How to sow strawberry seeds for a good harvest
Strawberries have become a favorite berry for a long time, thanks to their taste and aroma. Today you can buy fresh berries all year round, but its taste cannot be compared with strawberries, self-grown in the garden area.
Productivity depends on the quality of the seedlings, and it, in turn, on how to sow strawberry seeds correctly. Sowing seeds requires especially close attention and responsible attitude, because the plant, regardless of the variety, is quite delicate and capricious.
Sowing time
Sowing can be carried out from the end of January to the beginning of April. Experienced gardeners consider the last days of February and the beginning of March to be the optimal time. Sprouted seedlings at home require constant and complete care, then the mature seedlings can be planted without fear in a place of constant growth at the beginning of the garden season.
Soil preparation
Mixed soils are suitable for strawberry seeds, which combine fertility and lightness. A mixture of peat, sand and turf is well suited for this, where one part of the turf land accounts for one quarter of each of the other components.
The seeds are poured onto waterlogged and compacted soil, but they are not covered. After sowing, they need to be covered with plastic wrap and put in a cool place for several days, or on the lower shelf of the refrigerator. Then the sowing box is transferred to a room at a temperature not lower than 22 degrees, but not under direct sunlight. Constant soil moisture becomes an important point.
How to sow
As the seedlings grow, they are further carried out other activitiesthat help the strawberry seedlings grow stronger. The sprouts need to be dug in, the root system should be shortened, and the developing bushes should be planted in separate containers. All efforts will pay off in full with a rich harvest.