Planting, care, rules and terms for transplanting irises in the open field

amazingly beautiful iris Irises are a popular garden crop with spectacular flowering and unpretentious nature. Many gardeners are interested in planting and caring for irises in the open field. Velvet multi-colored irises are a perennial plant that serves as a real decoration for a flower garden or flower bed.

Read also the article: when to transplant irises?

Irises - description and features of culture

different varieties of irises in the garden

Irises are short perennials of the rhizome genus. Translated from the Greek word Iris means rainbow. Indeed, more than 700 species of irises are known, differing in size, shape, structure and color of the flower. Outwardly, the iris flower stalk is similar to an orchid, the color of the petals is very diverse - from white and pale to rich and bright. In some varieties, the peduncle is painted with two, three or more flowers, and a peculiar pattern is applied to the lower petals.

The beginning of flowering of irises is May and June, the lush flowering can continue until the end of June. In autumn, the iris can bloom again - in August and September.

The culture has an extensive geography around the world, some varieties are found in the harsh climate of the Northern Hemisphere. In nature, there are rhizome and bulbous irises, which outwardly are absolutely similar to each other. Rhizome irises are stable and unpretentious, winter well and are not afraid of cold weather. Bulbous varieties require a little more care and attention. The wild flower iris has long been loved by flower growers and has become urban. You should learn everything about the care and planting of irises in open ground.

Rules for planting irises in open ground

growing irises in the open fieldRhizome irises prefer a well-lit area where they will bloom beautifully for a long time. For the free spread of the roots, irises need space - at least half a meter from each other. All species love loose, nutrient-rich and oily soil. Planting irises in the spring in the ground is carried out after the compost has been introduced and potash-phosphorus fertilizers... It is not recommended to apply manure.

Soil moisture for each variety needs its own:

  • bearded iris is best planted in a fan on the slopes so that there is a good outflow of rain and melt water;
  • Siberian iris and marsh iris are best grown where it is always damp - near water bodies and in partial shade.

The area for irises is dug up, treated with fungicides against harmful insects, and herbicides to reduce weed growth. For rhizome irises, a neutral soil is preferred. If the soil is acidic, you should mix it with ash, lime or chalk. When planting, the upper kidney remains on the surface of the soil, it is not buried.


distance between iris bushesRhizome varieties - how to plant irises in spring:

  1. A hole is dug under the root, in the center of which a small mound is poured.
  2. The central root should be placed on a mound, and the lateral roots should be distributed to the sides.
  3. The main rhizome is sprinkled with earth, a layer of sand is applied on top, the earth is slightly compacted.
  4. The roots should not be too deep, they should be located close to the soil surface.
  5. Let the central kidney remain free of the ground - above its surface.

Experienced flower growers recommend planting irises in the open ground in spring and summer. During the warm season, the plants have time to fully take root in the soil, due to which they winter without loss and begin to bloom the next year.

Planting bulbous irises

planting iris bulbsBulbous irises - planting and care in the open field:

  1. The bulbs are planted in early spring or autumn before frost.
  2. The soil temperature for planting must be at least 10 °, otherwise the bulbs may freeze.
  3. A shallow trench is dug, the bulbs go deeper into the trench by 3-4 cm, no more.
  4. The total planting depth should be about 10-12 cm.
  5. The excavated soil is mixed with garden soil for nutrition, river sand and crushed coal for drainage, with double superphosphate for growth.
  6. The prepared grooves are disinfected by spilling with a solution of potassium permanganate, and a growth stimulator to strengthen the roots.
  7. Iris bulbs are planted sprout up, not too deep, at a sufficient distance from each other - 15-20 cm.
  8. The soil is poured on top, which should be lightly tamped so that the bulbs do not crawl to the surface.
  9. Re-watering is necessary only after 3-4 days.

Excessive root penetration harms the growth and development of irises, while the soil should not be heavy. For loosening, compost, peat and coarse sand are added to the soil.

Small-bulb varieties of irises are not demanding on moisture. They are buried three times the height of the bulb, and their flowering begins next spring.

Iris Care - Basics and Secrets

watering irisesAccording to experienced flower growers, irises are strong and viable plants that grow and bloom well without fertilization. However, in the third year of life, it is recommended to pamper the flower with a step-by-step complex feeding - in the spring, during the budding period and after flowering. In response to care, the plant will become stronger and stronger, grow faster and bloom more abundantly.

Irises - care in spring:

  • top dressing in a ratio of 2: 1: 1 - nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium;
  • watering depending on the surrounding weather conditions.

During the budding period, fertilizing should be carried out at a ratio of 3: 1: 3 - nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium. In this case, watering and spraying are carried out as needed. A month after the end of flowering, it is recommended to apply top dressing in a 1: 1 ratio - phosphorus plus potassium. In the autumn, before wintering, dry mineral fertilizer should be applied in a tablespoon, scattering it under each root of the plant.

Irises should be watered at the root when the soil around the bush is completely dry. After planting, the plant is watered only three days later.

How to feed irises in spring:

  • if a lack of minerals is noticed, then mineral dressing should be applied personally for each bush;
  • in early spring, a complex nitrogen-potassium-phosphorus fertilizer for flowers is useful for a plant.

Prevention of diseases and pests includes sanitary pruning of dead plant parts, timely removal of wilted peduncles, regular spraying and shower, cleaning the beds from fallen leaves. In the open field, the planting of irises is weeded by hand, the soil is loosened with care and watered as needed. Before winter, the rhizomes are sprinkled with earth and covered, since they are located close to the surface itself and can freeze.

How and when to transplant irises

iris transplantIrises can be planted in three ways - rhizomes, shoots and grown from seeds. Getting plants from seeds is the longest and most difficult way. In practice, it is much easier and faster to grow flowers by dividing the bush and branches. At the same time, plants grown from rhizomes will bloom the next year, and seed plantings will have to wait another 2-3 years.

How and when to transplant irises:

  • the best time for transplanting is early spring, that is, March-April, before flowering;
  • flowers are propagated by dividing rhizomes and sprouts.

Transplanting irises in spring to another place is carried out using only healthy and strong plants that will take root quickly and without problems. The rhizomes are removed from the ground and divided into parts so that each individual root rosette has one leaf bud. Excess foliage should be trimmed.Before planting, the roots are dipped in a potassium permanganate solution for disinfection for several minutes. Dried rhizomes are planted in shallow trenches or small planting holes at a distance of 50-60 cm from each other.

division of the iris bushWhen propagating vegetatively, iris should bloom at least once. After that, until the moment of budding, young shoots can be taken from it. New plants should be rooted from March to May in a shaded place, creating greenhouse conditions. Complete rooting can be observed after 2-3 weeks.

Irises can be grown from seeds. In autumn, seeds are sown in a pot with a sandy substrate, covered with polyethylene or glass. By spring, the seeds will sprout, they are dived and planted in open ground. When to plant irises outdoors in spring? The optimal time for planting in the ground is early spring, the month of March and April. By this time, young plantings have already grown up enough, they will be able to quickly and fully take root in the ground.

Irises in landscape design

round flowerbed with irisesThe high decorative qualities of irises allow them to be planted in flower beds and mixborders, along fences, on flower beds and rockeries... The ideal place for them is on a hill, where there is no stagnation of moisture, and there is no close contact of groundwater. There are short and tall types of irises. Tall plants are usually tied up so that they do not break and hold the bud well. Dwarf irises grow in a solid wall and require periodic pruning and watering in dry weather.

Irises in landscape design photo:clumps of irises along the shore of the reservoir

irises in garden compositions

colorful irises along the garden path

irises in the rock garden

Knowledge of the rules for planting and caring for irises in the open field will make it easy and simple to grow these plants in your garden plot. When you see an iris, you do not want to pick it at all, you want to admire it endlessly, inhaling the delicate and delicate aroma of a flower.

Such different irises on the site - video

  1. Svetlana

    Good article. In the south, there are problems with the absence of winter. The rains turn into icing .. It's scary to cover that they spray.


