How to use the fungicide Strobi in the garden and in the beds
Fungicide Strobi is used to prevent the onset and treatment of fungal diseases in flower and vegetable crops, as well as stone fruit trees and vineyards. The drug has an effect on many types of fungi, stops the development of late blight, powdery mildew, rot, spots and scab.
Fungicide Strobi description
The active substance, falling on the leaves, is evenly distributed over all parts of the plant, suppressing the growth of fungal cells in them and the appearance of secondary spore formation. The fungicide is safe for the environment, animal and pollinator insects. The drug does not accumulate in fruits and is considered a biological agent for combating plant diseases.
The Strobi preparation is effective in treating wet leaves and on the one hand, and can also be used at various periods of plant development, including flowering.
The solution forms a film on the surface of the plants that is resistant to moisture penetration. The fungicide is also resistant to weathering and temperature extremes. Having spread to various types of fungi, it does not require the diagnosis of a specific disease.
Strobi is little absorbed into the soil, does not affect the composition of the soil, after watering it decomposes into acids that are not dangerous. Suitable for processing plants before winter and early spring, starting from freezing temperatures.
The fungicide is well tolerated by crops, compatible with other insecticides and fungicides, which is convenient for the use of complex treatment of plants. Can be used both in open areas and in greenhouses.
Due to the low danger to living organisms and the ability of fungi to mutate, it is recommended to alternate fungicides and use drugs with different modes of action together. Analogs of the drug Strobi with a similar substance and principle of action are Boxwood, Strobitic. Instead of Strobe, Trichodermin is used, Prestige.
Strobes are used in tank mixtures with other drugs for a complex effect not only on diseases, but also with the use of insecticides on insect pests. Compatible fungicides: Delan, Cumulus, Quadris, insecticides: Bi-58, Fastak.
Rules for using Strobe
Strobe fungicide granules dilute well in water. The finished solution is applied to the plants with a garden sprayer. For the prevention of diseases and minor infections with a fungus, the solution is prepared at the rate of: 2 g per 10 liters of water. For more severe lesions, 2 g of the drug is diluted with 5 liters of water. For processing plants in greenhouses, a more saturated solution is made due to the increased concentration of unfavorable microorganisms there.
For each treatment, a fresh composition is prepared, which must be used within 2 hours.
The solution is sprayed over the entire surface of the plant, including the fruit. Following the instructions for use, up to two treatments can be done for the entire growing season of plants. You need to take a break of two weeks. The fungicide retains its properties on plants for several weeks. Therefore, the last time the crops are sprayed a month before harvesting the fruits.
The toxicity class of the drug Strobi is moderately toxic - the third.But when working with any fungicides, you should use protective equipment for the respiratory system and eyes. Spraying is carried out in calm, windless weather, in the morning after the dew has subsided or in the evening.
Application for different crops
For grapes, the fungicide is used in the fight against such dangerous diseases:
- oidium;
- mildew.
Diseases can completely destroy the crop. For processing from mildew dissolves 2 g of the drug per 10 l. From oidium take 2 g for 5-7 liters of water. Spray volume: 100 ml per 1 m2 of crown. It is allowed to carry out up to three treatments, and during the final one they also spray the stems and the soil around.
The use of the Strobi preparation for grapes should be completed 50 days before harvest.
For treatment against phytafluorosis of tomatoes and peppers from powdery mildew, use a solution of 1 g per 5 liters of water. Consumption of the prepared solution: 5 liters for 50 bushes. The ratio of the preparation and water for spraying eggplants: 2 g per 7 liters.
For fruit trees and berry bushes, the use of the drug is effective against:
- scab;
- mold;
- alternaria;
- mosaic leaves.
For preventive treatment, a standard dosage of 2 g of granules per 10 liters of water is used. At the next spraying, reinforced: 2 g per 5 liters of water. Final processing is carried out after harvest.
For rose Strobe is applied in fight against powdery mildew and rust. Solution used: 2 g of fungicide per 5 l of water. Spraying is carried out up to two times per season, with a break of 10 days. Processed by applying the solution carefully to the surface of the crown and trunk circle.
Cut flowers are used without keeping the time after processing. The drug is effectively used for the prevention of diseases, preparing flowers for a winter shelter.
With a strong infection of the flower garden, the number of treatments is increased. But next year, drugs of a different action should be used that do not contain strobilurins. This is necessary due to the emergence of resistance of microorganisms to the active substance.
The use of a fungicide, especially for the prevention of plant diseases in the spring, helps to reduce the use of highly toxic substances.
The use of the Strobi fungicide implies comprehensive crop care, using not only various means of protection, but also maintaining crop rotation and improving soil quality.