How to grow tomato varieties Shuttle

shuttle tomatoes Russian tomatoes of the Chelnok variety are obtained by selection from varieties that are resistant to cold and disease. Refers to determinant. They respond well to greenhouse conditions, in which they begin to bear fruit 16 - 17 days earlier than in open ground. Suitable for cultivation in regions with cold springs and short summers.

dense elastic fruits

Tomatoes are good for whole fruit preservation and processing into tomato juice. To get a good harvest from a bush of the Chelnok variety, you need to know the basic characteristics and conditions for growing a crop.

Tomatoes of the Drochel variety: detailed characteristics and description

early ripe tomato varietyThe variety is classified as early maturing. From the moment of germination of seeds to receipt of fruits, it takes from 95 to 105 days. The fruit is shaped like an elongated plum or a boat. Has a rich scarlet color. The top is covered with a dense skin, which allows it to be stored and transported without damage. The pulp is firm, fleshy with a small proportion of liquid. The variety is suitable for hot dishes, pizza, salting and fresh consumption.

undersized compact bushThe size of the bush is small, compact. The height does not exceed half a meter. In a limited area, you can grow this species on the balcony. It produces crops in a small pot or flowerpot. During flowering, up to 10 ovaries are formed on the trunk. The bush gives a bountiful harvest (8 kg per bush). Tomatoes Shuttle in the greenhouse bear fruit until late autumn.

The small size of the plant makes it easier to care for it: the summer resident does not need to cut, shape or pinch the bushes.

Advantages and disadvantages

shuttle fruit

The shuttle variety is chosen by many summer residents for several reasons:

  • unpretentiousness;
  • compactness;
  • good productivity;
  • tasty fruits;
  • the possibility of breeding in a greenhouse and on a ridge;
  • lack of additional measures to form a bush;
  • resistance to cold weather conditions.

fruit cutaway

Despite the undemandingness of the plant, with some of its growing features, two main problems periodically arise:

  1. If the outside air temperature remains cool for a long period of time, then not very many fruits are tied on the stems. If cool summers are the norm in your area, then it is better to grow the crop in a greenhouse throughout the season, ventilating during the day and closing at night.
  2. In the damp and cool period, the variety of Tomatoes "Shuttle" becomes infected with late blight and other viral diseases. To avoid this problem, plants are treated in advance, for preventive purposes.

Growing Tomatoes Shuttle

seedlings of tomato canoes for planting in the groundTo grow a tomato Shuttle, the characteristic and description of the variety of which speaks of endurance and unpretentiousness, several conditions of agricultural technology must be observed.

Care process name Providing the necessary conditions
Seat selection When growing in a greenhouse, it is important to provide good lighting, humidity, fresh air and watering. Drop off point at greenhouse irrelevant.

Landing in open ground is a more responsible event. They select a place protected from drafts. Aromatic herbs, carrots, cabbage or cucumbers should grow on the ground before the tomatoes. It is not allowed to plant bushes in place of potatoes.

Soil composition The Tomato Shuttle, whose yield directly depends on the nutritional value of the soil, loves fertile soil with a good drainage system. Water stagnation at the roots should not be allowed. Recommended composition: add 2 parts of humus to a part of sand and a part of black soil (compost or peat).
Watering The culture can tolerate dry times, up to a week does without watering. But it is on him that good development, the formation of the ovary, the number and size of fruits depend. Watering tomatoes thoroughly is necessary:

  • after transplanting from seedling containers into the ground (the depth of soil moisture is at least 20 cm);
  • during flowering and ovary;
  • watering in alternation with loosening the top dry layer of the soil is important during the period of berry growth (soil moisture should be at least 30 cm deep).

You can not pour the bushes when the fruit is ripe. Compliance with the measure will allow you to get bright, sugar tomatoes. Excessive moisture leads to the formation of rot. Irrigation scheme during this period: 7-8 liters of water under one bush once a week.

Fertilizer Shuttle tomatoes require the systematic application of mineral and organic fertilizers. The first time the seedlings are fed with a complex composition on the 12-14th day after planting in the main place of growth. Every two weeks, organic matter (manure, bird droppings, humus) and mineral compositions (nitrogen after planting, phosphorus during bud formation, potassium during fruit ripening).

During a set of buds, the bushes are sprayed with a solution of boric acid. Ready-made products are also well suited. For example, the drug "Ovary".

Features of planting and development in a greenhouse

tomato seedlings shuttleTomato seeds The shuttle is processed and placed in seedling containers at the end of February. Having deepened the seed by 1.5 cm, it is watered with warm water. Cover with glass or foil. The temperature balance should be within 25 degrees. It is permissible to use a growth stimulator after the emergence of seed shoots.

Tomato Seed Packing ShuttleWhen the seedlings have emerged, they are provided with lighting for at least 16 hours a day. Use natural and artificial lighting resources. You can dive greens already when you unfold two real sheets. The shuttle tomatoes are grown in the greenhouse in early May. During the day, the greenhouse is ventilated, providing fresh air.

If the seedlings are planned to be planted in the ground, then the hardening procedure must be started a week before. At the end of May, the seedlings are taken out into the fresh air during the day, and taken indoors at night.

shuttle fruit sizesTomatoes Shuttle is a promising variety. It should be paid attention to gardeners who want to get a large harvest with minimal expenditure of human resources. The variety, which begins to mature early and continues to bear fruit until frost, provides the family with fresh salads all summer. At the same time, close the preservation for the winter, and also use for cooking hot dishes.

Tomatoes variety Shuttle in the open field - video


