Impossible is possible or How to get rid of ants in the garden

Advise how to get rid of ants in the garden? At first they settled among the strawberry beds, and now we have almost no harvest. But these small predators have become few. M ants expanded their possessions, arranging dwellings among the carrot beds. Root vegetables just started to pour, pulled out a couple, so they are eaten up. At this rate, my whole garden will soon turn into one huge anthill, and how much effort was put into planting vegetables. How to remove these pests?

how to get rid of ants in the garden On the one hand, workers ants help summer residents, collecting various caterpillars and other pests for dinner. And in the process of laying their tunnels, they loosen the soil, saturating it with oxygen. But when the number of so-called "helpers" goes off scale, poor gardeners and gardeners have a question of how to get rid of ants in the garden. In large quantities, they themselves become pests, eating all the sweet berries and vegetables. Berry crops are the first to suffer from ants. But they are also not averse to eating vegetables, for example, the sweet juicy pulp of carrots.

Do not forget that both red and black ants, although they destroy caterpillars, breed whole colonies of aphids. And she, in turn, “finishes off” those crops that were “not to the taste” of the ants. Therefore, if more and more anthills appear on the site, urgent measures must be taken.

How to get rid of ants in the garden - folk remedies safe for crops

Given that a vegetable garden is not a lawn and vegetables grow there, which we will then eat, it is important that they do not folk remedies for ants

suffered. Therefore, many use safe folk methods, focusing on the fact that ants do not like:

  • wormwood, garlic, parsley, mint, tansy are planted between the beds;
  • scatter sawdust with grated garlic or just garlic cloves around the garden;
  • sprinkle the soil with ash and coffee grounds;
  • water the anthills and passages with boiling water, oil, saline solution, vinegar.

If there are several anthills, you can simply dig them up and take them outside the site.

Declaring war on pests - ant chemicals

ant preparationsWhen all folk remedies have exhausted their resources, and the pests are in no hurry to leave the garden, it is worth turning to chemistry. The best effect is given by drugs based on the following active substances:

  1. Diazinon - has a contact-intestinal action plus partly systemic. Through the roots it penetrates into the aerial part of the plants and protects them for almost two weeks, after which the insecticide decomposes. In ants, it blocks the nervous system, which causes paralysis and death. Preparations in which it is included: Thunder-2, Muratoks, Anteater, Medvetox.
  2. Chlorpyrifos is a systemic, enteric insecticide. Neutralizes ants after inhaling the solution by them, paralyzing. Protects plantings for almost 2 months, while staying in the ground for more than 3 months. Preparations based on it: Absolute, Delicia, Bros.

Effective ways to get rid of ants


