Light, coolness and an obligatory rest period are all about how to care for a chrysanthemum in a pot

How to care for a potted chrysanthemum in the house? I bought a dwarf variety, a very beautiful bush with small, but full, flowers, just like pompoms. Now I'm thinking about how to make it bloom as long as possible and in general, to preserve the plant. What do indoor chrysanthemums love and where is it better to keep them?

how to care for a chrysanthemum in a pot The bitter scent of chrysanthemums cannot be confused with other flowers, and the variety of their shapes and colors will satisfy even the most demanding flower growers. And what is most interesting, you can admire the flowering not only in the garden, but also in your own home. To keep plants blooming even in winter, it is important to know how to care for a potted chrysanthemum. While their garden cousin is already deeply "sleeping" under the snow cover, the indoor chrysanthemum continues to rage in a warm room. But only she needs to create the necessary conditions, because an increased above zero temperature can also have the opposite effect, a rapid fading. More importantly, only proper care will help preserve the bush and prevent it from drying out at the end of the growing season.

Where to put chrysanthemum in the house - conditions of detention

conditions for keeping indoor chrysanthemums

The warmer it is in the room, the faster the bush will fade, and it does not matter which variety it belongs to. Even with the beginning of the heating period, the temperature in the room should not be higher than 18 ° C heat. But it is even better to maintain the optimal regime at + 15 ° C.

But the requirements for lighting in potted chrysanthemums are higher. Like all flowering crops, they need sun to form their buds, especially over an extended period. It is best to put the bushes on the east or west windows. There is enough light, and direct rays will not harm the leaves and will not burn them.

How to care for a potted chrysanthemum

potted chrysanthemum care during floweringCaring for a room chrysanthemum is practically no different from growing garden species. They are necessary:

  1. Water regularly, because this culture loves moisture, especially during flowering it needs it. Moreover, the warmer it is in the room where the pot is, the more often you need to moisten the soil in it.
  2. It is advisable to periodically spray the bushes, because the air in the house is drier than outside, especially in rainy autumn.
  3. In the spring, the plant can be fed nitrogen fertilizerso that it grows young growth faster. Before flowering, during the laying of buds and directly, when the chrysanthemum is blooming, it needs a mineral complex with potassium and phosphorus. It is enough to add the drug once every 10 days.

As the flowers fade, they must be removed.

When and how to send a potted chrysanthemum to rest

preparing potted chrysanthemums for the dormant periodAs with garden plants, houseplants should have a dormant period so that they can prepare for the next flowering. Its beginning is the end of flowering. As soon as the last bud wilted, the entire aerial part should be cut off. And send the chrysanthemum itself for wintering in a room with a temperature not higher than 5 ° C heat. There she will stay until spring, and then you can put the pot in the heat again. By the way, in spring, plants are also transplanted with the replacement of soil and pot, if necessary.

Chrysanthemum in a pot - care rules


