How to grow wild garlic in the country - two ways to get vitamin piquant greens

Tell us how to grow wild garlic in the country? I never thought that this plant is edible. But in the spring I stayed with friends and tried it for the first time. Very interesting taste, especially in vegetable salads. I decided to plant such a miracle for myself. The hostess bought wild garlic greens at the market, so it was not possible to get hold of planting material. But I ordered seeds or bulbs in the store - whatever they bring, I'll take it. When and where is it better to plant wild garlic?

how to grow wild garlic in the country Surely many of us have met bunches of oval leaves on the shelves next to salad and parsley. They are a bit like the leaves of lily of the valley, but with an unusual, garlic, flavor. This wild garlic is a forest bulbous plant. In early spring, it will diversify our diet and replenish it with vitamins. Most often, wild garlic can be found in natural conditions, in forests under trees. But due to the fact that it is edible and loved by many, the culture in many regions is recognized as disappearing. Therefore, gourmets who have appreciated its taste, prefer to have their own beds than take the risk of plucking forbidden bushes. There is nothing complicated in how to grow wild garlic in the country, no. This plant is quite unpretentious, it can grow where most garden plants do not bear fruit.

You can get and breed wild garlic on your site in two ways: by planting seeds or bulbs. In general, it is not difficult, but each of the methods still has some nuances. Let's take a closer look at them.

Wild garlic has no special lighting requirements. Moreover, the foliage of the bushes will be more succulent in partial shade, and the bulbs in the shade will better "rest". Therefore, for planting a plant, you can use the free space under trees, between currant bushes or along the fence.

Features of planting wild garlic seeds

wild garlic seeds

When growing by seed, it should be borne in mind that freshly harvested seeds will have the highest germination percentage. During storage, the shell of the seeds becomes rough, which makes it difficult to peck the sprout.

Seeds are usually sown directly into open ground in one of the following ways:

  1. In spring, late April - early May. In this case, it is necessary to send the seeds for stratification in February, keeping them in the refrigerator for three months. It is better to sow in the grooves, leaving a row spacing of about 20 cm, but not densely. Leave a distance of at least 10 cm between the seeds.
  2. In autumn, early September. When sowing in winter, there is no need to carry out preliminary preparation for seeds - nature will do everything in winter. However, for the winter, the beds should be covered mulch.

If desired, wild garlic can be grown by seedlings by sowing in containers. In open ground, such bushes will be planted only for the next season.

How to grow wild garlic in the country with bulbs?

wild garlic bulbsIf it is possible to purchase bulbs, this is a faster way to get the first harvest of wild garlic. In addition, unlike seeds, the survival rate of bulbs is several times higher than the germination rate of the former. True, one head will give only one bush.

It is better to plant bulbs before winter, when the wild garlic has already begun a dormant period, without deepening too much. Planting deep will make it difficult for the sprouts to break through the soil. It is convenient to plant in a nesting way, 1 onion per hole every 25-30 cm. For insurance, you can put two onions.If the favorable time for the autumn planting of wild garlic was missed, the procedure can be postponed to mid-spring.

How to grow wild garlic in the beds - video

  1. Ludmila

    Thank. Everything is clear and to the point.


