We use the beneficial properties of silver loch to improve health

Not many people know about the beneficial properties of silver sucker. In fact, it is a unique plant with many benefits. Each part of the plant has its own unique properties and is successfully used in folk medicine.
Silver goose: feature and composition of the plant

This plant has a rich composition. In the folk all parts of the bush are used in medicine, but berries, leaves and lochworm bark.
Silver loch is a fragrant honey plant that blooms for two months.
The plant includes:
- carbohydrates;
- tannins;
- essential oils;
- steroids;
- acids;
- vitamin C;
- coumarin;
- flavonoids;
- alkaloids.
In the berries of silver loch, protein, phosphorus is present, potassium, tannin, fructose. Ripe fruits are also rich in organic acids.
The plant grows in the form of a spreading bush. The first fruiting can be observed at the 5th year of life. From a young bush you can collect up to 5 kg of berries, and from an adult - about 30 kg. Berries have good taste quality and keep well at room temperature.
Useful properties of silver loch

The plant is very popular all over the world. Its from ancient times used both in cooking and in folk medicine. Fruits and leaves shrub is used as an astringent. Gruel helps to cope with purulent wounds, abscesses. It is due to anti-inflammatory and fast the healing powers that the bush has.
The plant is indispensable for colds, sore throats and fever. It lowers the temperature well and helps get rid of the inflammatory process.
Another important property of a plant is the ability destroy various bacteria, helminths. Only blossoming buds used to restore blood pressure, with cardiovascular diseases. Leaves relieve pain in sciatica and rheumatism.
The infusion from the bark of silvery sucker is irreplaceable remedy for diarrhea. Also, the plant is non-toxic and mild action. Therefore, it is prescribed not only for adults, but also for children.
Loch silvery: application in traditional medicine

Most often, traditional healers use bush berries. In addition to the general strengthening effect, they also improve memory and cope with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Means gargle
This infusion will help not only cope with inflammatory processes that occur in the oral cavity, but also relieve diseases respiratory tract.
To prepare it, you must:
- 1.5 tbsp. l leaves (both fresh and dry);
- 1 tbsp. boiling water.
Put the raw materials in a container and add water. Top tight cover and keep at room temperature for 3 hours. This time will be enough for the plant to give up all its healing substances.
At the end of the time, strain the liquid through cheesecloth. Take 50 ml three times a day. Drink after meals.
Tincture with hypertension

To prepare this miracle cure, you need use only silvery sucker flowers. The buds in this case will not give desired result.
To prepare the infusion, you need:
- 100 g blossoming flowers (dry);
- 1 liter of vodka (no additives).
It is recommended to install the product only in a glass a container that closes tightly and does not allow sunlight to pass through. Keep the liquid must be kept in a cool place for 30 days.
Drink a mixture of 25 drops with water. In this case, the liquid must be clean (filtered) and at room temperature.
Loch silvery for washing wounds
A mixture like this will help to quickly solve the problem of cuts, abscesses. To make a remedy, you need to brew 2 tbsp. l dry or fresh berries of silver loch in 200 ml of water. Simmer 17 minutes. Then remove from the stove and leave at room temperature for 3 hours. Field this mixture is filtered. The wounds are washed with the prepared liquid until they are full healing.
The use of silver loch at temperature and rheumatism

People with rheumatism will need fresh the leaves of the sucker. You only need to use them once. Repeated the use of raw materials will not give the desired result.
To prepare poultices, take 100 g of freshly harvested leaves. For 20 minutes, the raw materials are kept in a water bath, and then put into gauze in the form of a small pad. Apply the workpiece to the sore spot for 30 minutes.
Loch fruits will help get rid of high body temperature silvery. A decoction is made from them according to the recipe for rinsing the mouth. They drink the prepared product or make lotions from it. Do not use the broth more than 3 times a day.
You can keep the finished broth for no longer than two days. After this time, it is recommended to prepare a fresh product.
Loch silver in cosmetology

Baths based on this plant have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and the whole organism. Silver loch does not dry out the dermis, as it happens with other types of herbs, so it is often used for bathing babies. If desired, add a decoction to the bathroom chamomile or other plants.
The plant extract is often used to prepare cosmetics. Lohovik-based ointments fight rashes, redness, dry skin. The essential oils that are in the composition saturate it with all useful substances and give natural color.
At home, it is recommended to cook from leaves a decoction that is used for washing. To do this, you need to brew 2 tbsp. l plants in a glass of water. With the cooled and strained product, wipe the skin before how you go to sleep.
Raw materials should be procured only in dry and calm weather. The collected material is folded into cheesecloth and kept in a dark, well-ventilated place. Store dry workpieces for a period of time in a cloth bag or in a glass jar.
Silver loch is not only a useful plant, but also an excellent shrub for collecting honey by bees. With systematic use, the delicacy will only benefit both adult and children's bodies.