You can save fresh tomatoes from your beds until the New Year

I would like to surprise friends and relatives with my tomatoes on New Year's holidays. Please tell us what varieties of fruits you need to use for this and what is the agricultural technology of their cultivation? How and where to save them tomatoes until the new year.

storing a tomato Subject to the cultivation technology, timely harvesting and proper preservation, the fruits of some varieties can lie until March, if they, of course, are not eaten. We usually ate such tomatoes on New Year's holidays.

I will describe the varieties of late-ripening tomatoes that we tested - these are "Long-Kiper", "New Year" and "Khutorskoy salting". All of them are distinguished by their increased density, large thickness of the fruit walls and small seed chambers. The fruits of these varieties are yellow. It should be noted that their taste is unimportant compared to the recognized favorites, but in salads or second hot dishes, their use will be much cheaper than purchased tomatoes purchased in the pre-New Year period.

In addition, tomato varieties are distinguished by increased shelf life: "Giraffe", "Vasilisa", "Podzimny", "Rio Grande" and others.

Now about the features of the technology. The main condition for long-term storage is timely cleaning. It is necessary to prevent the fruits from turning yellow on the bushes. Collect unripe tomatoes, carefully, do not crush and allow other mechanical damage.

You need to store the fruits of "long-playing tomatoes" in one or two layers in boxes, at a room temperature of no higher than eighteen degrees Celsius. The optimum temperature will be in the range of ten to fifteen degrees.

  1. Helena

    And which varieties are stored longer, otherwise we are just beginning to comprehend the basics, but I do not want to listen to the opinion of the sellers in the store, they obviously do not advise good things.

    • Natali

      Late ripeness varieties are best suited for storage. Choose varieties with firm flesh. Each region has its own varieties, so it makes no sense to give specific names. When buying seeds, look for varieties with not too large fruits.


