How to get rid of hops forever - say goodbye to a beautiful, but aggressive vine

Tell me how to get rid of hops forever? A couple of years ago, he appeared with me himself, from nowhere, apparently, the seeds were brought in by the wind. Foolishly decided to leave, because he grew up near the old fence. I thought that she would braid him and be beautiful. He braided him, only decided to occupy the whole garden. Now we have to cut down every fall. I don't want any beauty or hops anymore. Can you somehow destroy it completely?

how to get rid of hops forever Large carved leaves of ordinary hop on long weaving vines look beautiful on the arch and many people gladly plant it on the site. The unpretentious nature of the plant plays into the hands of gardeners, but there is also a downside. In a couple of years, you will be faced with the problem of how to get rid of hops forever. Resistant to almost everything, it actively reproduces, releasing root shoots. And the seeds are carried by the wind far beyond the planting site, so you can "reward" all neighbors with this perennial. Do not forget about the aggressive nature of culture: it entwines everything that grows nearby, not only by shoots, but also by underground roots. It should be planted in a remote place, where the bush will not interfere with anyone, and constantly monitor development by pruning. But if you are already a “lucky” owner of hop thickets and dream of raising them, here are some tips.

How to get rid of hops forever using folk methods

manual hop removal

The easiest way to remove young bushes is by digging them up with a shovel. Large specimens will have to be dug out more than once, so it is better to combine this with other methods. For instance:

  • make a hole around the trunk and, when frosts come, fill it with water, and the roots will freeze;
  • cover with salt or pour with hot saline solution;
  • pour with vinegar;
  • prepare a concentrated soda solution and pour it over the roots;
  • Cover hop residues with a thick foil, restricting light access.

Chemistry against hops

herbicides against hopsThe advantage of herbicides is that they have a faster effect. But there are also disadvantages, because the cultures growing in the neighborhood may suffer. If your hops live in isolation, take drastic measures by spraying or root-in:

  • Tornado;
  • Roundup;
  • Hurricane.

They will also help to destroy hops and fertilizers in high doses. Feed the vine generously with fresh bird droppings or ammonium nitrateand it will "burn".

How to control a vine if you want to leave hops

domesticated hopsThe only way to restrain the active development of the bush is to carry out regular pruning. In the spring, without regret, completely remove the old branches. Also cut off young runners, thinning the vine, and dig out the shoots. Most importantly, remember to prune the branches before flowering to prevent the hops from propagating as seeds. And so that it does not creep out by the roots, dig in slate around the bush.

But the safest option if you are planning to get such a vine is to plant Japanese hops. It will not cause problems, since it is an annual, but in beauty it is not inferior to ordinary hops.

Three folk remedies in the fight against hops - video


