We reveal the secrets of how to grow a delphinium from seeds
Tall rocking chairs, densely covered with numerous large flowers of a wide variety of shades, are the pride of flower growers who grow delphinium. Its bloom is a mesmerizing sight. It is hard not to notice it among other plants. And if we consider that the delphinium tolerates our winters well, then it is quite understandable why it gained such popularity. It is not always possible to get a cut or seedlings. But you can always get this flower by purchasing seeds in the store. While seed reproduction is somewhat troublesome and not suitable for all types of crops, it is one economical method. A whole flower bed can be grown from one bag if you know how to grow a delphinium from seeds. In order for the result to meet expectations, some of the subtleties of seed growing should be taken into account. We will talk about them today.
It is better to plant seeds with annual varieties, as well as New Zealand and Scottish delphiniums - they retain all varietal characteristics. But this method is not suitable for Marfin hybrids, they are propagated vegetatively.
Features of seed cultivation of delphiniums
For all crops to germinate, seeds must be kept cool, preferably in a refrigerator.
Love for coolness is characteristic not only of seeds, but also of delphinium seedlings. The maximum allowable temperature for growing in the initial stages should not exceed 20 ° C heat. In addition, seeds should germinate in the dark, regardless of the method of sowing.
How to grow a delphinium from seeds: sowing methods
Due to the properties of seeds, sprouting with a shortage of heat and light, delphinium can be sown in two ways:
- directly into open ground;
- for seedlings.
There is not much difference between such plants. And the bushes in the flowerbed, and the delphiniums obtained by seedlings, are developing at an equally good pace. The only thing is that the first ones will bloom only in the second year. And delphiniums from seedlings can give a weak, "trial" flowering at the end of the current season.
When to sow delphinium in open ground?
Perennial delphiniums are preferable to sow in spring. Depending on the region, this can be the second half of March or early April. It is advisable to pre-dig the bed with the introduction of the mineral complex fertilizers... It is necessary to sow the seeds in shallow grooves and do not bury much - just sprinkle with a thin layer of earth.
Cover crops with black foil. It will need to be lifted periodically to ventilate. Three weeks later, when the shoots appear, the shelter is removed.
The first year delphiniums spend in a common garden bed, where they are regularly watered and fed. It is advisable to provide shelter for the winter so that young plants do not freeze.In the spring, if necessary, they are seated.
Annual species of delphinium can be sown before winter.
How to grow delphinium seedlings?
Sowing seeds for seedlings starts at the end of March. Previously, this should not be done, since delphiniums prefer sunlight rather than artificial light. The process itself is as follows:
- prepare a total capacity, or even better - separate cups, since delphiniums do not tolerate transplantation well:
- buy or mix a light substrate (a mixture of sand, leafy earth, peat and humus is suitable);
- lay drainage in containers and cover with moistened soil;
- spread the seeds, observing a distance of at least 2 cm when sowing into a common container;
- lightly sprinkle with soil;
- cover with foil and something dark.
For the first 1.5-2 weeks, the container with crops should be covered in a cool room (from 15 to 18 ° C heat). When sprouts appear, the shelter is removed. Seedlings are transferred to a light window sill, but also observing a cool regime. At the end of May - at the beginning of June, the delphinium can be planted in a permanent place in the garden.
The presenter says a lot of unnecessary things. I watched the video with difficulty.