How to care for begonia at home

begonia on the table Charming bushes with carved bright leaves and delicate buds adorn the front gardens, flower beds and balconies from late spring to mild autumn. These are mainly tuberous representatives of the species with voluminous noticeable flowers. Indoor begonia can delight the heart of a plant lover all year round. A wide variety of species are planted in pots.

What are the varieties?

Among the plants, there are also miniature bushes with a height of no more than 5 cm, and large specimens up to 3 m. They are classified in different ways.

In the popular interpretation, 4 types are mentioned, including:

  1. beautifully flowering - distinguished by graceful flowers of the most different colors, fullness and shape;
  2. shrub and semi-shrub;
  3. tuberous begonias;
  4. decorative deciduous - have carved characteristic colored leaves.

There are a lot of varieties of blooming beauty, more than 1000. Having spread from the shores of Asia and Africa, as well as South America, it has become popular all over the world.

beautiful begonias

Rules for caring for begonia at home

Having visited a thematic exhibition in a botanical garden or a greenhouse, you will undoubtedly want to settle this miracle in your apartment. But how to care for begonia at home so that it does not disappear after a short flowering? Are your conditions right for her?

  1. First, find a location where no straight solar stream will be directed at the plant. But at the same time there should be a lot of light, the appearance and growth rate depend on it. Deciduous species can be placed at some distance from windows, they can also tolerate partial shade. Experts recommend placing flowerpots on the windowsills of the north and east windows.
  2. Secondly, it should be remembered that the flower feels comfortable being in one place. The constant change in lighting conditions and temperatures can ruin it.
  3. Thirdly, it is necessary to provide periods of rest between the active phases of growth, during which a reserve of energy and strength is accumulated for a new flowering.
  4. Fourthly, try to create optimal temperature conditions in the region of 18-22 ° С throughout the year, avoiding hypothermia in winter and drying out in summer.

Watering and moisture

The main care for begonia in hot summer is abundant and frequent watering with soft, settled water. You will be able to understand that another humidification is needed if the upper earthen layer has dried out by 1 cm. Since the native climate for a flower is tropical and subtropical, dry air is unacceptable for it. But you cannot spray the leaves, because ugly brown spots may appear on them. How to proceed? Place the pot on an expanded clay pillow and add water as it dries. Evaporating, it will saturate the air well with moisture.

To provide quality room winter begonia care, you need to reduce watering. You can also insulate the pot a little so that the root system is not affected by the coolness. In the midst of cold weather, the plant freezes in growth. During this period, it is not worth fertilizing, replanting, turning or filling it. It is important to provide him with the necessary peace.

How and when should begonia be transplanted?

indoor begoniaYou should not transplant a newly purchased flowering bush. Having experienced stress after changing growing conditions, the plant can be sick for a long time, the flowering period will noticeably decrease.The time has come to change the shipping container to a more beautiful and original pot if there is not enough space for the roots to grow, and they begin to look out in the drainage holes. Choose a flowerpot a couple of centimeters larger than before.

The landing pattern is standard:

  • a layer of small stones is laid on the bottom;
  • expanded clay is sprinkled with suitable soil 1.5-2 cm;
  • having pressed the pot on all sides, a bush is carefully removed from it, trying not to damage the roots;
  • if necessary, unravel the root ball with a wooden stick, straightening it;
  • placing the plant in a new pot, the roots are gradually sprinkled with new soil, lightly tamping it;
  • then watered with soft water.

It is better to purchase ready-made soil. After all, special requirements are imposed on it: it must have a certain acidity, be light and loose, and have nutritional properties.

Fertilizing indoor flowers begonia

For colorful stems, long flowering phase, large buds, the plant needs fertilization. Indoor begonia flowers, which are cared for without regular feeding, look weak and emaciated. It is recommended to introduce complex mineral mixtures in the spring-summer period, when active growth is observed and buds are laid. There are specialized formulations designed specifically for flowering begonias. They are used as directed - once or twice a week. Supplements should be used wisely, they will not bring an excessive amount of benefit. If you are the owner of an ornamental leafy begonia, then you need to stop fertilizing in the fall. If your plant blooms for a long time in winter, feed it until the end of flowering.

begonia flowers

Don't be afraid to have a charming begonia. If you can provide her with a good environment, she will reward you with her beauty and long flowering.

Video: caring for room begonia

  1. Albina Andreevna Knyazeva

    I really like begonia, and have tried many times to grow from tubers and seeds, but the result is zero. Thanks for the posted material. Now I will take into account all my mistakes and grow the beauty first on the windowsill, and then in the garden. I realized that the main thing is to save the tuber from the bay, especially the hole, and I tried, on the contrary, to moisten it so that it would not dry out. Now, thanks to the publication, we will create beauty on the window.

  2. OlgaV

    Not a single fertilizer for begonia was named. It is not clear what to do with it. We now have the month of July. I have it on the table, by the window, it is light enough, not hot, I water it regularly, but it gives one foliage, does not want to bloom, although when bought in a store it bloomed magnificently. Then I took the layers, put them in the water and, when I gave the roots, planted 2-3 pieces in pots. In one pot, the shoots died, and in the other, only greens.

  3. Olga

    In young flowering begonias that are sold in the store, most often flowering is caused by artificiality, since usually the plant reaches the appropriate age for flowering only when there are at least 5 rings on the main stem. Your young cuttings are not blooming because their time has not come yet.
    As for adult begonias, there may be several reasons. If the flower has enough light, warmth, moisture and watering, perhaps it did not have a dormant period? Without rest between flowering, the plant eventually depletes and stops blooming. And the window with the flowerpot underneath won't open? From drafts, begonia not only does not bloom, but also stops developing.
    Lack of nutrition also affects re-flowering. In this case, it is advisable to change the land to a fresh, nutritious substrate and feed the begonia with complex fertilizers for flowering. It would be impractical to recommend any one drug, it all depends on the availability of those in local flower shops.But such fertilizers as Scotts Everris for begonias, Fertika-Lux, and liquid fertilizer Biopon for begonias have proven themselves quite well.


