How to use Prima herbicide correctly to achieve the desired result
The herbicide Prima has long won its place in the domestic market. The action of the drug is aimed at destroying weeds. It refers to multicomponent selective (selective action) agents that affect some plants and do not harm others. The herbicide successfully fights against more than 160 types of weeds, protecting them from them throughout the season.
Description, composition, mechanism of action
The preparation contains several active ingredients:
- ester 2,4-D;
- florasulam.
The tool has a wide range of applications. It is aimed at destroying annual and perennial dicotyledonous grasses, including those resistant to 2,4-D. The drug suppresses well the growth and development of overgrown plants. Its effect is noticeable on the second day after treatment. Weed death occurs after 2-3 weeks. It is a postemergence herbicide for weed control in cereals and corn.
Description of the herbicide Prima: concentrated emulsion, packaged in containers of 100 ml (for small areas) and 5 liters each.
Prima is non-toxic to fish, bees and soil microorganisms. Low toxicity for birds and mammals.
After treatment, the active components of the drug begin to affect weeds, penetrating and blocking the process of cell division and oxygen access. Substances disperse as quickly as possible in structure weed and lead to the death of its root system.
Benefits of Prima herbicide
One of the important advantages of the drug is the ability to use it along with other herbicides, as well as fertilizers and growth regulators. The exception is drugs that contain fenoxaprop and clodinafop.
The rest of the benefits of the funds include:
- complete destruction of hard-to-eradicate weeds;
- high efficiency due to two active substances in the composition;
- accelerated absorption of Prima herbicide components by weed cells;
- visible effect within a few days after application;
- preservation of soil microflora;
- selective impact;
- lack of addictive effect;
- can be used at temperatures from 5 ° C.
However, the herbicide Prima also has negative characteristics. For example, the drug cannot be used at sub-zero temperatures. In addition, the product can be toxic to humans in case of errors during application and preparation of the working mixture.
Prima herbicide can be used simultaneously with fungicides and insecticides by mixing them in one sprayer. Its compatibility with growth promoters and some fertilizers has also been confirmed.
Solution preparation and consumption rates
According to the instructions for use for the Prima herbicide, the working solution must be prepared immediately before processing. Initially, it should be carefully mixed in the package so that no sediment remains at the bottom. Fill the container 1/3 with clean water, add the required amount of the drug (for one-time filling of the sprayer) and mix. Add water to full volume.
The preparation of the working fluid, the filling of the sprayer, should be carried out on separate sites, which subsequently must be rendered harmless, since the drug has a 2-3 hazard class.
The consumption rate of the product in relation to corn crops is 0.4-0.6 (200-400 l / ha of working composition) once, subject to spraying at the time of formation of 3-5 leaf plates of the culture and the initial stage of weed growth.
When the crops are exposed to the herbicide at the stage of appearance of 5-7 leaves of the culture, if the tenacious bedstraw prevails or the treatment was not performed earlier - 0.5-0.6 l / ha (solution consumption 200-400 l / ha).
For spring barley, rye, wheat, the consumption rate of the product is 0.4-0.6 l / ha (200-400 l / ha of working solution). Processing should be carried out in the tillering phase of cereals and the early stage of weed development, while winter crops should be processed in the spring.
When spraying cereals in the phase of coming out into the tube, if the tenacious bedstraw predominates on the treated area, if the treatment has not been performed earlier, the consumption rate will be 0.6 l / ha (200-400 l / ha of liquid).
The duration of the protective effect after spraying directly depends on the weed growing in the area and the climatic conditions. As a rule, it takes about 3 weeks from the moment of treatment to the complete destruction of vegetation. Cultivated plants are protected throughout the growing season.
Features of use
Processing must be carried out in the morning or in the evening. It is desirable to apply the agent at an early stage of weed development, but the herbicide is also effective against mature plants.
The liquid should be used immediately after mixing. The finished liquid cannot be stored. It is advisable to use this drug once a season, but if necessary, the procedure can be repeated, but not earlier than after a couple of weeks.
During the preparation of the working fluid, the spraying procedure, protective clothing, high rubber gloves and goggles should be used. A respirator is advisable, especially for allergy-prone people. After work, clothes should be washed and showering with soap.
If the solution gets on the skin, mucous membranes, it is necessary to quickly rinse the contact points with warm running water. If there are signs of poisoning, you must drink activated charcoal.
The product must not be used in the presence of children and pets, as well as near open flames. Despite the fact that the active substances of the herbicide are not toxic to bees, you should not use it during the period of pollination of the culture.
Shelf life and storage conditions
The product is stored in a cool, dark place for 3 years from the date of release, without opening the sealed original packaging. It should be placed separately from food, medicines. The access of children to this place should be limited. The optimum storage temperature is up to 20 ° C.
The herbicide has long established itself as a tool that can begin to affect weeds in a short time. Moreover, it has a selective effect and is harmless in relation to corn and cereals. The drug is classified as hazard class 2-3, therefore, if used incorrectly, it can negatively affect health. When working with a solution, it is important to follow the recommendations.