How to get rid of irgi roots in the area - freeing up space for planting
On the one hand, irga is a useful berry, and a well-groomed bush looks beautiful in the garden. But there are more troubles with her than with raspberries, because over time the plant confidently conquers new territory, turning the garden into an impenetrable jungle. Moreover, it is not enough to cut off the aerial shoots, because you still need to know how to get rid of the roots of the irga on the site. Even having cut it down completely, by the end of the season you will see young plants around the stump. They emerge from roots deep in the soil. If the task is to free the garden from this culture, you will have to work hard to uproot all the roots. Of course, if your irga is still young and has not managed to grow much, you can try to dig it out with a shovel. Some gardeners even involve a technician in this business, wrapping a tree and pulling it out, for example, with a tractor. But this requires the transport itself and the ability to enter the site.
However, there are more affordable ways to completely destroy the roots. True, most of them will take time, but they will give a positive result.
How to get rid of irgi roots on the site using chemistry
But if the irga grows in the far corner, then it is quite possible to apply radical methods, for example:
- cut the trunk, fill the stump with urea and cover with foil;
- drill into stump holes, fill them with ammonium nitrate, fill with water and wrap with foil;
- dig out the bush with roots, and spray the young growth on the leaf with Roundup or Tornado.
From the practice of gardeners, it has been noticed that not only can be sprayed with herbicides. They are poured undiluted into the holes made in the stumps.
Folk ways to safely get rid of roots
The task becomes more complicated if fruit trees grow next to the irga. In order not to harm them, you can use less dangerous means. Most of them are available in every home, so you don't even have to buy. Unlike chemistry, folk remedies do not give instant results and will have to wait for the season, or maybe longer. But they are harmless to other plants and do not change the composition of the soil.
To destroy the roots and the remaining hemp of irgi will help:
- Salt. Pour the rest of the bush with a strong saline solution twice a week. Previously, it is worth chopping deep notches on the stumps so that the solution penetrates deeper.
- Tea. Make a strong tea leaves and pour in the hemp while hot. Repeat until the overgrowth stops appearing.