Three options on how to remove paint from a concrete wall - preparing for a major overhaul

Advise how to remove paint from a concrete wall? We bought our daughter a one-room apartment, an old building, still from Soviet times, but solid, well-groomed. Both the outside are renovated, and the entrances are clean. Drawn up the documents and began major repairs, which this apartment from its old owners saw for a long time. They took off the wallpaper and got a surprise - they were glued directly to the painted walls. The paint is old, and it is clear that there is more than one layer. How to remove it completely now, maybe try to scrape it off?

how to remove paint from a concrete wall It used to be fashionable to cover living quarters with wallpaper, but today, more and more often, walls are simply painted. This is often both cheaper and more practical, but sometimes the problem arises of how to remove paint from a concrete wall. It is good if the previous layer was one and applied on a flat surface. Then you can simply re-coat the wall with paint of a similar color so that the old one does not show through. But if you all decided to glue the wallpaper, while opting for a heavy material, then it is better to remove the paint completely so that they do not fall off. The same applies to laying tiles, for example, in a previously painted bathroom. For better adhesion, strength and durability, the tiles are best placed on a clean wall.

How to remove paint from a concrete wall - three proven methods

removing paint from a concrete wall

The problem with the thorough cleaning of the concrete wall is that it is also painted “thoroughly”. Especially oil paint, which is deeply absorbed. And if a primer was also applied to the wall, then it will not be possible to easily and quickly get rid of the old repair.

Both professional craftsmen and self-taught owners who make repairs in their home on their own most often use the following cleaning methods:

  • mechanical;
  • thermal;
  • chemical.

These methods are used to remove varnish or oil paints. It is much easier to clean a wall painted with water-based emulsion. Moisten it abundantly with water, let it swell and remove the painted wet layer with a spatula. Fresh acrylic paint can be removed just as easily with a regular rag or wire brush. Rub the old acrylic walls with white spirit and after half an hour rinse with a cloth and water.

How to remove old paint mechanically

If you have a private house and there are no neighbors nearby who will be disturbed by the noise, you can knock down or scrape off the paint using:

  1. Ax. Make notches on the wall, dampen it with water and knock off the painted layer with an to remove paint with an ax
  2. With a hammer and a chisel. Tap with a hammer first to crack the paint. Then moisten and scrape off with a to remove paint with a hammer and chisel
  3. A grinder with a special disk nozzle can be immediately cleaned without to remove paint with a grinder

Of the disadvantages of mechanical stripping, in addition to noise, it is worth noting that this option will be the dirtiest in the literal sense of the word. When stripping, large and small pieces and a lot of dust fly off, especially from the grinder. Therefore, it is imperative to work in protective clothing and glasses.

Thermal paint removal methods

how to remove paint from a concrete wall with a construction hairdryerThe point is to heat up the old paint and, while hot, when it bubbles up, scrape it off. The most relatively safe and certainly the most powerful tool for warming up will be a building hair dryer. It is used to install a stretch ceiling. Alternatively, a blowtorch or gas-burner.

Although thermal methods are not as noisy as working with an ax, keep in mind that when heated, the paint releases harmful substances. Therefore, take frequent breaks and ensure that the room is well ventilated.

Chemistry versus old renovation

how to remove paint with a removerThe fastest way to clean the wall from paint with a remover - a special composition designed to dissolve any coatings, from paint to varnish. Apply the wash in one layer, wait a couple of minutes and you can remove the swollen layer. However, this is also the most harmful method, because the solvent is toxic. You can get burns of mucous membranes and poisoning if you work without protection.

Removing paint from concrete walls


