The source of inspiration for poets is carnation
Among the great variety of flowers on our planet, carnation takes a special place. A slender and noble flower has inspired romantic natures for many centuries. Many poems and songs have been written about him. Often in them, the carnation appears as a symbol of nobility, purity and even a companion of worries.
Since ancient times, people have noted the healing properties of a charming flower, so they used it to fight ailments. The plant was credited with miraculous power, which prompted to take it on the road or keep it as a home treasure. In accordance with Greek myths, the flower was considered part of a person and symbolized the manifestation of noble qualities.
A closer look at the noble flower
Interestingly, the flower was called "carnation" by German plant researchers. The reason for this was the exquisite smell that the plant exuded, reminiscent of the oriental spice of the clove tree. In fact, there is nothing in common between plants.
The famous Swedish botanist Karl Liney, delighted with the unusual flower, gave it the name "dianthus". Translated into Russian, it means "divine flower". Today, there are over 300 different types of carnations in their natural environment. They are all classified as annuals, biennials and perennials, which have different characteristics. The only thing that unites them is the splendor of graceful buds.
Considering different plant varieties, biologists have found that carnation flowers are:
- in a single version;
- in the form of a panicle;
- luxurious flap;
- small;
- large;
- simple;
- terry;
- with a pleasant smell;
- no aroma;
- with smooth petals;
- with serrated tips of inflorescences.
The calyx of the bud has the shape of a miniature cylinder. In its upper part there are 5 tiled petals of various colors. They surround ten graceful stamens and one slender pistil. Each petal has a velvet base, the edges of which are decorated with an original fringe. A truly stately flower!
The original shoots of carnations are:
- smooth structure;
- herbaceous character;
- with the presence of nodules;
- single;
- with many branches;
- slightly lignified.
Linear leaves grow on them, located opposite each other of various green shades. In some species they are herbaceous, in others they are dark green. But they are all covered with a bluish-silver bloom.
When the flowering period passes, fruits appear on the plant in the form of miniature bolls. They are filled with a huge amount of shiny black or brown seeds. Interestingly, they can be round, oval or flattened. But this does not in any way affect the germination of seeds, each of them carries information about the original variety of carnation.
The flower is widely used for landscaping garden areas. They are decorated with borders, rock gardens, flower beds and lawns. The plant grows well through the seams of paving slabs, which makes it an indispensable outdoor decor.
Splendor of the kingdom of carnations
Whenever we come across a carnation on the way, we notice their unsurpassed beauty. In nature, there are hundreds of varieties of this wonderful flower. Considering some of them, you can appreciate the regal plant.
Carnation herb
Despite the stately beauty of garden flowers grown to decorate lawn beds, wild varieties are no less attractive. Carnation herb has been used as a garden decoration for a long time. Historians say that it was grown in the flower beds of the famous monarchs of Europe even before our era.
A perennial plant has been successfully developing for 6 years in one area of the garden. It has many shoots about 40 cm long, covered with small, thorny foliage. The width of the leaf plate is microscopic - up to 1 mm. From the outside it seems that these are just green needles. In fact, they are not prickly, but rather soft to the touch. Each stalk is crowned with a small inflorescence of different shades. The most common buds are light pink and purple in color.
In places where carnation herb grows, the soil is completely covered with a bright floral carpet. It is for this property that this cute herbal plant is valued.
In warmer latitudes of the planet, carnations begin to bloom on the 15th of June. Stable warm weather promotes flowering of the plant for 45 days. For most of the summer, you can enjoy the lush bloom of the green carpet.
Turkish carnation
Often this type of plant is called "bearded", for its original buds with "cilia". The Turkish carnation shown in the photo has straight stems with small nodules. They are located along the entire length of the shoot, up to 75 cm high. Narrow lanceolate leaves are green with a reddish or blue tint.
The numerous fragrant buds of the Turkish carnation are simple or double. They are collected in corymbose bouquets of the following shades:
- white;
- cream;
- pink;
- red;
- lilac;
- motley.
The plant blooms in the middle of summer, delighting its fans until the beginning of autumn. Many varieties of Turkish carnations are used in gardening.
If there is a desire to grow this type of flower in a summer cottage, an important fact should be considered. Mostly biennials are used in gardening. Therefore, in the first season, only a near-root outlet will take root in the garden. The buds will appear only after a year.
Carnation Shabo
The original plant of the presented species appeared thanks to the well-coordinated work of breeders. According to some reports, the plant was bred by a French pharmacist named Chabo in the 19th century. Today it is widely used in horticulture in Europe, Asia and northern Africa. It takes root well on fertile soils with drainage.
Carnation Shabo is a flower bush with a strong rhizome. Shoots with nodules up to 60 cm high emerge from it. From bottom to top, they are covered with narrow bluish-green leaf plates, about 12 cm long.
At the tips of graceful shoots in the middle of summer, terry or semi-double buds of the following color bloom:
- white, milky, beige;
- yellow, lemon, orange;
- pale and bright pink;
- red and scarlet and bloody.
Shabo carnation petals are characterized by a corrugated surface with jagged edges. The most popular mid-latitude hybrids are:
- Jeanne Dionysus;
- Pink Queen;
- Aurora;
- Fiery King;
- Champagne.
Since the plant does not require much effort to grow, many gardeners love it.
Chinese carnation
In its natural environment, the flower is found on rocky soils of the North Chinese, Korean and Mongolian steppes. Cultivated species are planted to decorate the design of backyard areas, in city parks and on street beds.
Chinese carnation belongs to perennial shrub flowers that grow up to 50 cm in height.
Numerous knotty shoots are covered with narrow leaves. Sometimes, due to their length, they curl slightly, which gives them a special decorative effect.
Large buds are located at the tips of erect stems. They are usually solitary and are colored pink, white and burgundy. The petals are most often terry. The tips are serrated with unusual edging. Blossom in early June and bloom magnificently until early August.
Pinnate carnation
A delicate perennial plant that grows in nature on the mountain slopes and hills of European countries, attracts the views of many people. Pinnate carnation has a fibrous root and erect shoots with small nodules. Small green needle-shaped leaves are alternately located on them.
Inflorescences are simple or double. In a single version or in the form of loose umbellate inflorescences. They are found in color:
- pink;
- white;
- purple;
- red.
The surface of the petals is originally dissected to almost half of their height. This bud character makes the carnation unique and attractive. Carnation blooms in the first month of summer and continually pleases its fans until its very middle. The flower is used to decorate city flower beds and parks.
Needle-leaved carnation
This amazing perennial flower variety has a tap root system that can grow rapidly. The result is cushion-shaped flowering miniature shrubs. Needle-leaved carnation grows naturally in river valleys and steppes, on rocky hills and rocks.
The peculiarity of the species is the presence of rigid sheet plates. On average, their length reaches 30 mm, and their width is only 1 mm. Despite such small leaves, the buds of the plant are large and fragrant. They are collected in paniculate corymbose inflorescences. The buds appear in early summer and continue to bloom until mid-July.
Sand carnation
An unusual perennial flower has powerful underground roots that release non-flowering shoots outside. The buds are formed on tall, slightly branching peduncles 30 cm long. Each petal of sand carnation inflorescence is deeply dissected and resembles a lush fringe. Flowers are painted in pale pink or white.
The plant is found in central and eastern Europe, in the Caucasus and in the Primorsky Territory. It blooms for a long time - from early June to September. It is used to decorate city flower beds, in suburban areas and green areas of the suburban area.
Garden carnation (Dutch)
The group of plants includes tall varieties of carnations, reaching a height of 80 cm. On a high erect stem, you can see awl-shaped green leaves. Large buds of a garden carnation form a lush cap of different shades. Some variants are distinguished by single colors. For 6 centuries, breeders have bred new varieties of garden carnation, so today there are a huge number of them.
One of them is a bushy branched variety. It is distinguished by fragrant flowers, which are:
- white;
- red;
- pink.
The bush carnation grows up to 60 cm, so it is often used to form bouquets. It blooms for 4 months, after which a fruit full of seeds appears.
Field carnation
This cute perennial plant grows almost throughout Europe. Occurs in forest glades and wide wet meadows. The field carnation has a strong root system, from which branching erect shoots with a height of about 40 cm emerge. Their tops are decorated with single simple buds. Delicate petals are slightly corrugated. The edges are jagged, which looks very cute.
Carnation blooms from the first days of summer. The last buds appear in mid-August. Thus, the plant opens its eyes for almost a whole season.
Lush carnation
Lush carnation is distinguished by a special flavor, because its thin petals sway gracefully when a light breeze appears. It grows to a height of 50 cm. Its slender stems are covered with lanceolate leaves, on which thin veins are visible.
Delicate buds are colored white or purple. The edges of the petals are finely cut, which gives the flower a special charm. The flower is used in the formation of landscape design, since the white carnation is originally combined with other garden flowers. During flowering, the plants emit a pleasant smell, which brings people real affection for the nature of a country house.
Rules for planting a cute flower
Having considered the most popular varieties of carnations, you will notice that this flower is widely used to decorate summer cottages. But, despite the sophistication of the cultivated species of this plant, wild varieties are valued no less. Among them are herb carnation and garden carnation. Having grown these varieties in a front garden in the country, you can add notes of pristine nature to your mini landscape.
Planting and caring for a perennial herb carnation, a photo of which helps to see it in all its glory, includes the following works:
- sowing seeds;
- cuttings method;
- timely watering:
- top dressing of the soil.
Before sowing wild carnation seeds, it is important to prepare the soil. To do this, it is disinfected with special means to kill possible pests in it. Then, sand is added to the soil, mixed and filled into small containers. After that, you can sow herbal cloves. Contain pots better in a warm room at a temperature not lower than 16 degrees. When the sprouts rise and get stronger, they are planted in a permanent place in the country landscape.
Soil preparation and sowing of seeds begins in early May. This ensures that the seedlings will be ready for summer when the threat of frost is minimized.
Planting a herb carnation by cuttings involves the following techniques:
- grafting;
- reproduction using layering;
- division of bushes.
Cuttings begin at the beginning of summer, choosing suitable plants. They should be up to 10 cm long. Make a cut at an angle, remove the lower leaf plates and place the cutting in a container with soil. After abundant watering, the container is covered with foil or agrofibre. When the seedling hardens, it is planted on the site.
The method of planting a herb carnation using layering is not often used, because this requires very long plant stems. If there are any, an incision is made in the internode and buried in soil. As a result of abundant watering, roots will grow at the cuttings. Now it can be dug up and planted in a new area.
Dividing the herb carnation bush is perhaps the best option for planting a plant. This method is quite simple: a part of the bush is split off and planted in a new territory. Abundant watering and carnations are already growing in the front garden.
In order for the plant to bloom in the first year of transplantation, the process of dividing the bushes is best done in the second decade of March.
Since the carnation herb is an unpretentious plant, it is enough to provide it with timely watering and regular fertilizing of the soil. The main condition is to control humidity so that the roots of the carnation do not rot.
In a similar way, the planting and care of the perennial garden carnation is carried out. In order for the plant to bloom as long as possible in the summer cottage, it is better to plant it in sunny places. Timely feeding and regular watering will provide the plant with comfortable prosperity for the entire season. In addition, it is advisable to remove faded buds from the shoots to allow the plant to take root. In winter, the garden carnation is covered, especially if there is little snow in the region.
Then a red carnation will always flourish in the country in landscape design - a symbol of kindness and true love.