It's important to know how to store beans until your next harvest at home.

Storing beans in closed containers In nature, all living things are in the food chain. Beans, with their nutritional properties, are no exception. Where the area of ​​its cultivation is located, specific insects, bean weevils, live. When infected in the habitat, these insects spread with grains, getting to where the beans do not grow, but there is a lot of them as a result of storage.

Bruchus beetle

Therefore, all warehouses are treated with insecticides on schedule in order to destroy not only the weevil, but also other insects in the warehouse. The question of how to store beans for winter consumption is largely related to their preservation from bruchus, a bean weevil.

How to keep beans for the winter?

Bean weevilThe storage of beans and green pods is different initially. Green beans can be preserved by all known methods, frozen and stored in this way with maximum benefit during the winter. But other conditions must be created to preserve the beans. Considering that beans are a very useful product that replaces meat in their composition, it is easy to spoil stocks without observing storage rules.

Protect the plant product should:

  • from improper drying and laying of wet grain;
  • from storage in high humidity conditions;
  • non-compliance with the temperature regime.

Stored beans, even if stored properly, decrease their nutritional value over time and increase cooking time.

Of all the bugs pests of grain and legume seeds for beans, the most common is the bean weevil or bruchus... These insects are quarantine pests. They live in a narrow area, where beans have been cultivated for a long time. They come with seed and gradually multiply. Therefore, the task of the quarantine service is to prevent the spread of the beetle to new territories.

Chinese four-spotted weevil, quarantine pestRecently, this insect was stopped from entering the Far East on a Chinese ship in beans from India. The insect and its live clutches were found on the ship in food beans. Security measures have been taken. Bruchus is often found from the fields of the Transcaucasus, there is its own species. Therefore, it is necessary to consider each bean in household plots before planting and destroy the seed with holes in the bean by burning. This pest came to Russia at the beginning of the last century, at the height of the Civil War, when there was no quarantine service. Until now, no caryopses have been seen in black beans.

Black beans are not attacked by weevilsKnowing the biology of the beetle, you can understand how to preserve beans so that bugs do not start up. The weevil actively reproduces in summer and winter in heated premises, giving 5-6 generations. In nature, a clutch of eggs goes into ripening beans up to 30 eggs each. But the masonry is stretched out in time. The egg-laying is found on the pod valves or on an unripe pod in a crack or gouged out fossa. The larvae will develop in 10-11 days and invade the beans. After 21 days, the caterpillar turns into a pupa and after 10 days an adult insect is obtained.

Reproduction of the weevilIn cold weather 0-10 the death of larvae and pupae occurs in a month, at -12 0 in a day. So a cold storage method can keep the food stock from being destroyed. The beetle in the southern regions is not destroyed during mild winters and can colonize storage facilities in warm times. They populate crops and manage to give 4-5 generations. Damaged beans lose germination.In the infested seeds, black dots of passages and excrements are visible through the shells.

Pests of legumes and cerealsThe primary drying of grain before laying is of great importance. In good weather, the beans pulled from the garden bed should lie in the sun for a few more days before opening the flaps, or, gathered in brooms, hang under a draft on a hanger. For food purposes, beans are threshed and prepared for winter storage.

Storing bean seeds at home

Garlic can help keep beans intact.How to store beans in winter for seeds is another story. Pods with intact valves and without the slightest flaws are selected. After drying in the sun, the beans in the pods are packed in a canvas bag and kept in the refrigerator until the onset of cold weather. Later, the bag is taken out in the cold, hung up so that rodents do not eat it. Disassemble the pods just before planting. Another way of storing seeds is to pour ashes and store them in a glass sealed container. When adding a head or several teeth to the package garlic the guarantee of safety is increased.

There are several ways to store beans at home for the winter. The humidity of the ambient air should be no more than 50%, and the temperature that stops biological development 10 0, that is, before the onset of frost, the storage place is the refrigerator. Store in linen bags, you can put a garlic head inside.

If there are a lot of beans, they can be stored in cardboard boxes or wooden crates, but the inside should be a layer of plain black and white newsprint. Printing ink also prevents insects from settling. Of course, winter storage in a cold place will guarantee the safety of the product.

Beans sprout quickly in a humid environmentAnother way to preserve beans for the winter is to use heating the marketable grain. When heated in the oven to 90 0 within a few minutes, the beneficial properties of the beans will be preserved, and the contents will die. After such processing in a dry container with sealed lids, the beans will survive for more than one winter. Another way is heating at 10 0 In one hour.

The lids under which the beans are stored can be glass and metal. Polyethylene - breathable. Cloth bags for storage must first be soaked in saline and dried.

When storing beans in a warm open state with disturbed moisture, the beans can sprout or mold. You cannot eat bean sprouts. It can be used as a planting material if the sowing time has come.

Proper storage of beans - video


