How to care for a room rose at home?

dwarf chinese rose Walking past the window of a flower shop, it is impossible to take your eyes off the bright miniature rose bushes. And how you want to see such a miracle on your windowsill. However, many are discouraged from buying by stories of disappointed inexperienced growers, in whom the plant in a month turned into a blackened dry bush. At the same time, neither the transplant nor the feeding helped.

The main problem with the death of a plant is not knowing how to care for a room rose. Perhaps the plant has a complex character, but following the basic rules of cultivation, it will thank its owner with royal flowering and amazing aroma.

Choosing a room rose

Choosing the right bush in a flower shop is a fundamental factor in the success of growing it at home.

Usually the trading network offers the following varieties for sale:

  • Polyanthus. This undersized variety is obtained by crossing climbing and tea roses. It blooms profusely all year round with small (2-4 cm) double flowers;
  • Miniature. In the photo of a room rose of this variety, you can see very small double flowers, which distinguish them from other species. The plant is bred in China and has neat, densely leafed bushes;
  • The hybrid tea was obtained by crossing remontant varieties with tea varieties. The bush is distinguished by the flowering of exquisite large (10-14 cm) double flowers exuding a pleasant aroma.

When choosing, you should give preference to a plant that has fewer flowers, but more young shoots. This will ensure that the bush is in the growing phase and will make it easier to care for the indoor rose.

indoor dwarf rose Cordana

How to care for a room rose in the early days?

As soon as the rose is at home, do not rush to transplant it immediately. Give her the opportunity to get used to the new environment. For the purpose of prevention, after a few days, the bush must be treated against possible diseases and pests. To do this, it will be enough to cover it with plenty of soap suds and rinse with clean water. The inside should be treated with particular care.

climbing indoor rose

Having got used to the new conditions, the flower is ready for transplantation into a nutritious substrate. After removing the rose from the pot, carefully check the roots. On a healthy plant, they should be light in color and strong. If you find rotten areas in the root zone, carefully remove. At the end of the treatment, the rose is placed in a pot with a nutrient mixture, at the bottom of which there must be drainage. In order to improve survival rate, all flowers must be removed from the bush.

Hybrid tea rose Nostalgie photo

We create optimal conditions for a room rose

How to care for a room rose at home so that it has abundant flowering and a healthy look. The place where it will be is very important for the plant. It is desirable that this is a window on the east or south side with sufficient lighting. Otherwise, with a lack of sunlight, the plant will have to additionally illuminate, especially during the flowering period.

Rose SchrabLooking at the photo of a blooming room rose, we can say with confidence that the plant received the required amount of moisture, nutrients, and the required air humidity was maintained. Indoor rose is very demanding for watering, but an excess of moisture can provoke the onset of a disease. It is watered as the earthen coma dries up in a pot with settled warm water. It is very important for the bush to provide optimal humidity at a temperature of 23-25 ​​° C.It is advisable to moisten the bush with daily spraying with clean water. In hot dry weather, this can be done in the morning and evening.

When caring for a room rose, do not forget about periodically loosening the earth in a pot and regularly applying dressings. It is better to use liquid complex species or specially designed additives for these plants as fertilizers. The amount and frequency of watering is determined by the manufacturer on the packaging.

Indoor roses also need periodic pruning. It is carried out from the moment the buds awaken and the appearance of young shoots, which indicates the beginning of the active growth of the bush. Removing dry twigs and weak shoots will speed up the formation of buds and prevent diseases in a room rose.

Room rose diseases

Also, difficulties in growing may arise due to room rose disease... Most often it is overcome by aphids, spider mites and various fungal parasites. To prevent disease, rose leaves must be regularly inspected.

But how to save the plant if pests are found?

  • Spider mite. It is most commonly found in hot weather. He enmeshes the leaves with the thinnest web of buds and leaves, which gradually begin to dry and fall off. The plant can be cured by spraying it with Fitoferm.
  • Aphid. With a small amount of pests, you can pick it up by hand, after which the plant can be treated with Intavir.
  • In the event of rust, powdery mildew and gray rot, as well as other fungal diseases of the room rose, it will be necessary to spray it with Fundazol. In addition to the main treatment, it is necessary to adjust the humidity of the air, reduce watering and ventilate the room where the rose is located.

Treatment with drugs is carried out in the open air. The plant is left at the spraying site for a day, after which it is brought into the room.

Room rose care (video)

  1. Dmitry

    What is my beauty called?

    • Natali

      You have a beautiful well-groomed Chinese rose (indoor hibiscus). Stimulate flowering in the spring.


