How to make a waste incineration barrel - practical advice from experienced summer residents

Tell us how to make a waste incineration barrel? We have a small garden, so there is enough of this kind in the fall, and not only. Previously, a car drove around the village, you could collect it in bags and give it away. Now you have to think for yourself what to do with the foliage and different branches. If there are large dry branches, I select them for the stove, and the small change needs to be burned. But there is no free space, next to it is not a building, so a tree. I decided to make a barrel. Can you tell me the nuances?

how to make a waste incineration barrel Whether it is spring pruning of a garden or autumn cleaning of fallen leaves, there is always enough garbage on the site. The easiest way to get rid of it is to burn it, but everything should be safe, and the best option is special street ovens from barrels. There is nothing complicated in how to make a waste incineration barrel. Moreover, in the presence of an unnecessary metal container, this does not require financial costs at all. But it will help to control the combustion process and protect against accidental and dangerous sparks.

Benefits of barrels over campfires

burning garbage in a barrel

Of course, it is convenient to rake the leaves with a rake and immediately, on the spot, set fire to the bunch. But such a flame is easily thrown by the wind onto anything that can burn. And if you also throw up large branches, it will not be possible to extinguish it soon. If the farm has an unnecessary barrel, even if it is full of holes and without a bottom, it will serve as an excellent firebox. In such a stove, the fire will be under your control all the time, and it is easy to extinguish it. In addition, the barrel can be mobile, and then, if necessary, the "fire on wheels" will move to the desired place. Moreover, you can burn in it both leaves and dry grass, and branches after cutting trees.

However, there were some drawbacks. First of all, barrels, like bonfires, are "not legalized" today. Their use threatens with administrative liability for air pollution. Another disadvantage - under the influence of high temperature, such stoves do not last long and wear out.

The stores have ready-made structures in the form of small metal ovensspecially for waste incineration. They are more durable and often have a chimney and lid for increased safety. But there is one significant drawback - the high price.

How to make a waste incinerator

There are no exact instructions and models of such barrels, it all depends on your capabilities and imagination. The main material is a metal barrel, and it can already be improved at will.

Most often, one of two simple designs is used, which differ only slightly:

  1. A barrel without a bottom, mounted on bricks. Leaky designs can still serve. Choose a level place, cover with sand and put a metal sheet on it so that the heat is not on the ground. Install a support from bricks, laying them out with the letter P, and put a grate so that debris does not fall out. It remains to place the barrel on the bricks and the oven is ready. It is convenient to light it up from the bottom on the side where there are no bricks, and to lay it on top.bottomless barrel
  2. Stove in a barrel with a bottom. Instead of a brick support, make legs and weld them. In the barrel itself, drill holes in the bottom to improve traction. And for laying waste, weld the grate inside about 15 -20 cm from the bottom. To complete the image of the stove, a blower cut out just above the wheels. Put it on the hinges and then it will be possible to regulate the strength of the fire.hardened bottom barrel

To prevent moisture from getting inside the "garbage oven" during rains, cover it with a sheet of metal on top.

Homemade waste incineration barrel - video


