How to smoke fish in a hot smoked smokehouse to keep it juicy?
Knowing how to smoke fish in a hot smoked smokehouse, you can get a delicious and very healthy dish. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how long to keep a carcass so that it is not raw and at the same time retains all its aromas. Therefore, you need to follow the basic rules and tips, then the dish will turn out to be incredibly tasty and become the best food on a festive or dinner table. To know how to properly smoke fish in a smokehouse, you should read the information below. Read also the article: the degree of doneness of the beef steak!
What is the peculiarity of the procedure?
In order for hot smoked fish to be not only beautiful, but also fragrant, you need to know which firewood is better to use. The best option is alder and juniper... Only with the help of such wood can you achieve the maximum taste. If the necessary firewood is not available, then it is recommended to use other trees, but only from the fruit group.
It is forbidden to use coniferous branches. This is due to the fact that they contain a large amount of resin, which can settle on the fish.
In order to diversify the flavor of smoked meat, you can add spices to the carcass such as:
- cloves;
- coriander;
- allspice;
- bay leaf.
Many gourmets, in order to make their dish unusual, put a mixture of green garlic, onions, dill and parsley.
How to smoke fish in a hot smoked smokehouse in a quick way
A carcass prepared in this way is a real delicacy for many. But not everyone knows which fish is better for smoking in a smokehouse to choose so that it is not dry. To achieve the desired result, you should buy fatty species of sea and river individuals. A good option would be salmon, salmon, mackerel, tench, zander, carp.
- fish - three pieces;
- salt to taste;
- container for salting.
Stages of cooking river fish:
- Before preparing a dish, you must choose a smoking method. Some prefer to gut the fish, while others leave it with entrails. In both cases, the meat will be tasty and aromatic. The only difference is the presence of a slight bitterness in the abdominal area, which many people love. Therefore, in order to please all your guests, it is better to put gutted and unpeeled fish into the smokehouse.
- The next step is salting the carcass. If there are a lot of fish, then it will need to be sorted by size. The marinating time depends on the weight of the main product. A large fish should be kept in salt for about 2.5 hours, a medium one - 2 hours, and a small one - 1.5. It is imperative to comply with these indicators. After all, the duration of the salting affects the final result. Meat is considered ready when brine (soup) appears at the bottom of the container.
- After salting, the carcass should be well rinsed in running water. In this case, the liquid must be cold. Then dry the fish thoroughly with a paper towel and hang it up so that the water naturally evaporates from it.
- As soon as the color of the skin begins to change, you can start rubbing it with sunflower oil. You will also need to lubricate the grate.
- The fish should be spread at short intervals from each other. It should not touch each other. It is very important. After the carcass is prepared, you can proceed to the smoking procedure itself.
When salting fish, no weights need to be used.
The time for smoking fish in a hot smoked smokehouse depends on the size of the carcass. For a medium fish, 40 minutes will be enough, a large one needs to be kept for about 50 minutes. In this case, the air temperature in the smokehouse should be within 700FROM.
Delicious hot smoked mackerel recipe
Read also:how to salt herring at home tasty and fast?
This method is the most popular among amateurs. Carcass meat prepared according to this recipe will simply melt in your mouth. If everything is done according to the instructions, then you can be sure that the dish will appeal to even those who do not like the smell and taste of fish.
Products for cooking:
- 3 medium mackerels;
- salt (fine);
- ground pepper.
For smoking, you can use both fresh and frozen mackerel. Put the purchased fish in the refrigerator so that it melts naturally. Then rinse the meat with water and dry a little.
Put the carcasses in a deep bowl, salt and season with ground pepper. This must be done before sending the fish to the smokehouse.
Put three small handfuls of wet sawdust into the machine. Best taken from hardwoods. Put the fish on the wire rack and close the container with a lid. Place the device on a medium fire. Keep in this state for about 10 minutes.
The structure and taste of the meat depends on how much hot-smoked fish will be smoked in the smokehouse.
To avoid the appearance of bitterness, after the specified time, you will need to raise the shutter. After the first smoke has been released, return the lid to its original position and continue smoking for another 20 minutes.
The fish's readiness can be determined by the color of the smoke. If light tubers come out from the device, then this is a sign of liquid evaporation, yellowish indicates the burning of the fish, and dry with a rich aroma indicates a finished product.
You should start tasting the mackerel after it has cooled down a little. It will take about 10 minutes for the meat to become denser. Before serving, it is recommended to decorate the dish with thin slices of fresh lemon and green leaves.
As you can see from the described recipes, it is not difficult to cook hot smoked fish in a smokehouse at home. If you follow all the rules of this procedure, then such an activity will appeal to all family members, and the meat of the carcass will win the hearts of those present.
Recipe on the topic:Salted mackerel at home - very tasty!