How to identify a fake Bosch GBH 2 26 DFR, GBH 2 26 DRE
The Bosch rotary hammer model GBH 2 26 DFR or GBH 2 26 DRE is often counterfeited using factory copies of this tool. Companies such as NIKKEY produce their own hammer drill, similar in function to the Bosch model. Copies are made from cheaper materials, but they are also much cheaper than branded ones.
When buying, you should pay attention to the housing of the electronic part of the tool, the removable chuck of the hammer drill and the device of the starting mechanism. Examining the exterior of the case will also help identify a fake.
Branded inscriptions on the punch body
Unscrupulous sellers buy NIKKEY models and redo the inscriptions. Due to the case color of the original hammer drill from "Bosch" and copies from NIKKEY are similar, an inexperienced buyer may not be able to distinguish a fake at a distance, so be sure to ask the seller to show the product nearby.
On the side of the housing of the electronic part of the original punch, there should be a cast inscription with the company logo on both sides. The metallic Bosch lettering is always uniformly colored orange.
Counterfeit hammer drills have an orange paper sticker on the side of the housing that can be easily removed from the electronics housing. Typically, the Bosch logo sticker is located on only one side of the case.
Also inspect the optional rock drill handle. On the handle of the original tool, there is another cast inscription "Bosch". There is no such inscription on the fake handle. When examining the start button, you need to pay attention to the presence of a ten-digit code. The original switch should be labeled "1 617 200 532". There is no such inscription on the fake start button.
Punch chuck
Counterfeit tools come with low quality plastic chucks. The fake hammer drill is sometimes equipped with a removable metal chuck from Arman. Pay attention to this, as the original Bosch GBH 2 26 DFR rotary hammer is equipped with cartridges only from ROHM. If you take a closer look at the original cartridge, you will notice the corporate inscription on it.