How to get rid of the cute whitefly plant pest

how to get rid of whitefly Whitefly, as they call a miniature, barely noticeable fly. How to get rid of whitefly in the most effective way? After all, it causes irreparable damage to garden and indoor crops. The insect quickly produces offspring, which with appetite "eats" the culture for just a few weeks. It settles on young tomato and bell pepper seedlings. Likes to feast on the leaves of eggplant and cucumbers. It is found on plants that grow in greenhouses. What are the means of fighting whitefly? How to get rid of a pest at home and in the garden? Before getting answers to the questions posed, let's get to know this cute "monster" that saddens people with its presence.

External features, life cycle, insect species

adult whitefly

The whitefly is a miniature butterfly that looks a bit like a house moth. The length of her body is about 3 mm. The wings are covered with a thick waxy coating that protects the pest from chemicals.

insect egg layingThe butterfly lays its offspring on the back of the leaf plate. Initially, the oval larvae develop antennae and 6 miniature legs. After a few days, they are completely transformed and already resemble white scales. At this time, the pests settle in one area of ​​the plant, forming numerous colonies. If nothing is done, the culture will eventually die.

Life cycle of a white-winged butterfly

young butterfliesScientists have found that the life of the pest lasts about 30 days. During this period, the female manages to "enter into contact" with the male 10 times and lay about 250 eggs. After 40 days, white-winged butterflies are formed from them. They successfully migrate to all the vegetable crops that grow on the site, looking for a cozy place for themselves.

The maximum number of insects appears in July, when the ambient temperature exceeds 30 ° C.

adultIn order to understand well how to get rid of a whitefly, let's analyze its step-by-step development. First, the adult female lays eggs. After 2 weeks, the larvae appear, which are actively looking for a "comfortable" place of residence. They like the luscious foliage of vegetables and flowering houseplants. During this period, the larvae are covered with a waxy coating.

whitefly on the back of the leafHaving settled securely on the back of the plates or stems, pests begin to eat actively. At this stage of development, butterflies do not fly yet. Only when the formation of the wings is completed, they leave the "nest". After about 15-20 hours, females successfully mate with adult males in order to leave behind new offspring.

It is best to use any whitefly control method while the female has not yet laid eggs.

Common types of pests

whitefly speciesIn the wild, scientists have discovered approximately 1,500 different species of white-winged butterflies. Each of them has its own habitat and food preferences.

For example, in a greenhouse:

  • the pest multiplies unhindered;
  • moves freely in an enclosed space;
  • carries dangerous viruses and fungi.

Most whiteflies feed on the succulent part of the stems and leaf blades of plants. Such a neighborhood leads to a gradual drying out or a decrease in the yield of vegetable crops.

On the territory of middle latitudes, the following types of whiteflies are found:

  • tobacco;tobacco whitefly
  • cotton;cotton whitefly
  • greenhouse;greenhouse whitefly
  • cabbage;cabbage whitefly
  • strawberry.strawberry whitefly

Some of them lay eggs only once. Therefore, applying simple recommendations on how to get rid of the whitefly, you can quickly solve the problem.

At home, the pest settles on such crops.:

  • begonia;
  • orchid;
  • geranium;
  • balsam;
  • fuchsia.

The insect develops successfully at high ambient temperatures. In greenhouses, it breeds all year round. In the garden and greenhouse - only in the hottest periods. And at what temperature does the whitefly die? The observations of scientists have shown that this moment occurs if the thermometer shows a maximum of 9 ° C heat. However, eggs are able to withstand even winter frosts.

How to get rid of whitefly in the garden, greenhouse and at home

how to get rid of whitefly in the gardenThe well-known proverb: "In war, all means are good" shows how important it is to use different approaches in the fight against the enemy. Understanding why the conflict started is of particular importance. Similarly, knowing the reasons why the pest “settles” on vegetable crops helps prevent the problem.damage to vegetable beds

Here are some conditions:

  • uncontrolled watering;
  • high level of humidity;
  • air temperature above 30 ° C;
  • densely planted crops;
  • lack of ventilation in an enclosed space.

In addition, the whitefly easily enters a greenhouse, conservatory or home through open windows and doors. In view of this, it is wise to regularly check the plants to see if any intruders have appeared on them.

Factors indicate the presence of moths:

  • a whitish coating of a sticky consistency;
  • translucent scales on the back of the leaf plates;
  • inhibited growth of culture;
  • dark spots on leaves and shoots;
  • lack of fruit.

In addition, the insidious insect is a carrier of fungal diseases that lead to the rapid death of plants. If signs are found, summer residents enter into a "hand-to-hand" war with pests. First, let's look at how to deal with whitefly in the garden and save the expected harvest. The most effective means of destroying the "enemy" are chemicals. They are freely sold in specialized stores and are harmless to humans.


Aktara drugThe substance destroys absolutely all pests that have settled on the culture. Those who managed to hide even under the foliage or on the stems cannot survive. According to the instructions, the drug acts on the whitefly in any weather. Its components penetrate into foliage and shoots. It is important to spray Aktar next to the root area of ​​the culture.

The substance begins to act on butterflies approximately 35-40 minutes after plant treatment.


how to get rid of whitefly using phytovermThe biological substance is created on the basis of a fungus from the Streptomycese family. When a whitefly feeds on poisoned elements of greenery, paralysis of vital body systems occurs. She refuses food and eventually dies of hunger. The drug also destroys other insect pests.

After spraying the culture, the whitefly dies after 6 days.

How to get rid of a whitefly with Iskra

spark drugThe chemical actively affects the moth, causing it to become paralyzed. After applying the substance, a thin film forms on the sheet plates. The insect is saturated with its favorite delicacy and dies.

The drug is released in the form:

  • powder;
  • tablets;
  • liquids.

The product is prepared according to the instructions provided. When processing plants in the garden, wear overalls, a respirator and gloves.


how to get rid of whitefly using agravertineUsually the substance is used on a warm, windless day. It does not penetrate into the leaf plates, but quickly infects pests. After a "hearty meal" the insect stops moving, which leads to death. Its numerous "troops" will disappear forever from vegetable crops in about 5 days. If the question arises of how to deal with the greenhouse whitefly, then Agravertin will cope with this problem as well.The main thing is to adhere to the rules for preparing the drug specified by the manufacturer. And also, do not neglect safety precautions.


drug corfidorLow-toxic drug destroys pests that suck juice from shoots and gnaw leaf plates. It is produced in the form of granules. To treat the affected cultures, they are dissolved in water at the rate of: 1-2 pieces per 10 liters of liquid. "Confidor" takes effect in 60 minutes and retains its protective effect for 30 days. The butterfly dies literally the next day.

The tool has a detrimental effect on bees, so it is used in remote areas.

Use of natural substances

whitefly controlYou can successfully fight the whitefly with folk remedies that are no less effective. In addition, they are safe for human health. Let's get acquainted with the most popular "drugs".

How to get rid of whitefly using tobacco

How to get rid of whitefly using tobaccoA solution is prepared from a crushed plant (100 g) and 1 liter of warm water. The mixture is covered with a lid and taken to a dark place. Insist 5-6 days. Then the "drug" is filtered and the affected plant is treated in the garden or in the greenhouse. The procedure is repeated every 3 days to completely eradicate the whitefly.

The method is used during the period of active reproduction of insects.

Wood ash

wood ash vs whiteflyThe component is effective both in dry and liquid form. In the first case, ash is scattered around vegetable crops.

To prepare the solution you need:

  • 1 cup crushed wood ash
  • 5 liters of warm water.

The components are thoroughly mixed. Insist for about 4-5 hours. Plants are sprayed. The substance scares whiteflies away from potential habitats.

Tar soap

tar soap

If there are not very many affected plants, a soap solution will do. Prepare it following simple instructions:

  • a bar of tar soap is crushed on a coarse grater;
  • pour in slightly warmed water;
  • shake until foam is formed.

The resulting substance is sprayed on foliage and shoots of vegetable crops. Whiteflies often disappear after one such procedure. If several individuals remain, re-treatment is carried out after a week.

What to do if pests appear on indoor plants? How to deal with whitefly at home? It's simple. Flowers are gently sprayed from a spray bottle. Large plates are wiped with soapy water using a sponge or microfiber.

Garlic tincture

garlic tincture against whiteflyAn effective remedy is made from regular garlic and water. For 1 liter of liquid, 3 crushed cloves are enough. The mixture is infused for 24 hours. Used for irrigation of the root area, leaf plates and stems. The spraying procedure is repeated 3 times a week.

As ominous as the whitefly invasion may seem, you should not lose heart. First of all, we get to know the "enemy" better. Then, we will find out the reasons for its appearance on plants. The next step is to check the green spaces. And in the end, we strike a crushing blow. To combat the pest, both chemical preparations and folk remedies are suitable. People tell the truth that in war all means are good.

How to get rid of a whitefly in a greenhouse forever - video


