How to plant a mandarin: selection, preparation and sowing of seeds
Many of us probably at least once thought about growing an exotic tree at home. Take, for example, tangerine - it is beautiful due to its rich green foliage, and can please with fruits. True, it will be rather tangerines, because indoor specimens cannot boast of special sizes. But - their own, natural and high in vitamin C, because they are sour. Another weighty argument is ease of cultivation. Tangerines are unpretentious and adapt well to indoor conditions. You don't even need to look for seedlings here - planting material is always available in stores. So, ordinary purchased fruits will be provided with seeds, and it remains only to choose the most beautiful ones and find out how to plant a tangerine.
Preparing seeds for planting
TO growing tangerines it is better to start in the autumn-winter season. It is at this time that fruits bear fruit in their natural conditions in their homeland. So there is every chance to get high-quality material, because transportation does not affect their properties and does not impair the germination of seeds.
You need to plant fresh seeds, without drying them first, but giving them additional processing:
- Rinse for disinfection with a solution of water and peroxide, mixing them in a ratio of 10: 1.
- Germinate in a damp cloth for a couple of days.
Sprouted seeds increase the chances of germinating. However, in order to grow a couple of seedlings, it is better to play it safe and plant a dozen seeds. Sometimes even one planted seed can sprout, and often only 1 out of 10 planted seeds grows.
How to plant a mandarin
The prepared bones are now ready for planting. This will require a light substrate and small containers. Disposable plastic cups should not be used. In them, the sprouts can rot, because the moisture from such dishes evaporates poorly and the plants "steam up".
It is better to plant tangerine seeds immediately in flower pots, but of small volume. The best option is peat pots.
With respect to the soil, then a universal composition or "home" mixture of garden soil, humus and sand in a ratio of 2: 2: 1 is suitable.
When planting, the bones do not deepen much - a 2 cm hole is enough. The pots are placed in a warm and bright place, even without a cap. When the seedlings grow up and the roots completely cover the ground, they are transplanted into a more spacious container.