How to determine the acidity of the soil by scientific and folk methods

Tell me how to determine the acidity of the soil? We bought a summer cottage a couple of years ago and decided to grow vegetables there. But so far, a good harvest cannot be removed, despite watering. Root crops grow small, only good spicy greens and tomatoes. The neighbor says that this land is sour, we need to add lime. I would like to check to know exactly what to do.

how to determine the acidity of the soil A good harvest depends on how fertile the land is. However, do not forget that another factor, acidity, affects the development and fruiting of crops. And the requirements for it are also different for different plants. If carrots and tomatoes feel great on acidic soil, then potatoes and cucumbers need slightly acidic soil. Fortunately, this rate can be adjusted by applying certain drugs to the site. However, first of all, you need to know if your garden needs it. And for this it is worth learning how to determine the acidity of the soil.

The acidity of the earth is determined by a special pH scale. Weak acidity is equal to 4.5, medium - up to 5, neutral - more than 5.5. A value above 7 indicates an alkaline soil, and below 4 indicates high acidity.

There are several ways to determine the pH level in an area:

  • using special paper or devices;
  • folk methods.

Scientific ways

The most accurate result will, of course, be provided by modern methods for determining pH. Among them:

  1. Litmus paper. Special strips impregnated with reagent. They are dipped in an infusion of earth and water. The strip changes color depending on the acidity level. Neutral pH is green, medium acidity is orange, and high is red.stripes
  2. Special device (pH meter). The most simple and convenient device that just sticks into the ground. The acidity reading is shown on the digital display along with the moisture level.device

How to determine the acidity of the soil by folk methods?

If the device or indicator strips are not at hand, you can find out the pH level of the earth with the help of available tools. One of the most popular and fairly accurate folk methods is the use of:

  1. Cherry or currant leaves. The leaves are poured with boiling water and infused. A breast of earth is dropped into the container. If the water turns red, the soil is sour, turns blue - slightly acidic, turns green - the acidity is neutral.leaves
  2. Vinegar. If you pour the ground with pure vinegar and bubbles appear, the acidity is neutral. A mixture of water, vinegar and baking soda, if acidic, will cause foam and sizzle.vinegar check

In addition, even ordinary weeds can be of great benefit to gardeners in this matter. The thickets of sorrel, plantain, woodlice indicate that the earth is sour. On neutral soil, yarrow, quinoa, sow thistle actively grow. Spotted spurge, thistle and thyme are indicative of alkaline soil.

Video about folk methods for determining soil acidity


