Tell me how to use rose petals at home
Lovers of flowers that grow roses on their site can only be envied. After all, they have in their hands a universal raw material from which you can make anything. Moreover, they are used both fresh and dried.
How to prepare rose petals
You need to pick flowers in the morning or after rain. The main thing is not to miss the right moment - the rose should open completely and is already ready to crumble.
The easiest way to prepare petals is to hang a plucked rose entirely. To prevent the flower from saturating the dust, wrap it with gauze. When the rose is dry, disassemble it into petals. Or you can just sprinkle the petals on paper for drying.
It is better to store dried roses in a glass resealable container for no more than a year.
Roses and cosmetology
The widest area of application of rose petals is cosmetology. So, we use roses for the benefit of the soul and body:
- Rose water: Pour boiling water over dried petals and leave for 30 minutes. Store in refrigerator for a maximum of 3 days. Such water relieves irritation well.
- Lotion for rubbing dry skin: 1 tbsp. pour the petals with almond oil and heat in a water bath until the petals give off all the color. Strain. For the preparation of lotions, it is better to use red roses, as they have more beneficial properties.
- If you freeze the lotion, you get cosmetic ice for wiping your face.
- It is good to take a relaxing bath with rose petals: just put them in hot water and enjoy.
- Rose oil: in a glass jar, mix the petals with olive oil 1: 1, cover and leave in the sun. After a week, the oil is ready. Store in the refrigerator for a year.
Rose petals in cooking
Tea rose is widely used in cooking. Very tasty and aromatic jam is made from its petals.
To do this, pour over 100 g of fresh petals with boiling water and immediately place in cold water. Repeat the process 2-3 times. Further in 1 tbsp. water, add 1 kg of sugar, add the petals, bring to a boil and leave the future jam for 10 hours to brew. Next time, boil it for 25 minutes, add 2 tbsp. l lemon juice, darken for 3 minutes, and you can roll up.
Rose Petal Treatment
Rose jam has medicinal properties and is used in folk medicine in the treatment of various kinds of inflammation of the oral cavity, stomach diseases. And with rose oil, you can wipe non-healing wounds.