figs are and "what they eat them with." Let's take a closer look at an exotic tree that bears wonderful fruits.
General information and characteristics of the plant
The plant has several names:
- fig tree;
- ficus Karika;
- figs;
- fig tree;
- fig.
Although the tree is known by different names in each country, this does not affect its value to the body. In addition, it is considered a long-liver. For example, a fig tree was found in India, which is believed to be about 3 thousand years old.
The plant is a lush shrub or tree, reaching a height of about 12 m. In nature, it grows on mountain limestone slopes. Indoor version grows up to 1.5 m. The first fruits appear 3 years after planting. Since the plant belongs to the Ficus family, its foliage and shoots secrete a thick white sap.
Ripe fruits have a rich sweet taste that is not lost when dried.
Read also the article: honeysuckle useful properties and contraindications.
A treasure trove of valuable ingredients
Since ancient times, it was believed that figs are an amazingly healthy berry. The famous philosopher Socrates loved to feast on the pulp of a tender fruit, seeing its beneficial effect on the body. He believed that figs cleanse the blood and remove harmful elements from the body. The Greek scientist Galen included figs in a special diet for athletes. Thanks to this, athletes quickly recovered their strength in order to actively participate in competitions. Modern doctors have gone further. With the help of a microscope, they unraveled the secret of the beneficial properties of figs and presented it to all fans of the fruit.
Mainly, it consists of a unique set of chemical compounds:
- proteins (about 3%);
- carbohydrates (70%);
- amino acids;
- glucose;
- sucrose;
- fructose.
In addition, fig contains vitamins of group B, A, PP, folic, ascorbic acid. The invaluable molecules of calcium, iron, phosphorus, and sodium are considered essential building blocks of the human body. Thanks to this set of components, the berry has attracted the attention of not only traditional healers, but also respected doctors.
Fresh fruits contain about 15% sugar. In the dried product, its content increases to 50%.
Deep research by scientists and the beneficial properties of figs for the body
There is an opinion that a person consists of what he eats. If modern products were of high quality, people would not get sick.Fortunately, there is a unique fruit that stimulates the body's defenses. It must be used not only by sick people, but also by those who want to be always healthy. First, let's figure out how figs are useful for the body as a whole. And then, how its valuable elements affect men and women.
The chemical compounds in the fig tree stimulate the immune system. Due to this, during a flu epidemic, it produces components that destroy viruses and microbes. It is especially useful to use figs for the prevention of colds, bronchial asthma, bronchitis.
The valuable properties of figs affect the number of contractions of the heart muscle and restore its rhythm. In the vessels, the cholesterol level is normalized, the hemoglobin parameters increase, the blood thinns. The abundance of vitamins and minerals prevents the formation of malignant tumors.
The potassium contained in berries stimulates acid and water balance in the body. It has an effect on cell renewal inside the body.
Due to the unique properties of figs, the digestion process is improved, which leads to the elimination of constipation and intestinal disorders. The presence of calcium in the product ensures the formation of bone tissue. Figs are used to treat stomatitis, relieve toothache. They remove excess fluid from the body and improve kidney function.
The medicinal properties of figs allow it to be used as a poultice or compresses. The pulp of the fruit is placed in a small gauze bag. Apply to various ulcers and cuts on the skin. As a result, inflammation is relieved and the healing process is stimulated.
The iron molecules found in figs are responsible for the formation of red blood cells and blood clotting.
The invaluable benefits of figs for women
Research by scientists has shown that the beneficial properties of figs have a special effect on the body of the beautiful half of humanity. Regular consumption of the product cleanses the internal organs of toxins and all kinds of toxins. Berry face masks restore and nourish the skin. For this, the product is carefully crushed. Then gently apply to washed and steamed skin. Stand for 15 minutes. Wash off with cold water. After the procedure, the face becomes soft, like a baby's without acne and acne.
In the cold season, the berry helps to restore physical strength after a hard day at work. The delicate sweet taste of figs has a relaxing effect, especially during periods. The presence of folic acid in fruits makes it an indispensable product when a woman is expecting a baby. Thanks to just one fruit, two people benefit at once. If, during pregnancy, a woman regularly eats figs, then the body will receive an abundance of vitamins and minerals. It is better to eat fruits 30 minutes before meals. In some cases - instead of having dinner before bed, but under the supervision of a gynecologist.
In addition, the berry contains a huge amount of vitamin B9. It has a key influence on the formation of the fetus and the preservation of the placenta. Also, figs normalize hemoglobin levels in women who are carrying a child. Often, the laxative effect of berries is used to normalize the intestines.
How sad it is when ladies gain weight, losing their graceful figure. Many still fail to return to their former forms. However, do not neglect your diet. Figs are actively used for weight loss. Even eating one fig can get rid of the unpleasant feeling of hunger for a long time. As a result, the process of parting with extra pounds is much more pleasant.
Before eating, dried fruits should be thoroughly washed with hot water.
The benefits of figs are also seen in the fight against varicose veins. As soon as a mesh of lilac vessels appears on the calves, the ladies begin to sound the alarm. But in order to avoid such a fate, it is enough to include fresh or dried figs in the diet.Over time, the vessels acquire natural elasticity, and the legs do not lose their former beauty.
Exotic fruit and men
The health of the stronger sex directly depends on proper nutrition. Vegetables, fruits, meat and cereals should be included in the daily diet. Men who know what it is - figs, get sick less and remain sexually active longer.
Due to the consumption of the fetus, a number of processes occur in the body:
- the hormone of happiness is produced;
- blood circulation improves;
- an exciting effect occurs in the genitals;
- restoration of strength after intimacy.
Men who like to eat figs have strong teeth and joints. They do not suffer from constipation, do not get anemic. The cardiovascular system of the body works at 100%. If a man gets sick with a cold, a unique decoction, which is prepared quite simply, will help him.
Pour 300 ml of fresh homemade milk into a saucepan and heat it over moderate heat. Then put fig fruits (4 pieces) into the liquid. Bring to a boil, reduce heat. Cook for about 2 hours. The amount of milk should be reduced by 3 times. The container is removed from the stove. Wrap it up with a terry towel until the broth cools completely. This takes about 4 hours. The drink is taken for 10 days (0.5 cups) before meals. The healing properties of figs, which enter the broth, supply the body with the necessary components to fight colds.
Gastrointestinal problems can be solved by preparing a "tasty" medicine from the following components:
- dried figs;
- dried prunes;
- dried apricots;
- honey;
- extract rose hips;
- hay grass;
- raisins.
The fruits are chopped with a blender. The resulting mixture is poured with rosehip extract (100 ml). 200 g of honey and 50 g of hay are added. It is taken in the morning on an empty stomach in a tablespoon, and immediately before bedtime.
Diseases of the gallbladder and liver are treated with a drug using dried figs, lemon, granulated sugar and honey. The ingredients are minced with a meat grinder and then mixed with honey and sugar. Take 2 tablespoons of the drug before meals. As you can see, the healing properties of the wine berry contribute to good health in men.
Possible contraindications
Regardless of gender, consumption of the product is sometimes harmful to the body.
Doctors advise against using figs for people who are diagnosed with:
- stomach ulcer;
- gastritis;
- pancreatitis;
- diabetes;
- gout.
There are other contraindications of the fetus for the human body:
- With low blood clotting, it is better to exclude figs from the diet. Studies have shown that the berry has a thinning property.
- In addition, the increased sweetness of figs provokes an increase in body weight.
- Laxative properties can cause discomfort when traveling or on a long business trip.
- It is dangerous to use the product for people prone to allergic reactions. Redness of the skin, swelling, and a rash can be the onset of serious ailments.
Spicy dishes with wine berries
By far, eating figs fresh is the best option. However, there are many healthy dishes that preserve the valuable qualities of the product. The beneficial properties of figs do not disappear during heat treatment. Let's look at some examples.
Canned stewed meat
The veal is cut into pieces. Spread in a pan and fry until golden brown. Add finely chopped onion and mix. Then pieces of wine are put into the mixture. Stew for 7 minutes. Serve with any side dish or herbs.
Vitamin salad
The figs are finely chopped and placed in a bowl. Sprinkle with arugula on top. Feta slices are added. Season with olive oil.
Curd casserole with berries
On a greased baking sheet, put figs, cut into circles. Spread a mixture of curd mass with spices on top. Bake until brown crust appears.
Intoxicated fig drink
The berries are cut into small pieces. Pour into a glass container.High concentration sugar syrup is prepared. Pour in figs, add wine yeast. Insist 30 days. Remove from the sediment and put in a cool dark place.
The beneficial properties of figs appear only with active and regular consumption. Therefore, it is important to look out for it on supermarket shelves in order to purchase it on time. The plant can also be grown at home. And on the territory of the southern regions, figs are collected directly from trees. In any case, we will use exotic fruits to maintain the body.
Figs really have a lot of useful properties! I just adore him, now is the season! Meat with him and salads are just lick your fingers! And tasty and healthy! But I still can't teach my husband and child to eat ((