How to store tulip bulbs: preparation and location
Tulips are permanent residents of private plots and city flower beds. They bloom early, do not require special care, but thanks to selection, they have many shapes and colors. In most cases, tulips are on their own. Having planted the bulbs, summer residents immediately forget about them, spinning in the garden troubles. Watering and cleaning withered leaves - that is, perhaps, all the care procedures. However, in order to maintain the size of the buds, it is recommended to dig out the bulbs for the summer. In addition, such a procedure will help to avoid thickening of the plantings and protect flowers from pests. They are returned back to the ground in autumn or spring. How to store tulip bulbs before planting - we'll talk about this today.
Read also the article: when is it better to dig tulips after flowering?
When to dig up the bulbs?
When the foliage turns yellow and wilts, it's time to dig (usually in early summer).
How do I prepare the bulbs for storage?
The dug up bulbs should be prepared, namely:
- Free them from the ground.
- Soak for 30 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. This will help keep the tulips free from fungus.
- Dry well by spreading them in one layer under a canopy and leaving them in this form for a week.
The dried onions must be sorted out. Remove old scales, select roots and remnants of leaves. Divide whole nests into separate bulbs and detach the babies.
How to store tulip bulbs
The best storage options are wooden or plastic boxes. It is better not to use paper and cardboard boxes. In them, the planting material can rot, and the containers themselves can get wet.
The boxes must be without a lid. There is no need to "plug" tulips, as they release ethylene during storage. It is harmless for adult tubers, but undesirable for children.
Onions are placed in boxes in one layer. If there are a lot of tulips, but there is not enough space, you can lay them out in layers, sprinkling with sawdust or wrapping them in newspaper.
Where to store bulbs
To tulips do not sprout ahead of time, you should choose a suitable storage place for them. This is especially important if you plan to store them until spring. The room where the onion box will stand should be dark, cool and relatively dry. In an apartment for these purposes, you can use a refrigerator, a pantry, a ventilated room. Owners of private houses have the opportunity to lower them into the cellar (if available).