What does a nivyanik look like - characteristic features of culture

Last year I bought seeds of garden chamomile from my grandmother at the market. At least this is what she claimed and promised that she would bloom in several buds. But at the end of spring, large single flowers began to bloom on rather tall bushes. They really looked a lot like chamomile, but the leaves are completely different. A neighbor, seeing my flowers, said that it was a nivyanik. Tell us what a nivyanik looks like? Maybe I really got it. However, I do not regret it, because the plant is very beautiful, I just would like to know for sure.

what does the nivyanik look like Florists are familiar with the daisy firsthand, because these large chamomile-like flowers look great in bouquets. They are added to flower arrangements, and this culture is increasingly found in garden beds. Charming buds with a yellow core surrounded by elongated white petals will adorn the site for a long time. This plant is found in many flower growers, but not everyone knows what exactly grows with them. Most are quite sure that they have large daisies blooming, because both cultures are very similar. If you also have a similar flower, it does not hurt to find out what the daisy looks like. This will help to accurately identify the plant, and, accordingly, provide it with appropriate care. In addition, knowing the flower "in person", you can diversify the flower bed by planting other varieties of it.

What does a nivyanik look like: characteristic features of culture

daisy and chamomile

Today, the nivyanik is a representative of the Asteraceae family, although in the recent past it belonged to the genus of chrysanthemums. It is an annual or perennial herb that prefers well-sunlit glades and meadows. It can often be found in natural conditions, and hybrid varieties have found their place in nurseries and flower gardens.

Externally, the daisy is a bush with erect unbranched stems and a basal leaf rosette. The height of the plant depends on the particular variety and can be either 15 or 130 cm. The root system of the plant looks like a short and fibrous rod, painted in scarlet color. At the top of the peduncles, single flowers in the form of daisies bloom twice a season (in late spring and late summer). For their appearance, the nivyanik is often called or confused with chamomilebut it is not.

In fact, besides flowers, the daisy has nothing in common with chamomile. You can distinguish them by the following features:

  • in the daisy, the stems are even, do not branch, or there are very few branches - chamomile is characterized by active formation of lateral shoots;
  • the leaves of the daisies are whole and grow from the lower part of the stems, while in chamomile they are thin, delicate, attached along the entire stem;
  • the daisy blooms with single large buds, in contrast to the multi-flowered and smaller chamomile.

By the structure of the plant, the daisy is closer to chrysanthemum, and not to chamomile, except that it does not have pubescence and a characteristic smell.

Nivyanik varieties

There are several dozen plant species, among which the most famous are the daisy:

  1. Ordinary (varieties Maxima Kening, Massitern, May Queen).daisy
  2. The largest (varieties Alaska, Silver Princess, Broadway Lights).Nivyanik the greatest
  3. Magnificent (varieties Beethoven, Fiona Goghill).Nivyanik is magnificent
  4. Marsh (height up to 30 cm, flowers are small, up to 3 m in diameter, grows on moist soils).marsh daisy
  5. Kuril (height 20 cm, flower diameter up to 8 cm).kuril daisy
  6. Alpine (lowest species with 15 cm rosette and lavender flowers).alpine daisy

Video about the secrets of growing a daisy in the garden


