It is important to know how to root plumeria in order to grow a beautiful plant

tender plumeria Before rooting a plumeria, you need to study the theory thoroughly. This will allow you to breed exotic plants at home. The tree naturally grows up to 1.5-3 m in height, and the Caribbean islands, Central America and Mexico are considered its homeland. You can also grow plumeria at home, if you observe the appropriate temperature and light conditions. Reproduction of plumeria is possible both by seeds and cuttings. The second method will allow you to get a tree that will retain all the external characteristics and qualities of the parent, while the plants grown from seeds may differ.

Selection and preparation of cuttings

how to root plumeria

A stalk is a shoot that must be rooted and planted in the ground. It is trimmed at a 45 degree angle using sharp scissors. In order for the roots to be as strong and powerful as possible, a wide cut surface should be left. It is important to take not young, but already adult shoots, the bark of which has managed to acquire a gray tint.

For propagation of plumeria by cuttings, shoots about 25 cm long are suitable. It is better to cut them off during the period when the plant is dormant - so the tree does not waste extra vitality on recovery. The best period for grafting is winter. However, it is worth remembering that plumeria is a thermophilic plant, so the resulting cuttings are stored on a battery or in any other heated place.

Cut and dried cutting can be stored for up to several months. Thanks to this quality, it can be cut in winter, during the dormant period, and rooted after the start of the warm season.

Soil for plumeria

plumeria from cuttingsAn important aspect of how to root a plumeria stalk so that it takes root quickly is to prepare a suitable soil for it. The first composition in which the shoot takes root should consist of peat and additives in the form of sand, or perlite... You can buy a mixture for succulents - they are excellent at retaining moisture and are also suitable for plumeria. However, in such soil, only the rooting process will take place. Over time, when the first roots appear, the plant can be transplanted into a container with permanent soil.

It can be prepared at home according to the following scheme:

  • turf mixture - 2 parts;
  • 1 part of peat, sand and organic fertilizers (humus).

Before you root your plumeria, it is important to prepare a suitable container for it. It should be at least 2-3 liters in volume, since the plant grows rapidly and forms a lush bush. Experienced owners of these trees advise choosing plastic pots. The root system of the plant is dense and branched, therefore, as it grows, it can grow into ceramic or clay walls.

How to root plumeria - planting in the ground

the stalk is rootedAfter receiving the cuttings, it is recommended to process the cut surface wood ash and any fungicide. This will help to avoid infection of plants with fungal diseases, as well as to easily transfer the pruning procedure. After that, it is important to dry the cuttings in a warm place (on a battery) for at least 2 weeks - this is the only way they will take root in the open field and take root. Also, after pruning, you can treat the cut with any preparation to stimulate root growth. The most affordable of them - "Kornevin", it can be found in flower shops, in small containers.

Instructions on how to root a plumeria using a cuttings propagation method will include several points:

  • cut and dry the stalk for at least 2 weeks, but you can leave it for several months;
  • prepare the soil, which consists of peat and sand;
  • remove all leaves on the selected cutting, and the flowers can be left on the shoot;
  • make a small hole with a wooden stick (about 10 cm deep) and place a cutting in it;
  • you can additionally add a layer of sand and moisten the soil.

Plumeria cuttings root immediately in the ground. It is important not to allow it to become excessively waterlogged, so watering is carried out only when it dries out. Immediately after planting, the pots should be placed in a warm room, where the air temperature will be between 24 and 28 degrees. You also need to ensure maximum exposure to sunlight, if necessary, you can use artificial sources of heat and lighting (lamp and battery).

When handling plumeria, especially when pruning cuttings, wear protective gloves. The sap from this plant is poisonous and can irritate the skin.

Plant care after planting

plumeria careThe first sign by which one can understand that the plumeria stalk has taken root is the appearance of the first leaves. In most cases, this process takes no more than 2 - 3 months. When they appear on the shoot, the plant can be transplanted into a larger container in which it will grow on a permanent basis. Additional components are added to the new soil - they will provide good nutrition and will contribute to rapid growth.

There are several aspects that are important when caring for young plumeria trees:

  1. Light mode - the tree prefers brightly lit areas. For full development, the sun's rays must fall on it for at least 6-7 hours a day. Above these trees, it is worth installing special lamps in case of cloudy weather or cold seasons. Their power should be at least 30-40 watts, otherwise they will not be enough to care for an exotic plant.
  2. Plumeria is a thermophilic plant that is not used to cold temperate winters. If the weather conditions do not allow growing this plant, it is enough to install the bottom heating. It will also stimulate the growth and formation of the root system.
  3. Watering should be plentiful, especially during the warm season. The tropical heat that plumeria is accustomed to can only be compensated for with more moisture. For watering, ordinary water at room temperature is suitable. To prevent moisture stagnation, drainage is added to the soil.
  4. Fertilizers are needed for plumeria only before flowering. You can add mineral mixtures that contain phosphorus - this will provoke the abundant appearance of the largest and most fragrant inflorescences.

Plumeria is a real exotic. It is appreciated for its voluminous flowers of different colors and sizes, with a rich aroma. The plant prefers a hot climate and requires proper care. However, in comfortable conditions, the tree will annually delight with abundant flowering, and the first buds will bloom in the year of planting.

Planting plumeria cuttings - video


