How to get rid of midges in flowers: popular and effective methods
Flowerpots with indoor flowers can bring both joy and additional trouble. Quite often, not only beautiful bushes, but also animals live in them. Small midges (no matter what color) interfere in the house, flying or crawling around. They also pose a danger to plants, damaging or even feeding on them. If you notice midges on your green pets, you need to urgently take action. And for this you need to know how to get rid of midges in flowers.
There are several ways to drive uninvited guests out of the house. It all depends on how many of them and what pests have appeared. Some are easy to select manually. If the insects were spotted on time and there are still few of them, folk methods will do. And in the most advanced cases, special chemicals will help. Let's take a closer look at each option.
The most common reason for the appearance of midges is an increased level of moisture in the soil. In addition, they can contaminate the soil mixture. Also, insects precipitate plants in case of active enthusiasm for folk dressing. For example, tea and coffee brews (especially with sugar), meat water.
Mechanical insect control
Its meaning is simple: you just need to examine the flower well and select all the pests with your hands or tweezers. For example, this is how you can get rid of the scabbard. It is also easy and quick to manually “catch” and select several specimens of mealybugs.
How to get rid of midges in flowers with folk remedies?
- Spill the flowers with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
- Spray the plants with a garlic solution and water them.
- Carry out a similar procedure with soapy water.
- Place a few peeled garlic cloves in a pot.
- Stick matches around the flower, immersing them in the ground with sulfur. When watering, it will dissolve and penetrate deeper.
Chemistry against midges
If the moment is missed and the already countless hordes of gnats have divorced, soap and herbs will no longer help here. It is necessary to use more powerful weapons, which in this case are various insecticides. The following drugs have proven themselves well:
- Phosphamide;
- Agravertine;
- Aktara;
- Karbofos;
- Inta-vir;
- Actellic other.
It is necessary to process flowers on the street, after wearing gloves. The solution should be prepared in accordance with the instructions for the specific agent.
In conclusion, I would like to add that one of the most effective methods of getting rid of unpleasant tenants is a transplant. A complete replacement of the soil with fresh soil will not give them any chance to settle in the flowerpot again.