Medicinal properties of badan and contraindications for use
Badan or bergenia is a herbaceous perennial plant from the Kamnelomkovy family that can be seen in parks, gardens and squares. The unique medicinal properties of badan have led to its wide popularity not only in gardening and floristry, but also in herbal medicine. The leaves and roots of the plant have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and hemostatic effects. That is why badan is a part of traditional medicine recipes for the treatment and prevention of a wide range of diseases.
Botanical description
The average height of badan can reach 50-70 cm. The plant has a creeping, creeping root of a rich brown color with a branched structure. The stem is red or pink, thick.
Depending on the plant variety, the leaves can be oval or round, with a matte or glossy surface. Badan blooms with light pink, lilac or lilac flowers of small size, located on elongated petioles. Bergenia blooms can begin in mid-spring or summer.
The natural "homeland" of the plant is China, Kazakhstan and some regions of Central Asia. This herbaceous plant can be most often seen in clearings, in forests, on mountain slopes.
Biochemical composition of badan
In alternative medicine, the leaves and rhizome of badan are used, which include several dozen biologically active components.
Badan contains:
- vitamin C;
- iron, manganese, copper and copper;
- tannins;
- phytoncides;
- flavonoids;
- isocoumarins;
- catechins;
- essential oils;
- glycosides;
- polyphenols;
- carbohydrates;
- glucose;
- starch.
Badan root contains an increased dosage of arbutin, a substance among the most powerful antioxidants.
An important feature of the plant is that it retains all the medicinal properties and beneficial substances in its composition even after heat treatment.
The healing properties of badan for the body
Due to its extremely rich composition, badan has a complex effect on the human body. Herbal tinctures, decoctions, extracts and infusions have a pronounced astringent, antimicrobial, diuretic, wound healing and antipyretic effect.
Herbal preparations, which include badan, have a number of medicinal properties:
- stop bleeding and accelerate wound healing;
- normalize blood pressure;
- fight inflammatory and infectious processes;
- eliminate headaches and migraine attacks;
- strengthens the walls of blood capillaries, improves their tone and elasticity;
- removes excess fluid from the body, fights edema and prevents its appearance.
Due to its medicinal properties, badan is used to enhance immunity, since this herb has an immunomodulatory effect, increasing the body's resistance to infections, viruses and pathogenic microorganisms.
For men
Badan is irreplaceable for the male body.Decoctions, teas and infusions of this plant are useful for drinking with erectile dysfunction. It effectively increases potency. Thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties, herbal remedies based on bergenia eliminate congestion in the pelvic area, which has a positive effect on erection.
The composition of badan includes an increased dosage of the antioxidant arbutin, which has an antiseptic effect.
That is why natural extracts and extracts of badan are contained in many medicines intended for the treatment of prostate adenoma and a number of other urological diseases.
Rinsing hair with a decoction or infusion of badan will help men solve the problem of premature baldness. These herbal remedies strengthen hair follicles, reduce hair loss and activate microcirculation, stimulating the growth of new hairs.
For women
Herbal preparations with bergenia are very popular among women, as this herb is considered one of the fastest and most effective in gynecological diseases.
Badan decoction is used in the complex treatment of fibroids, inflammatory processes in the ovaries, erosion of the cervix, colpitis, fibroids, erosion of the cervix. Douching and sitz baths with this remedy often complement drug therapy.
To prepare a decoction, pour 10 tablespoons of pre-crushed raw materials with 2 glasses of water and place in a water bath for 25-35 minutes. Strain the finished broth through cheesecloth folded in several layers and use for daily douching.
Decoctions and infusions of bergenia are no less useful for too abundant, prolonged and painful menstruation. This herb reduces the unpleasant symptoms of PMS and normalizes the menstrual cycle.
The healing properties of badan for children
Badan decoctions, infusions and teas effectively fight diseases of the upper respiratory tract, colds. They strengthen children's immunity and increase the body's resistance to viruses and pathogens.
Due to its medicinal properties, badan is recommended by traditional medicine to combat stool disorder in a child. To prepare medicinal tea, pour a teaspoon of chopped plant foliage with boiling water and leave to infuse for 15-20 minutes. The prepared drink should be given to the child throughout the day instead of tea.
All herbal remedies, which include badan, can be used for children over 7 years old and only after prior consultation with a pediatrician.
For pregnant and lactating women
Badan is a medicinal plant containing a huge amount of biologically active substances that can cause various disturbances in the digestive system, as well as lead to upset stools.
Badan during pregnancy can provoke hormonal fluctuations in the body, tachycardia, shortness of breath, deterioration of the nervous system - nervousness, anxiety, sudden mood swings. Therefore, women during pregnancy and breastfeeding should refuse such herbal remedies.
In some cases, herbal remedies based on badan can be used to prevent uterine bleeding in pregnant women. But in such cases, treatment is carried out under medical supervision.
The healing properties of badan in cosmetology
Due to its pronounced anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and cleansing properties, badan has found wide application also in the field of cosmetology. Herbal remedies based on it are great for oily, problem skin prone to regular redness, breakouts and acne.
To prepare the remedy, dry the bergenia root and grind in a coffee grinder to a powdery state.Pour two tablespoons of this mass with a glass of medical alcohol, vodka or moonshine, cork tightly and place in a dark place to infuse for 6-8 days.
The prepared alcoholic tincture of badan is used for lotions for pustular rashes, seborrheic dermatitis. It normalizes the production of sebum and reduces the unpleasant greasy luster of the facial skin.
The lotion is applied to the cleansed face for 10-15 minutes, after which the remnants of the product are washed off with plenty of warm water. Then apply a nourishing or revitalizing cream to the skin, as the alcohol base of the tincture dries the skin.
Decoctions and infusions of badan can be used as a tonic for the face. A natural herbal remedy has a positive effect on the skin:
- clears from acne and pustules;
- improves complexion, fights redness and age spots;
- narrows skin pores, making them less visible;
- reduces the number of black points;
- stimulates the natural renewal and regeneration of skin cells.
Badan is no less useful for hair. Alcoholic tincture of the plant activates blood circulation in the scalp, strengthens hair follicles, reducing hair loss. To do this, the herbal remedy must be evenly distributed over the scalp along the partings, insulated with a shower cap or plastic wrap and left for 25 minutes. After that, you need to thoroughly rinse your hair with your usual shampoo.
When using alcohol tincture of badan, it must be borne in mind that this tool is not suitable for dry skin and hair, as it dries them even more. In such cases, it is better to replace the alcoholic tincture with broths and water infusions of bergenia.
The use of badan in traditional medicine
Decoctions, infusions, alcoholic tinctures from the leaves and rhizomes of badan are widely used in folk medicine for the treatment and prevention of many diseases. In many recipes, other parts of the medicinal plant are used - flowers, stems.
The use of badan in fitotherapyand:
- gynecological diseases - fights against erosive processes, normalizes the menstrual cycle, is part of the complex treatment of fibroma, colpitis, fibroids;
- gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontal disease and other dental diseases;
- hemorrhoids - eliminates soreness, swelling and redness, reduces hemorrhoidal bleeding;
- arterial hypertension - bergenia lowers blood pressure, improves the condition of blood vessels;
- intestinal infections accompanied by infectious diarrhea;
- pulmonary tuberculosis;
- respiratory tract diseases - tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis;
- headaches, dizziness attacks;
- diseases of the digestive system;
- rheumatism.
Badan is used not only for oral administration, but also for external use. Bergenia root, ground to a powder, helps in the treatment of various wounds, cuts, abrasions and skin lesions.
This remedy cleans the wound from pus, has an antimicrobial effect, preventing its infection and accelerating the healing of injuries.
For the preparation of medicinal broths, you can use both the leaves and the berry root. This part of the herb contains a huge amount of active substances that normalize blood pressure, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular, endocrine and nervous systems. A decoction of badan root helps with heavy uterine bleeding, menstrual irregularities and many gynecological diseases.
Preparation of a decoction from bergenia root:
- dry the root of the plant and grind to a powder state;
- Pour 2 tablespoons of plant materials with 2 cups of boiling water;
- place over medium heat and boil until boiling;
- after the liquid has boiled, reduce heat to low and simmer for another 20-25 minutes;
- filter the liquid through cheesecloth or a sieve.
Badan decoction should be taken three times a day, one tablespoon, preferably 25-35 minutes before meals.
This herbal remedy can be used to treat and prevent dental diseases, inflammation and bleeding of the gums. In such cases, the broth is prepared more saturated, at the rate of 4 tablespoons of crushed root for 2 glasses of water.
Badan tinctures can be based on both alcohol and water. They are used in the treatment of gastritis with high or low acidity, kidney stones, wound healing, bruises and cuts.
Pour 30 g of crushed rhizomes of the plant with 200 ml of medical alcohol, tightly seal the container with the product and leave for 30 days in a dark and warm place to infuse. Every 2 days, the container with the tincture must be shaken well. Alcohol tincture of badan should be taken 10 drops of badan twice a day, morning and evening.
Bergenia tincture can also be prepared on a water basis. This herbal remedy is used to treat both adults and children. To prepare it, pour 1 tablespoon of crushed rhizomes with 400 ml of boiled water, leave to infuse in a thermos for 3 hours. Take 50 ml of tincture for kidney disease three times throughout the day.
Badan tea is a natural source of nutrients necessary for the human body. This drink with a pleasant herbal taste has antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and immunomodulatory effects.
Useful properties of badan tea:
- accelerates the treatment of pneumonia;
- strengthens the walls of blood capillaries, improves their tone and elasticity;
- fights against many gynecological diseases and prevents their development;
- normalizes stool, helps with intestinal disorders accompanied by diarrhea;
- improves the functioning of the nervous system, normalizes sleep, and reduces the negative effects of stress.
The classic recipe for making medicinal tea uses the leaves of a herbaceous plant that spent the winter under the snow (including blackened ones). Pour the crushed raw materials into a small ceramic container, pour 2 cups of boiling water, cover and leave to infuse for 15-25 minutes.
Various additives can be added to berry tea - a slice of lemon, ginger root, honey. They not only improve the taste of the drink, making it softer and more pleasant, but also increase the effectiveness of the herbal remedy.
Medicinal properties of bergenia and powder from its roots
Dry powder made from crushed roots of badan is a universal remedy on the basis of which herbal decoctions and infusions are prepared. This remedy is used for the treatment and prevention of dental, urological, gynecological, colds and many other diseases.
You can prepare the powder from the useful rhizome yourself. It should be stored in a dark and dry place, in a paper bag or sack made of chintz, linen or other fabric. In this form, badan powder does not lose its unique medicinal properties and can be stored for at least 3-4 years.
With endemic goiter
Badan in the form of decoctions and infusions is widely used in herbal medicine for the treatment and prevention of endemic goiter:
- 2 tablespoons of dried and crushed leaves of badan pour 500 ml of boiling water;
- leave the infusion for 15 minutes;
- place on low heat and simmer for 25-35 minutes.
Filter the prepared broth through a gauze cloth folded in several layers and drink ½ cup 3-4 times during the day.
With a runny nose and diseases of the ENT organs
Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, badan effectively fights against rhinitis and respiratory diseases - angina, laryngitis, pharyngitis.
The most effective is a decoction made from a herbal mixture consisting of bergenia, elecampane and St. John's wort:
- chop and mix all the herbs;
- pour a tablespoon of plant materials with 200 ml of water;
- place the product on low heat and boil for 20-25 minutes;
- Leave the finished broth warm for 24 hours.
An herbal decoction for the treatment of rhinitis and diseases of the ENT organs is recommended to take 2 tablespoons twice a day, morning and evening.
With uterine fibroids
Badan is one of the most effective medicinal plants for uterine fibroids. Douching and baths with this herb stop uterine bleeding and prevent their reappearance, reduce erosion and inflammation.
To treat uterine fibroids and improve the condition of the endometrium, a decoction of bergenia is used, prepared from dry, crushed leaves and water, taken in a ratio of 1:10.
Dental diseases
The healing properties of badan are often used to solve dental problems. Badan decoction helps in the treatment of periodontal disease, gingivitis, stomatitis. Gargling with this herbal remedy reduces gum redness, swelling, and bleeding, and prevents tooth decay and other dental problems.
To prepare the broth, grind the berry rhizome. Then pour 230 ml of boiling water over 3 tablespoons of the resulting raw material. Place the mixture over low heat and simmer until the liquid is halved.
Strain the cooked broth, cover and leave to infuse for 30-35 minutes. Use as a mouthwash in the morning and evening.
Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
Badan is often used by herbalists to treat colitis, enterocolitis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
The preparation is very simple. Pour two tablespoons of dried and grated badan root with a cup of boiling water and simmer over low heat for 20-25 minutes. Take the strained broth in a tablespoon three times a day.
The healing properties of badan for stool disorder
The badan contains a large amount of tannins. They normalize bowel movements, helping fight diarrhea in adults and children. In such cases, aromatic and healthy tea is prepared.
Healing tea for children - pour one teaspoon of rhizomes, crushed to a powdery state, with a cup of boiling water. Leave to infuse for half an hour. Strain the finished drink and give the child 150-180 ml twice a day, morning and evening. If badan tea is prepared for adults, the portion of herbal raw materials should be doubled.
For the treatment of diarrhea in adults, you can prepare for only an infusion, but also a decoction of bergenia. For this purpose, pour 220 ml of boiling water over a tablespoon of dry crushed plant materials. Transfer to a small saucepan and simmer for a few minutes. Take the strained broth, 30 ml three times a day, and also after each visit to the toilet.
Wounds and abrasions
Badan helps with various wounds, cuts, abrasions and other skin lesions. This remedy is used for purulent wounds - it removes accumulated pus, cleans and disinfects the damaged area of the skin. The medicinal plant prevents infected wounds and accelerates tissue repair.
For the treatment of wounds, you can use both the infusion and the dried root of the plant. For the preparation of the infusion, 2 tablespoons of crushed berry leaves. Pour 600 ml of boiling water, cover with a lid and leave to infuse for 5-7 hours. This infusion can be used for lotions, washing wounds with compresses.
Badan root is considered an equally effective wound-healing agent. It needs to be dried, grinded or ground in a coffee grinder to a powder state. Sprinkle the powder over wounds, abrasions and cuts.
Possible harm and contraindications
Despite its many medicinal properties, bergenia can be harmful to human health.Therefore, before using a medicinal plant, you must definitely familiarize yourself with the main contraindications.
Contraindications to the use of badan:
- a tendency to chronic constipation;
- coronary heart disease;
- arrhythmia;
- tachycardia;
- impaired blood clotting;
- liver disease in the acute stage;
- low blood pressure.
The medicinal plant in any form must not be used in case of an allergic reaction or individual intolerance.
Badan is an attractive perennial plant. He not only decorates many parks, squares and household plots, but is also used in the field of traditional medicine. It has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and antipyretic properties. Broths and infusions of badan strengthen the immune system, improve the functioning of the digestive system. In order not to harm your health, it is best to consult a doctor before using any herbal remedies with berry.