How to drink echinacea tincture correctly and who should not
Echinacea can often be found in flower beds. These large lilac daisies with a convex dark orange core have a very beautiful decorative appearance. In addition, echinacea has medicinal properties and is widely used to prevent colds. As a medicine, tablets are used, but most often - a pharmacy alcoholic tincture from the roots and fruits of the plant. It helps to strengthen the immune system and treat colds. However, before self-medicating, you should learn how to drink echinacea tincture. Despite the natural ingredients, uncontrolled intake of this remedy can lead to the opposite result. Taking the tincture in the recommended doses and situations stimulates the production of white blood cells, which help us fight viruses. But after all, such stimulation is not always needed, in addition, the useful echinacea is contraindicated for some.
How to drink echinacea tincture
However, you cannot constantly use the tincture. This will lead to the fact that the immune system, due to regular stimulation, will not be able to "work" on its own. For prevention, it is enough to carry out up to 3 courses during the year during periods when the incidence of diseases increases (in autumn, winter and spring). For treatment, echinacea is drunk directly if there is a health problem.
Echinacea tincture can also be used externally. For compresses, it is diluted with saline (30 drops per 100 ml), and for gargling with water (2 tsp per 1 tbsp.).
Who shouldn't take echinacea
Although the tincture is a natural remedy, it is contraindicated in some categories of persons. This is primarily due to the characteristic properties echinacea, and the presence of alcohol. So, you cannot give the tincture:
- children under 7 years old;
- pregnant and lactating women;
- hypertensive patients;
- diabetics.
It is also worth giving up echinacea in the presence of diseases such as tonsillitis, atherosclerosis and oncology. In addition, the likelihood of individual intolerance to Echinacea itself as a representative of Compositae is not excluded.
You have written that you can not give echinacea tincture to children under 7 years old. But on the phytotherapist's website it is written that it is possible only from the age of 12. Where is the truth?
The information on our website is for informational purposes only and is not a strict admission instruction. All questions regarding the treatment, both adults and children, are resolved only during consultation with the attending physician.