How to destroy a tree without cutting it down

how to destroy a tree without cutting it It is almost impossible to do without trees in a summer cottage, as they give shade and coolness, bear fruit. If, for any reason, it becomes necessary to get rid of the plant and free up space on the site, then it is important to figure out how to destroy the tree without cutting it down. Old, damaged wood can be dangerous for the occupants of the house. The root system can damage the foundation if the tree grows directly near the structure.

Using chemicals, you can do without power tools and carefully remove the stump. This method is safe for others, since the wood will not damage the house or plants, which is possible with mechanical removal of the tree.

Basic chemical methods on how to destroy a tree without cutting it down

The use of chemicals will help to quickly eliminate the emergency tree. Before removing unnecessary trees, you should familiarize yourself with such unique methods as:

  • drug injections into the trunk area;
  • watering the soil with chemicals;
  • spraying leaves;
  • distribution of the drug on the bark of a tree;
  • complete elimination of the tree along with the stump.

The most effective way is to pre-cut the tree trunk, and then treat the stump with chemicals. When choosing chemicals, it is important to first study the composition of the product.

When buying chemicals, it is important to consider not only the composition of the preparation, but also the characteristics of the soil. Some products can negatively affect the condition of other living plants, therefore, having previously read the instructions, it will be possible to avoid harm.

Treatment of the bark with drugs

Use herbicides to kill trees by effectively applying them to the living tissue of the tree. The bark of a tree can be treated with chemicals using cuts. When using an ax, it will be possible to make cuts, while not tearing off the bark from the trunk. The notches should be made around the entire circumference of the trunk.

Most often, when treating the bark with herbicides, the following preparations are used:

  • Arsenal;
  • Tornado;tornado
  • Roundup;
  • Glyphos.

To combat deciduous and conifers low-value breeds use Arsenal. Use Glyphos as carefully as possible. This drug is considered fast and effective in deciduous forests and garden clearing, but poisonous. It is not recommended to stay near trees for a long time after processing them; it is also forbidden to collect fruits from nearby trees for 15 days. Tornadoes are considered a safer herbicide for treating trees. The most effective remedy is Roundup, it is used for fruit trees, conifers and forest species.

Watering the soil with herbicides

Before removing a tree using chemistry, it is worth choosing a suitable agent for watering the soil. When it is necessary to remove several plants at once, it is worth trying to water the soil with chemicals. When choosing drugs, you should pay attention to "Zenkor", "Prometrin" and "Meister". It is very important to wear protective gloves while watering the plants and to protect the mouth and nose area with a bandage or respirator.

Means for destroying tree roots will help to cope with the task more effectively if you thoroughly water the plant before applying the chemical, because in this case the roots will absorb the drug faster. After that, the plant is watered with herbicide around the trunk.If you add dye to the solution, it will be easier to figure out which wood is processed and which is not.

Before chemically drying the tree, it is important to pre-install concrete barriers around the plant. In this case, the root system of nearby growing plants will not be affected.

Chemical injections

chemical injectionsThe principle of this method is very similar to the variant when the bark is processed. Injections must be carried out at a distance of 1 m from the soil level. It is necessary to influence the entire radius of the trunk with a distance of 5-10 cm. It is possible to apply chemicals to destroy trees using injections only if the trunk radius exceeds more than 5 cm.

It is important to carry out the whole range of work, adhering to the following plan:

  1. Prepare a drill with a drill with a diameter of 5-10 mm. At an angle of 45 °, make holes in the barrel with a depth of 4-5 cm.
  2. Take a pharmacy syringe, fill it with herbicide (Tornado, Ground and others) and distribute the solution into the hole.
  3. Seal the hole in the trunk using a small amount of soil, making sure that the mortar does not leak out of the bark.

places of chemical injectionsHaving figured out how to destroy trees without cutting them down, it will be easier to get the desired result using injections. This method can be used to deal with unnecessary wood at any time of the year. The fastest results can be achieved if injections are carried out in early summer.

Watering foliage

foliage treatment with chemicalsProcessing the leaves with chemicals is ideal if the size of the shrub is not large (up to 4 m). It is important to understand how to water the tree so that it dies, and then proceed to garden work. Applying chemicals to foliage will cause the plant to gradually die without getting any nutrients. The maximum effect of the procedure can be achieved by applying herbicides after rain or watering the plant. The effect of chemicals will be less severe in dry weather and when there is a lack of moisture.

Using herbicides in order to quickly destroy a tree without cutting it down, like other means, is important according to the instructions. If you apply drugs to foliage in early spring or late summer, you will be able to protect other plants from harmful effects.

Oil solutions are considered the most effective for fighting wood, since they are absorbed most quickly into the foliage. When choosing this category of funds, it is important to work with them carefully, since by the method of exposure they are more dangerous and toxic than aqueous solutions. Before you destroy a tree without cutting it down, you should purchase a suitable solution.

Experts advise to pay attention to such means as Tornado, Roundup and Roundup Max. It is easy to understand that the drug began to act easily, since in this case the foliage becomes brown.

Stump control with chemical methods

stump preparationThe use of chemicals will allow you to cope with the unnecessary plant, as well as the root system, but in some cases, the process of dying off the tree will take six months or more.

use of ammonium nitrateA soil-safe method is considered to be urea (ammonium nitrate). After applying the substance, the wood decomposes, and the stump can be dug out very simply with a shovel. You must first prepare the stump and make up to 10 holes in it with a drill, and then pour urea there. Then the depressions are filled with water, clogged and left for the winter. If desired, the stump can be left in the ground by sprinkling it. After a couple of years, the plant will rot along with the roots and it will be important to plant a flower bed in this place.

roundup grandUsing special herbicides will make it easy to cope with the task. It will be easier to stop guessing than to destroy the roots of trees in the ground by paying attention to Roundup. The tool will help to effectively cope with the root system, weeds and interfering shoots.

It is recommended to process the stump in dry hot weather, with an air humidity of at least 50%. Roundup is safe for soil and nearby plants.

pour in a chemicalKnowing exactly what the tree can die from, it will be much easier to free the area from the plant. If there is no need to quickly remove the stump, then you can try to populate it with spores of an edible mushroom. The plant will begin to gradually destroy the stump and the root system (it will take about 4 years in total), and there will always be tasty and fresh mushrooms on the table.

A cheap and safe method for soil is the use of table salt. You will need to make holes in the stump (as is the case with urea), pour salt into them, fill them with water and seal them for the winter. The salt will eat away at the stump and turn it into dust. Then it will be enough to set fire to the wood and burn it. The process of corroding the plant will take 1.5-2 years. During the procedure, you should be more careful so that the salt concentration in the soil does not exceed the norm.

Having figured out how to remove a tree without cutting it, it will be much easier to avoid dangerous manual work and sawing wood. Both chemicals and other available means will help to cope with the plant.

Getting rid of the stump and overgrowth with the help of ammonium nitrate - video

  1. Natalia

    Nightmare! Even reading is scary and disgusting! How to destroy a tree! Better destroy yourself!

  2. Helga

    Natalya, it is sometimes useful to know this, especially when the neighbors reason in a way that you don't care about any sanitary norms.


