How to propagate an azalea at home?

I got a beautiful azalea bush in autumn. The daughter who came to visit saw her and wanted the same for herself. Tell me how to propagate an azalea at home?

Azalea belongs to decorative flowering plants. Among other flowers, azalea is distinguished by the fact that the period of its flowering falls on the time when other plants are already dormant (late autumn - winter). Its inflorescences are amazing in their beauty, and therefore many want to propagate the azalea at home.

All methods of flower reproduction can be conditionally divided into two subgroups. The simpler and more commonly used ones include:

  • propagation by cuttings;
  • reproduction by dividing the mother bush.

It is somewhat more difficult, but it is still possible to get new bushes as follows:

  • sowing seeds;
  • by grafting an azalea stalk onto a stock from another plant.

On this topic:azalea - home care after video purchase!

Propagation of azaleas by cuttings

azalea cuttings

In summer, cut off a 6-7 cm long stalk from an adult azalea bush. Make an oblique cut under the bud, and remove the lower leaves. Put the cutting in the root solution for 5 hours.

For propagation of azaleas, it is better to use non-lignified young cuttings.

Next, plant the stalk in a pot or plastic bottle (you can have several pieces in one container at once). To create greenhouse conditions, cover with a jar or cling film stretched over the frame.

stalk in a greenhouse

Azalea takes root in absolute darkness, therefore it is necessary to put on a dark fabric on the created "greenhouse".

Put the pot with cuttings in a warm room (20-25 degrees Celsius). Further care consists in frequent watering and spraying, since azalea is very hygrophilous and will not take root in dry soil.

sprouted cuttings

After the first shoots appear (after 2 months), the shelter is removed, but not immediately. It is necessary to gradually open the jar or raise the film, each time increasing the time. After the rooted cuttings grow up to 2 cm in height, they should be pinched to stimulate the growth of lateral shoots and the formation of a young lush bush. The first buds are also removed so that the bush actively grows green mass. With the help of cuttings, you can get an adult young azalea in two years.

Dividing the bush

division of the azalea bush

In early spring, carefully remove the old azalea bush from the pot and divide it into parts, leaving 1-2 shoots in each. Plant them in separate pots.

Seed propagation


Azalea seeds are sown in the month of March on moistened peat. Do not sprinkle it on top, just spray the seeds. Cover with foil or glass and place on a well-lit windowsill. Instead of watering, spray the seeds every day and ventilate regularly.

Fresh seeds, which are no more than three months old, have the best germination.

After the seeds germinate, the film is removed, and when a couple of real leaves appear, the azalea seedlings dive into a common container with a distance of about 5 cm. You can transplant the bushes into separate pots already at the end of summer.

Grafting a cutting

azalea inoculation

For the rootstock to be inoculated, choose an adult plant (at least three years old) that takes root well. Take from him a stalk 15 cm long with roots. Separately cut the stalk from the young azalea shoot.

The cuts on both cuttings must be made in the same way (oblique).

Place both cuttings on top of each other with a cut point and wrap it with foil.Plant the grafted stalk in a pot and cover with foil. Water and spray the plant.

Rooting cuttings of azalea - video


