Proven Ways to Get Rid of Wasps

Tell me how to get rid of wasps? These insects have chosen our farm buildings. When grapes begin to ripen, there is no escape from them. Wasps eat almost all of the bush with white berries, and it's scary to walk around the yard. Next year, little grandchildren will come to us, and it is simply necessary to destroy these harmful individuals.

how to get rid of wasps On the one hand, wasps are beneficial insects, because they help to pollinate fruit and berry and garden crops. In addition, feeding on the larvae of other insects, wasps destroy leaf rollers, caterpillars, and a bear on the site. But we forget about these positive qualities after the first bite. Moreover, it causes painful sensations, but it can also cause an acute allergic reaction, up to and including suffocation. It is not surprising that the question of how to get rid of wasps interests many summer residents. Spoiled crops and health risks, especially for children, are prioritized over the benefits that striped insects can provide.

If the wasps once have already chosen some place on the site and made a nest there, they will return annually. To destroy wasps, it is necessary to destroy their dwelling and preferably before insects inhabit it.

You can get rid of wasps with the help of special drugs that kill them, or using folk methods of struggle.

Wasp drugs and their use

preparations for wasps

There are many types of chemicals that kill wasps. This can be spray (it is sprayed on nests and entrances to the home), gel or glue for a deadly bait. Such insecticides have proven themselves well:

  • boric acid;
  • Delta Zone;
  • Dichlorvos;
  • Otos;
  • Diazinon.

It is better to handle the nests in the late evening, when insects go to rest.

How to get rid of wasps using folk methods

If insects have not yet managed to firmly settle on the site and set up many nests, proven folk remedies will help in the fight against it:

  1. Bottle traps. It's quite simple: cut the plastic bottle into two parts. Pour sweet liquid (syrup, jam with water, even beer) into the lower part. Insert the top of the bottle into the filled container, turning the neck upside down. The wasps will smell the sweet aroma, fly into the bottle and fall through the neck into the liquid. The main thing is that there is free space between the bait and the upper bottle so that the wasps cannot get out.wasp traps
  2. Glue traps. Apply long-drying glue to a piece of cardboard. Glue a piece of rotten fruit or meat as bait.glue trap
  3. Destruction of the nest is one of the most effective, but dangerous, methods. True, it all depends on where it is. Nests far from buildings can simply be doused with gasoline and set on fire. They are also drowned by submerging them in water.vespiary

To prevent insects from entering the house through the ventilation, you can periodically moisten the mosquito net with vinegar.

Whichever method you use, do not forget about the most important thing - protection. You should start a war with wasps by carefully dressing up in tight-fitting clothing. Better if it is a special suit taken from the beekeepers. And also, just in case, you need to prepare antihistamines (Loratadin, Suprastin). And do not forget: if after a bite there is an acute allergic reaction, various pain or cramps, go to the doctor immediately.

Video on how to get rid of underground wasps


