How to make delicious corn popcorn in your home kitchen
For decades, cinemas and recreation parks have been offering people a cheap but tasty grain treat. However, many are interested in learning how to make popcorn from corn with their own hands in order to get a healthy product. It turns out that this does not require a complex unit. It is enough to have the traditional kitchen utensils, the starting product and the desire to learn. As a result, everyone's favorite popcorn treat will appear on the table.
Product history
How to make DIY corn popcorn
To obtain a quality product, appropriate crop varieties will be required. The grain should have a "glass" surface, a thin but fairly hard skin. In addition, it should contain an abundance of proteins and a small percentage of starch.
Suitable varieties are considered:
- Red popcorn;
- Pop-pop;
- Volcano;
- Zeya;
- Grandchild's joy;
- Hotel.
Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to make popcorn from regular corn at home. After all, it contains an abundance of starch and little fat. The shell of the grains, although thick, is rather fragile. It bursts quickly, which prevents the grain from fully unfolding. In addition, it lacks air and moisture, which cause an explosive effect.
Nowadays, there are special units "Cannons" that make popcorn even from ordinary corn.
Airy delicacy in a frying pan
For business, you need a frying pan with high sides and a thick bottom. Thanks to this, the grain will evenly warm up and will not scatter to the sides.
If such dishes are available, we will analyze the points of how to make popcorn from corn in a pan:
- several tablespoons of vegetable, butter or coconut oil are poured to the bottom (you can mix the components);
- when the liquid is well warmed up, pour the dry corn grain in one layer (each copy should take its place in the pan);
- the corn is gently mixed so that it is completely "bathed" in oil and covered with a lid.
The pan is put on moderate heat. Thanks to this, the seeds will not burn, but together turn into an exquisite delicacy. After a few minutes, popping sounds are heard, indicating a successful cooking process. When there is complete silence, the pan is removed from the heat. Pour the finished popcorn into a large bowl. Sprinkle or sprinkle with various flavors if desired.
It is advisable to remove the lid very carefully so that condensation does not get on the dry product.
Using a multicooker
Thanks to modern kitchen technology, making corn popcorn at home has become much easier. After all, the process does not need to be constantly monitored.
Just upload to multicooker Ingredients:
- suitable corn kernels;
- vegetable oil;
- salt or granulated sugar;
- nutritional supplements.
Oil is poured into the bottom of the bowl. Spread out corn grains. Sprinkle with salt or sugar. Mix thoroughly with a wooden or plastic spatula. Close the lid and set the "Fry" or "Bake" mode. The timer indicates the time: 5 minutes. Although in a special apparatus the popcorn cooking temperature reaches 220-250 ° C, in a multicooker it is set at 150-160 ° C. Sprinkle hot popcorn with spices.
The number of grains is put taking into account the volume of the finished product.
Reliable helper - microwave
In recent years, this unit has gained particular popularity among housewives. It is used to warm up lunch and prepare savory dishes, including corn popcorn.
The technology is pretty simple:
- vegetable oil is poured into a special bulk dish;
- grain is poured (based on 1 liter of 25 g of product);
- mix thoroughly;
- cover with a lid.
On the device set the power of 600 W and listen to the air "firefight". When it dies down, the treat is ready. The process usually takes no more than 5 minutes. If desired, the product is sprinkled with aromatic additives. Served on the table cold.
Stores sell microwaved popcorn bags. The main thing is to carefully read the instructions.
Cooking an ancient treat in a saucepan
To treat friends with popcorn, you need a spacious container. A large, thick-bottomed saucepan is suitable for this case. It is placed on moderate heat. Pour in a mixture of olive, coconut, sunflower, sesame and butter. The liquid should cover the bottom of the pot well. When it boils, pour out the dry corn grain. Mix thoroughly so that each piece is completely covered with a greasy oil film. Then cover with a lid.
A tasty delicacy is “born” in the pan under loud claps. When the "shootout" is over, the product is poured into a large bowl and distributed to friends.
You should not try to make popcorn from canned corn, because it has already gone through heat treatment and has lost its "explosive" ability.
Additives to improve aroma and taste
Today, there are a number of additional components that improve product quality. Some of them are homemade. Let's consider several options.
For business, you need butter, granulated sugar and water. Put about 30 g of oil in a refractory container. When it melts, add a glass of sugar and 3 tablespoons of water. The resulting mass is brought to a boil, stirring continuously with a wooden spatula. Popcorn is poured over the finished caramel, the product is actively shaken and served.
Chocolate fantasy
A bar of chocolate is crushed and heated to a liquid consistency. Then it is poured onto hot popcorn in a thin stream.
If desired, the supplement is made independently from such products.:
- milk (200 g);
- sugar (100 g);
- butter (50 g);
- cocoa (2 tablespoons).
Dissolve butter in milk. Add sugar and boil until the mass acquires the consistency of sour cream. Then add cocoa and mix thoroughly. Cook for a few minutes. The previously prepared popcorn is poured with the resulting "chocolate".
Spicy gourmet taste
A suitable type of hard cheese is rubbed over hot popcorn so that it hits almost all puffed grains. Due to the high temperature, it will melt and give the delicacy a unique aroma and taste. In addition, you get a pretty hearty dish.
Fans of spicy dishes prepare a special syrup. Uses simple ingredients:
- corn syrup (50 ml);
- butter (25 g);
- salt;
- chilli;
- vanilla (pinch).
The product is boiled for about 20 minutes until a thick mass is obtained. It is then poured onto hot popcorn. If there is no time for the preparation of liquid additives, use free-flowing seasonings.
Popcorn is sprinkled according to preference:
- powdered sugar;
- paprika;
- vanilla;
- cinnamon;
- salt;
- orange peel.
We've taken a close look at how to make corn popcorn in your home kitchen. It turned out that this process is not at all complicated. The main thing is to purchase a suitable crop variety. Have a deep skillet, multicooker, microwave, or heavy-bottomed saucepan on hand. And also, additional ingredients for making treats. Let's not waste time, but get down to business right away.