Fig peach - a garden tree for a warm climate
Fig peach is a type of fruit tree, as well as nectarine and pubescent. A feature of the variety is the flat, like a fluffy cake, fruits resembling a turnip. This variety of peaches originates from China, and they are called in everyday life: saucer or Fergana peach, but more often, Chinese turnip. Fig peach is distinguished by greater winter hardiness of buds and buds, ripens at the end of August, requires a long, warm summer. Therefore, in the Moscow region, the fruits do not have time to gain taste, to ripen. The fruits are heavy, 90-140 g.
Characteristics of the flat peach
Like other varieties, the fig peach belongs to the Pink family. The disc-shaped fruit resembles a fig, but a peach / fig hybrid is not possible. The tree is cultivated as a peach, a similar agricultural technique, the same diseases and pests. The fruits are different, they have a richer taste and a small pit. Sowing with a bone, however, conveys the maternal properties of the tree. Flat peach is colored in the usual colors - orange and yellow with all shades and red blush. The skin is less pubescent and does not come off the flesh.
The tree can grow up to 5 meters in height, the crown is spreading, the growth is weak. There are already standard forms. The requirements for choosing a warm, light, gentle slope, protected from the north wind, does not differ from relatives. But the tree blooms in mid-April, which is why it leaves the late southern frosts. The leaves of the disc peach are lanceolate, dark green above, the reverse side of the plate is grayish. The flowers are similar to rose hips and have pale pink flowers.
A photo of a fig peach cannot convey the play of the breeze with leaves, the warmth and taste of the fruit.
The description of the fig peach draws attention to its beneficial properties. Fruits contain half of the elements of the periodic table. They are useful for the prevention of cancer, have a low calorie content. Even the smell has a beneficial effect - it helps to ease the depressive state. You can not use this useful fruit for diabetics and those who are allergic to pink fruits.
However, until 2010, the fruits of the fig peach were eaten only by residents of warm regions. They were not transportable. Miraculously, or thanks to GMOs, now they are on the shelves of northern shops and do not deteriorate.
How to grow a fig peach
Gardeners of the southern regions are happy to grow Chinese peaches. The agrotechnology of a plant is no more difficult than for a nectarine or an ordinary garden tree. But the winter hardiness of fruit and leaf buds is higher, the plant is tolerant to major diseases. Disc peach blooms later, it leaves from cold snaps. It needs a lot of warmth; in the southern part of the country, before Voronezh, some peaches have time to ripen. The cost of the fruit of the Chinese peach is 3 times higher than that of others, the yield is excellent.
The disadvantage of disc fruits is considered low keeping quality, poor transportability and a tendency to the rapid development of gray rot, which can leave without a crop.
Flat peach is planted with seedlings from a fruit nursery, or grown from seeds. When choosing a fig peach seedling, you must:
- clarify where the variety was grown and acclimatized in a given area;
- the roots must be alive, free from dry and damaged;
- the bark from the inside should be green, alive;
- the best seedlings are one-year-olds.
The seedling is rooted in a pre-prepared hole in March or at the end of September. Autumn planting is preferred. A fertile substrate is prepared from 2 buckets of organic matter, a liter jar of wood ash, a glass of superphosphate and half a glass of potassium chloride in the fall, sulfuric acid in the spring. The substrate should not directly touch the roots. Chemical fertilizer peas can cause chemical burns. After compaction of the soil, the root collar should remain above the soil. After the seedling is watered, the soil is mulched.
The cultivation of a fig peach is based on the operations:
- watering and feeding;
- shaping and annual sanitary pruning;
- pest prevention and diseases;
- protected from freezing.
The fan formation of the fig peach provides a light flux to each leaf working for the harvest. In the future, the tree needs sanitary and thinning pruning. Pruning should ensure that the branches are fanned out. They are left no longer than 50 cm. Each stump, cut into a ring, is treated with garden pitch on a dry cut.
Peach feeding begins from the second year after rooting. Spring requires mineral and organic nitrogen fertilizers... After harvesting, winter hardiness should be increased by feeding the tree with potash-phosphorus mixtures. Before winter, you can insulate the roots with manure placed in the trunk circle without touching the trunk. Digging the trunk circle will saturate the earth with oxygen.
Four times spring spraying of a tree with a 1% solution of copper sulfate will destroy hibernating spores and mycelium. The schedule of treatments is usual - after the snow melts, by buds, before and after flowering.
Varietal diversity of culture
Let's consider some varieties common in the regions of Russia.
The tree is not tall, the yields are regular. Resistant to major flat peach diseases. The fruits are even, the weight of one berry is 180 g, sweet juicy, the color of the flesh is creamy.
The tree is short, fast-growing. The yield is instantaneous. The fruits weigh 140-150 grams and have a pleasant, sweet and sour taste.
Rich taste, small bones, good harvest - what more could a gardener want! The weight of round saucers is 80-120 grams. The variety does not like transportation, it is not stored for long.
The large-growing variety Saturn of American selection was bred back in 1820, but for its outstanding qualities we are loved by gardeners of all countries.
Modern varieties of fig peaches have several columnar, which are easy to cover for the winter. But in the suburbs, they lack warmth and light for a set of taste. A tender tree is already being cultivated in Voronezh.
I spray peaches once in early spring with 3% Bordeaux and nothing else. They don't get sick. I learned the recipe a long time ago, from the gardeners of Arkhipo-Osipovka, and now I remember them with gratitude.