Readers recommend making bell pepper blanks a hit of the winter table

preparation of pepper for the winter Pepper is a healthy vegetable that is successfully grown in many regions of the world. The variety of varieties allows you to get good yields of this crop even in the northern regions, far from the historical homeland. How to make bell peppers a hit of the winter table, surprise guests and save your home budget? You just need to choose the best recipe for yourself and call it branded!

The benefits of a sunny vegetable

sweet pepper ripens

Pepper is good for the immune system and the nervous system. It contains many vitamins and mineral salts, which are involved in metabolic processes, help to get rid of toxins and toxins, and relieve inflammatory processes. The vegetable contains:

  • vitamin C;
  • vitamins A, P, group B;
  • iron, iodine, calcium, potassium, fluorine, phosphorus, zinc;
  • cellulose;
  • Sahara;
  • antioxidants;
  • alkaloids.

composition of the Bulgarian fruitThe crispy vegetable is useful for insomnia and depression, loss of energy, memory impairment. Regular consumption of it in food increases the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, improves the saturation of cells with oxygen.

Pepper increases hemoglobin and improves skin condition.

useful properties of bell pepperIt can be eaten fresh, stewed, pickled. The bulk of the nutrients are retained during heat treatment. The vegetable can and should be consumed by both adults and children. The exception is those with allergies and stomach ulcers.

Freezing bell peppers

freezing bell pepperChilled and frozen foods retain the majority of their beneficial ingredients. Together with them, the product retains its taste and aroma, which is very important in those regions where the border between the seasons is sharply felt. in winter it is so nice to cook soup or stew from vegetables harvested with your own hands, or better grown in your garden.

Pepper is great when frozen. It retains its shape, structure and density. Sweet peppers can be frozen whole or in slices. It all depends on the goals pursued by the hostess.

Whole vegetable

freezing peppers for stuffingFor this form of freezing, small peppers are chosen, preferably of the same size. In the future, they will be used for stuffing. The vegetable is washed, the upper part with a tail is cut off and the inside is cleaned of seeds and partitions. So that the pepper does not crack and break when it is placed in the freezer, it is blanched for 30 seconds. Then let it cool and drain. Now it can be stored.

There is always a shortage of space in the freezer. To save it, the peppers are folded one to one by a train, and the caps are placed separately on the side. The locomotive is folded into a plastic bag. The procedure is complete.

For aesthetics, you can put yellow, red and green specimens in one bag, then the finished dish will delight not only in taste, but also in appearance.

In winter, when there is a desire to cook filled peppers, they are allowed to defrost, but not completely. The product must remain firm. Then it is much easier to put the filling inside - the walls will not burst, and the shape will remain the same. Frozen peppers for stuffing are not only tasty, but also fast. The dish is cooked in a few minutes, the rest of the time - for heat treatment.

Even more thoughtful housewives, if there is free space in the freezer, stuff the pepper immediately and put it in storage ready for heat treatment. In winter, it is enough to transfer vegetables to a saucepan and simmer until tender.Another advantage of such a preparation is that in summer, spicy herbs are much more accessible, which can be put in abundance together with minced meat inside the pepper. The dish will turn out to be aromatic in summer.

Those who like to add Bulgarian vegetables to pizza need to learn how to freeze them properly. First, it is washed, dried with a towel and gently cleaned inside. Next, cut into thin rings and put on a baking sheet for dumplings, which is in each freezer.

Each ring is placed separately from each other so that they do not touch and do not stick together. In this form, they remain in the freezer for 2 days until they freeze well. They can now be collected and folded into a container. In the future, they will be easily separated from each other, maintain integrity and look beautiful in the finished dish.

Semi-finished products for soup and main courses

slicing pepper for stuffingRipe and not very vegetable can be used as an addition to soup, salad, main courses, pizza. To do this, it is washed, cleaned of seeds and partitions and must be dried with a paper towel. It can now be cut into strips, cubes or rings as desired.

we pack in packagesSuch a semi-finished product is put into bags or containers for freezing in portions. That is, one container should contain as much vegetable as is usually required for soup or stew. If you put everything in one plastic bag, after freezing it will be difficult to break off the right amount from it.

A semi-finished pepper product with other vegetables and herbs saves the hostess' time well. You can put peppers, tomatoes, dill in one bag, parsley, carrot.

Next, the contents of the bag are simply thrown into a saucepan with any soup. Fast, tasty and healthy.

bag with fastenerHow to make bell peppers a hit on the festive winter table with minimal effort? As an option for a ready-to-eat semi-finished product, baked peppers can be considered. The workpiece is done like this:

  • whole vegetables are put on a baking sheet greased with olive oil;
  • bake at a temperature of 180 ° C for 25-30 minutes;
  • give a little cold, remove the skin and peel the seeds.

The semi-finished product is put in portions in plastic containers and frozen. After defrosting, the food is cut into strips, sprinkled with herbs, seasoned with dressing, spices and salt are added. This is how a healthy salad is prepared in a few minutes. It acts as an independent dish or in combination with meat. To prevent the vegetable from being watery, defrost it in a colander. The best salad dressing is a mixture of lemon juice and olive oil.

Such a semi-finished product can also be put in a skillet with meat stew in the last minutes of its preparation. The dish will acquire a rich aroma and taste.

Pepper blanks in jars

Bell pepper is a very beneficial product in all respects. This also applies to the versatility of cooking. it can be marinated whole in a jar, prepare salad, caviar, adjika, cut into thin lengths and pour over the sauce. There are really a lot of options for blanks, the main thing from the variety of recipes is to choose the one that will appeal to the whole family.

Adjika: two cooking options

Bulgarian pepper adjikaIn fact, there are many more options for making this hot sauce than 2. In Georgia and other Asian countries, it is cooked very spicy to be served with barbecue and other meat dishes. Spices and herbs in adzhika stimulate the production of digestive enzymes, due to which heavy meat foods are easily digested and well absorbed. In addition to pepper, adjika contains garlic, tomatoes, spices, and salt. Additional ingredients can be onions, carrots, plums and even apples. Thus, the Europeans diluted the Asian piquancy and spice.

Adjika from bell pepper, recipe number 1:

  • grind ripe tomatoes, peppers and carrot in a ratio of about 5: 2: 1;chop vegetables
  • transfer to a wide bowl and simmer after boiling over low heat for 1 hour;put in a saucepan and boil
  • add 250 ml of vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. sugar, 6 tbsp. l. table salt, simmer for another 30-40 minutes;
  • add 230 ml of vinegar and chopped head of garlic, simmer for 10 minutes and close in sterilized jars.

This recipe is a model for all other options. The amount of foods and spices can be reduced or increased according to your own taste. If the tomatoes are juicy homemade, much less vinegar is added.

Recipe number 2:

  • fry until golden brown 7-8 pcs. onions, 5-6 pcs. carrots;
  • in a combine, grind into a homogeneous mass 5 kg of bell pepper, 6 pcs. spicy, 2 kg of tomatoes;
  • combine all vegetables, add a chopped bunch cilantro, parsley, garlic (2 heads);
  • add salt to taste and pour a glass of tomato paste;add salt and spices
  • simmer for 15 minutes and close in hot jars.put out

By analogy, the famous tkemali sauce is made, in which the base is sour yellow cherry plum. Such preparations from bell peppers as sauces are very beneficial. They can be served not only with meat dishes. Adjika will enhance and enrich the taste of any soup or vegetable stew. The so-called tender or sweet version makes it look like a salad, which can be safely served with meat, fish and potatoes.


pepper lechoThese are chopped stewed vegetables in tomato juice. At the head of the preparation is pepper, onion and tomato. This is a kind of winter salad - delicious and satisfying. To make a sweet pepper lecho you need:

  • across meat grinder grind 2 kg of tomatoes, ideally without the skin;chop tomatoes
  • cut the pepper into 4-5 pieces lengthwise;chop pepper
  • Chop 1.5 kg of onions into half rings;chop the onion
  • combine the ingredients in a bowl, put 2 bay leaves, 20 g of salt, black and allspice peas (1 tsp), 70 g of sugar, pour in 100 ml of vegetable oil;
  • stew vegetables for 1 hour, add 30-40 ml of vinegar, roll up.cook lecho

Lecho can be thought of as a salad and a sauce. It all depends on the degree of grinding of the ingredients and the cooking time. The longer the vegetables are stewed, the more uniform the dish becomes.


Bulgarian pepper caviarThe bright taste of this winter homemade preparation will please both children and adults. This is one of the most versatile recipes for preparing summer vegetables, led by peppers. Thanks to its thick consistency, it can be spread on bread, put with spaghetti, served with meat and sausages. Caviar is prepared from a standard set of vegetables:

  • pepper;
  • carrots;
  • tomatoes;
  • Luke;
  • garlic.

Additional ingredients are spices (salt, pepper), root celery and parsley. Carrots and onions are fried in vegetable oil.fry onions and carrots Root celery and parsley are cut into thin strips and also fried. Pepper is baked in the oven, peeled and ground with a meat grinder.bake pepper Tomatoes are dipped in hot water to facilitate the peeling process and are also sent to a meat grinder.scald the tomatoes with boiling water Tomato puree is boiled over the fire for 15 minutes. All other ingredients are added to the tomatoes and stewed for 10 minutes.chop tomatoes and boil

The next step is sterilization. The caviar is laid out in jars and sterilized for 30-40 minutes, depending on the volume of the containers.

Pickled peppers

pickled peppersThe simplest workpiece is pickled bell peppers. There are several options for marinades, but the cooking process itself is the same type.

  1. Select medium-sized vegetables (8 kg), peel and cut into 4-5 pieces lengthwise.chop pepper
  2. Blanch for 1 minute;blanch pepper
  3. Transfer the pepper to a hot marinade for 4 minutes, made from 2 liters of water, 400 g of sugar, 4 tbsp. l. salt, black peppercorns, cloves, a glass of vinegar and 400 ml of vegetable oil.pour pepper marinade
  4. The vegetable, along with the marinade, is poured into jars and covered with lids. Banks are turned upside down, wrapped in a blanket and left to cool completely.

To make the dish look appetizing, peppers of different colors are put in one jar. You will get a real traffic light.

Hot pepper

hot pepperSuch a fragrant preparation is suitable for any feast. For its preparation, the filling is first prepared following the technology:

  • pass 1.5 kg of tomato through a meat grinder;
  • add 1 head of chopped garlic, 5 tbsp. l. sugar and 3 tbsp. l. salt, pour 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • the mixture is boiled over low heat for 15 minutes;
  • dipped pepper cut into 4 parts into the filling and simmer for another 15 minutes;
  • add 3 tbsp. l vinegar and roll up in jars.

To taste and desire, spices are added to the preparation, for example, pepper, curry or turmeric. Garlic can also be tossed in small whole cloves.


cold pilafThis is an independent cold appetizer, very tasty, satisfying and budget friendly. To prepare it, you will need 2 kg of pepper, the same amount of tomato, 1 kg of onions and carrots, 200 g of steamed rice.

Cooking technology:

  • tomatoes are cut into slices;
  • chop the pepper into cubes, cut the onion in half rings, and cut the carrots into strips;
  • the rice is washed under running water, allowed to stand in water for 30 minutes;
  • the ingredients are mixed and sent to the basin;
  • add 2 tbsp. l. salt and sugar, ½ tbsp. vegetable oil, 40 g of vinegar;
  • all stew for 1 hour with constant stirring.

The finished dish is transferred to hot sterilized jars and twisted. If desired, spices are added to the blank.

Crispy cauliflower snack

cauliflower with bell pepperCabbage inflorescences are rarely used in winter harvesting. It is more often eaten fresh or frozen. This preparation option allows you to get an interesting salad. Due to its bright pepper and spices, cabbage, neutral in taste, gets a great taste. To prepare a dish you need:

  • 1 kg of red and yellow pepper cut into slices;
  • Divide 300 g of cabbage into small inflorescences;
  • cut into thin strips 150 g each celery root and parsley;
  • chop 4 cloves of garlic with a knife.
  • put all the vegetables in jars in layers, sprinkling with garlic;
  • prepare a marinade from 1 liter. water, 2 tbsp. l. salt and sugar, a couple of peppercorns and 100 g of vinegar;
  • jars are poured with hot marinade and left for 20 minutes;
  • the marinade is drained, boiled again and the jars are poured a second time, rolled up and covered with a blanket.

Vegetables in the pot do not lose their density, remain crispy and aromatic due to spices and garlic.

Pepper with sour apples

bell pepper marinated with sour applesThe combination of bell pepper and apples seems very unusual. This blank will appeal to lovers of sweet preserves. For her, choose medium-sized yellow and red peppers, as well as small green apples.

Vegetables are cut into 2 parts, fruits - into 4. They are cleaned of seeds and partitions. Next, you need to boil water and blanch the food for 2 minutes. Vegetables and fruits are placed in one liter jars in layers and poured with hot marinade.

Marinade recipe:

  • 1 l. water;
  • 1 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1 tsp cinnamon;
  • 1 tbsp. vinegar

Liter jars are sterilized for 25 minutes, turned over with the lids down and insulated with a blanket. Both apples and peppers, according to this recipe, acquire an unusual taste and aroma.

Autumn harvesting of fresh fruits and vegetables always takes a long time. But no store-bought industrial option can replace the pleasure a person gets when they open a can of their own salad or marinade. In addition to the taste, homemade products are distinguished by consistently high quality, since the products from which they are prepared have passed the most stringent controls.

How to make bell peppers the hit of the winter season? Just open another homemade recipe prepared according to the proprietary recipe, add good company and a little fun mood to it.


