We study the varieties of calla lilies - flowers for the bride
Calla flowers are a popular ornamental plant in gardens, greenhouses and pot culture. Calla lilies belong to the genus Zantedeschia, a perennial herb of the aroid family. The popular name of the flower is calla. This apt word accurately reflects the appearance of the culture - a large wide petal-bedspread is most often white and looks like a bird's wing. The flower comes from equatorial and southern Africa. There it grows in swampy places.
General description of calla lilies
Callas are grown in greenhouses and are common in indoor floriculture. Many varieties are suitable for cutting, as they can stand in a bouquet for up to a month.
Callas are poisonous plants due to their high calcium oxalate content.
The whole plant is poisonous. If calla juice gets on the mucous membranes, pain and irritation occur, swelling and subsequent severe allergic reaction are possible. Contact dermatitis may appear on the skin from flower sap. It should be taken care of very carefully, avoiding the contact of juice on the skin.
Calla lilies can be propagated by seeds, but most often it is done vegetatively - by dividing the root.
Calla lilies need a rest period for regular flowering. It lasts from two to six months.
During this period, colored species shed their leaves and completely stop growing, and white calla lilies do not lose their decorative effect, but they stop developing. During the dormant period, colored varieties are stored in a cool place in the form of a dormant tuber, and white varieties are limited to watering.
The following types of calla lilies are common in indoor floriculture:
- calla lilies;
- calla Remani;
- calla Picasso;
- calla Ethiopian.
Photos of calla flowers are striking in a variety of shapes and colors. Among them there are snow-white specimens, yellow, red, purple and almost black. The two-tone varieties are especially beautiful when the flower has different shades at the base and edges.
Calla Elliott "Zantedeschia elliottiana"
Calla Elliott is distinguished by large leaves with white spots and flowers in two shades. The plant is tuberous, it is better to propagate it vegetatively. The variety loves good care - a lot of light, warmth, frequent watering.
The most famous varieties of calla lilies:
- "Vermeer" - is highly decorative. The leaves are carved, wavy at the edges, covered with white specks. At the stem, a burgundy calla flower, closer to the edges, smoothly turns into white.
- "Yellow corner" - the green stem gradually changes color to yellowish. The cover of the flower is pale yellow, sunny shade. The variety looks great with bright speckled leaves.
- "Black-eyed beauty" - a wide light yellow petal has a deep purple center and a corn-yellow stamen. The leaves are dark, covered with large white irregular specks.
Calla rehmannii
Calla Remani belongs to the undersized species. Plants reach a height of no more than half a meter. It has narrow green leaves that it sheds for the winter. Propagated by tubers, popular in indoor floriculture.
Known varieties:
- "Evening" - this is the name given to the calla variety with dark purple, almost black flowers.
- "Indian Summer" is an unusual and rare variety of red calla lilies with a pomegranate hue.
- "Chameleon" - fully justifies its name - the flowers shine with all shades of peach and golden tones. The dark green leaves are covered with white dots.
- "Picasso" is a variety of calla lilies 35-45 cm high. Large burgundy flowers with a light border bloom in July-September and bloom for up to one and a half months.
- Black Forest - the variety has large flowers in the shape of a candle in a burgundy-purple hue.
- "Anneke" - beautiful funnel-shaped flowers of pink-purple hue.
Calla Ethiopian (Zantedeschia aethiopica)
Calla Ethiopian is the largest variety of zantedeschia for indoor cultivation. This species has large heart-shaped leaves and funnel-shaped inflorescences. During the dormant period, the foliage remains bright green, which increases the decorative effect of the species.
The most famous varieties of Ethiopian calla lilies include:
- "Green Goddess" is a variety with white-green flowers and a short lemon-colored stamen.
- "Childsiana" - the variety blooms profusely with snow-white flowers with an orange center.
- "Amethyst" - a variety of purple calla is distinguished by its considerable height and delicate aroma.
- "Pearl" - a tall variety with light green leaves, flowers are large, white, fragrant, greenish on the outside. Suitable for bouquets.
- Albomakulata is a large white flower shaped like a candle and a light vanilla aroma.
- Captain Chelsea is a lovely two-tone variety. The bedspread is burgundy with a golden border. The leaves are dark green with silvery dots.
- "Little Jam" - calla has white flowers of the original appearance. In a flower that has not bloomed to the end, the petal twists like a funnel, in the middle there is a bright yellow stamen. On the edge of the petal there is a greenish outgrowth-claw.
How to plant calla lilies
Purchased tubers should first be held in potassium permanganate diluted to pink color, and then put in a solution of Kornevin stimulant or any other for a couple of hours. The plant requires a fairly large amount of land - about 2.5 liters per tuber. Drainage is poured at the bottom of the pot, then nutrient soil. The calla tuber is smooth below and has small bulges in the upper part. The tuber should be laid with the smooth part down in the moistened ground.
The planting should be shallow, the tuber is only covered with a layer of earth no more than 1-2 cm.Otherwise, there is a great risk of root decay.
Immediately after planting, the calla is not watered, the pot is left in a warm place without drafts. In the future, calla flowers need regular watering. Also, the plant needs to be fed. complex fertilizer for flowers.