How to catch a hare in the summer in the country - we save our plants from omnivorous rodents

Help with advice: how to catch a hare in the summer at the dacha? We live on the edge of the village, a forest begins right behind the garden. Everything was good and beautiful, until these eared ears got into the habit of dragging carrots to the beds. Every morning a dozen root crops are missing, and we will remain completely without a crop. Are there any ways to get rid of them?

how to catch a hare in the summer at the dacha In addition to pests - insects, they like to feast on the result of the labors of gardeners and gardeners and hares. If these eared ears have chosen your site, it will certainly be interesting how to catch a hare in the summer at the dacha. And it will be simply necessary to do this, otherwise the animal will pretty much spoil all the landings for you. Moreover, it does not disdain root crops, young shoots of trees and shrubs, and even flowers. Even more, in just a season, hares can destroy all young plants by simply eating them.

Traces of crimes or how to understand that hares have got into the habit

hare-bitten grapes

A pulled carrot is not all the damage that pussies can cause. They are extremely voracious and almost omnivorous, while they have sharp teeth, which allows them to gnaw on anything. Juicy tops and fruits, young shoots of garden and flower plants, crispy new branches of seedlings - all this is a delicacy for animals.

It is easiest to determine that not invited guests have got into the habit of you after the rain, when clear prints of their paws remain on the ground. But there are other signs, looking closely at which, one can understand that the big eared have ruled here:

  • tulips and other flowers nibbled on a tree stump, even at the stage of germination;
  • eaten cabbage, young beans, peas, lettuce, clover;
  • gnawed branches of young grapes, raspberries, currants, and eaten foliage;
  • gnawed bark and broken branches in young trees and shrubs.

Unlike other, smaller pests, hares do not leave a torn, but an even cut on the stems.

How to catch a hare in the summer at the dacha

The most humane and simple way is to place baits with the addition of sleeping pills in the garden and in the garden. Modern drugs are harmless to animals, act quickly and are removed after a couple of hours. Therefore, it is important to detect the animal in a timely manner, before it wakes up. You can take the caught hares far outside the village, and if you wish, you can kill and eat them.

You can also make traps if you want:

  1. The snare. Make a loop out of the wire, pull the other end through it. Tie the long side to a tree or peg.hare snare
  2. Fishing a pit. Dig a hole, mask it with thin branches, and put a bait on top, such as a carrot.hare trapping pit

Effective hare repellent

The following methods will help prevent the appearance of animals and protect the plantings from their strong teeth:

  1. Install a protective net around the trees by making a cylinder.
  2. Scatter sulfur, red pepper, talc around the crops - hares do not like all these smells.
  3. Plant onions, lavender, sage around the perimeter of the site, marigold, wormwood, parsley. Pests don't like their scents either.

protective mesh on the treeAs you know, hares are very shy by nature, so a dog will be a reliable guard for the dacha. She will not give a chance to thieves, and she will frighten off eared ones. And also fence the dacha by installing a high, at least 1.2 m, wire mesh. And dig it into the ground to a depth of 15 cm, and bend the upper part with a visor looking outward.Then the hares will not be able to crawl through either from below or from above.

How to make a hare trap - video


