Effective ways to get rid of aphids in a greenhouse

Tell me how to get rid of aphids in a greenhouse? Early cucumbers are already beginning to bear fruit, and these insects have completely tortured us. Where they came from - I can't imagine, because the greenhouse was processed before planting. As a result, already half of the bushes are with twisted leaves. Tomatoes are still growing in the far part, until the aphids get to them, but I feel that this is not long. How to save at least what is still intact?

how to get rid of aphids in a greenhouse Aphids can cause great harm in garden beds, to say nothing of a greenhouse. A comfortable temperature and high humidity only contribute to its reproduction. If measures are not taken in time, pests can destroy a quarter of the crop, or even more. It is not surprising that the question of how to get rid of aphids in a greenhouse is of interest to everyone who, in this way, grows the first spring vegetables. How to detect these harmful insects, and how to save the future harvest?

We observe plants and detect signs of aphid damage in time


The fact that greenhouse crops have already been chosen by a colony of aphids is easy to notice from the state of the plants:

  • leaves begin to dry out and curl;
  • white small insects sit on the back of the leaf;
  • there are sticky marks on the top of the leaves;
  • the growth of shoots stops, and their tips are bent;
  • the ovary freezes without opening the buds.

If aphids start in the greenhouse, it means that ants are not far away. They "work" as a duet: the ants protect the aphids, because it serves them as food. And if the ants will not touch the cucumbers, then you can forget about the greenhouse strawberries.

Aphids can appear at any stage of growing greenhouse plants, so greenhouse processing does not always help. With the ability to fly, insects can get inside when ventilated. They can also be "brought" along with the soil, seedlings or organic fertilizers.

How to get rid of aphids in a greenhouse with folk remedies

folk remedies against aphidsIf you notice the problem in time, while the insects have not yet managed to multiply to catastrophic proportions, folk methods will help. It is a cheap and sustainable crop option. Plants can be sprayed with various herbal tinctures with a specific odor that aphids cannot tolerate. The grass should be pre-chopped, filled with water, insisted for a couple of hours and filtered. Tinctures from:

  • garlic;
  • marigolds;
  • mustard;
  • Luke;
  • tobacco;
  • nettle;
  • needles and tobacco dust.

Spraying with an ash and soap solution also gives a good effect.

Aphid chemistry is a reliable remedy

aphid preparationsIf there are a lot of pests, it is better to use special preparations. Unlike folk remedies, they act faster. But there is also a negative point: such treatments are carried out mainly before the beginning of fruiting. Chemicals tend to accumulate in fruits.

Of chemical preparations, they effectively destroy aphids:

  • Intra-Vir;
  • Fitoverm;
  • Karbofos;
  • Aktofit;
  • Kinmix.

The frequency of processing depends on the specific medium. Therefore, before use, be sure to carefully read the instructions.

How to protect greenhouse plants from aphids and other pests - video


