Two ways to plant blueberries with seeds

Tell us how to plant blueberries with seeds? We have acquaintances to whom we visit every summer and have never returned without these gray berries. I really love blueberries and make small stocks of gifts, they are very good for sight. I decided to plant it in my garden, but we don't sell the seedlings, and it's too far from friends to take them. Can you pick seeds from berries and plant them, and how to do it right?

how to plant blueberries with seeds Blueberries can be most often found in coniferous forests, where, under the canopy of spruce paws, their long shoots, hung with gray-blue berries, spread out. However, it is quite possible to grow this useful shrub in a private garden if you prepare acidic soil for it in a shady corner of the site. Moreover, it is absolutely not necessary to look for seedlings in nurseries - blueberries multiply well by seed. There is nothing complicated in how to plant blueberries with seeds: you just need to buy berries on the market. And what to do next, we'll tell you now.

How to prepare seeds for planting

blueberry seeds

So, you bought the berries, now you need to "get" the planting material. To do this, knead a couple of berries in a glass and fill them with water to separate the seeds. The seeds will sink to the bottom of the glass, and the pulp and skin will float. Now rinse them until clear water, lay them out on a napkin and leave to dry. That's all - the seeds are ready for planting, no more procedures are needed.

If you can't buy fresh berries, frozen blueberries will do. In this case, the seeds will seem to pass stratification, so before planting, you will need to additionally soak them in a growth promoter.

How to plant blueberries with seeds - two easy ways

blueberry seedlingsThe uniqueness of blueberries lies in the fact that this culture is quite unpretentious, and the seeds are distinguished by good germination. This allows you to apply two planting options to choose which one suits you best:

  1. Sowing seeds for seedlings. Fill a container with light soil, make beds, and sprinkle the seeds with soil. Keep under plastic until germination. For the winter, take the crops to a cool room (basement), and in the spring, dive them into separate pots.
  2. By planting blueberries directly in open ground. Sow the seeds in a secluded spot in the garden and cover with plastic wrap.

Whichever method you choose, remember that blueberries only grow in acidic soil. You can grow seedlings in pure peat. For sowing in open ground, first prepare a bed by adding a soil mixture of peat, sand, sawdust and fallen leaves there. A little sulfur can be added to increase the acidity.

Blueberries grown through seedlings can only be transplanted to a permanent place in the garden next season. But seedlings grown in the open field can be transplanted in the fall. In both cases, young blueberries should spend their first winter under cover.

How to grow blueberries from seeds - video


