How to grow broccoli in a seedling and non-seedling way

Tell me how to grow broccoli? We used to plant only white cabbage, but recently our children have grown to love broccoli. At the family council, it was decided that homemade vegetables are better than purchased ones. We are planning to plant broccoli next season. Does it have any peculiarities in growing, or is it everything like ordinary cabbage? What is the best way to plant - for seedlings or immediately sow into the ground?

how to grow broccoli Broccoli is one of the healthiest types of cabbage recommended by nutritionists. Not surprisingly, many gardeners have recently become interested in this crop. Her unusual appearance does not leave an imprint on cultivation at all. Even a novice summer resident can get a crop of useful curly heads if you know how to grow broccoli. This plant is unpretentious and will not cause much trouble. Taking into account all the nuances of planting, a good harvest of a healthy vegetable is guaranteed.

So, like most garden crops, there are two ways to plant broccoli:

  • sowing seeds for seedlings;
  • sowing in open ground.

How and when it is better to do this, we will consider in more detail.

Growing broccoli seedlings

The seedling method allows you to bring the harvest time closer. If you have a greenhouse, you can start sowing seeds in March. Early planting involves growing seedlings in greenhouse conditions. But if you sow seeds in April, then the seedlings can be planted immediately in the garden.

Seeds must be prepared before sowing:

  1. Soak alternately for a quarter of an hour in hot and cold water.
  2. Soak for a day in a growth stimulator.
  3. Keep at low temperature for another day (in the refrigerator).

It is best to sow broccoli immediately in separate cups. The root system of a young plant does not tolerate transplanting well.

Seeds do not need to be deeply buried, lightly sprinkle them. For the first time, crops are kept under a film, in a warm place. When shoots appear, the temperature should be reduced to 10 degrees Celsius. Such a regime is important for the first week of the seedling's life, then it is returned to a warm place again. Seedlings should be watered regularly, but not too much, otherwise they will get sick with a black leg. After about a month, when the broccoli has 4 leaves, it can be planted in its permanent place.

How to grow broccoli in a seedless way?

Broccoli grows quite quickly: in a little less than 3 months, the crop is ready to be harvested and consumed. Seeds can be sown directly into open ground, they will have time to grow, and the heads of cabbage can ripen until autumn. Before sowing in the garden, the seeds should also be prepared in order to accelerate their germination.

The right time for sowing is from May to June. The soil at this time is already warm enough, and the temperature is stable.

Some gardeners sow seeds in a common garden bed, and then dive. But it will be more convenient to immediately make "personal" holes, leaving a distance of 50 cm between them. In each you need to place 2-3 seeds, with a margin, in case not all hatch. If everyone sprouts, you just need to choose the strongest seedling. The rest can be removed by cropping. By regularly watering, weeding and periodically feeding the plants, it will be possible to cut the heads of cabbage at the end of summer.

Video about growing broccoli seedlings


