Learning how to grow peas in the garden

Tell us how to grow peas? My husband put several high beds along the fence, or rather, near the net, I want to sow legumes there. There is always not enough space in the garden, but here there was an opportunity to decorate the yard at the same time and let the shoots curl along the net.

how to grow peas Every housewife should have peas: of course, you cannot cook borscht from it, but for Olivier it is an irreplaceable ingredient. And it is not necessary to go to the store for it before each holiday, because it is not difficult to grow sweet fruits on your own. It rises and develops quickly, it is not afraid of frost. Having allocated only a few beds for cultivation and knowing how to grow peas, you can get a good harvest. Enough to eat fresh and preserve for the New Year's table. What do you need to know about "pea" agricultural technology?

Where is the best place to plant peas?

place for peas

Like all legumes, peas love the sun, so it is worth assigning the brightest spot on the site for it. It doesn't have to be a lot, because a culture has the ability to grow vertically on a support. By making a garden bed along the arch from the south side, you can save the planting area in the garden.

peas on the archPeas are not particularly picky about the soil and will yield a crop even without additional fertilization of the site. True, the peas will be small and there are not many pods. And in order to get large fruits in large quantities, it is better to dig up a garden bed in the fall with the introduction of organic matter and mineral fertilizers. However, in moderation, otherwise only tops will grow.

How and when to plant peas?

planting peasYou can plant both dry beans and sprouts. In the latter case, this will help bring fruiting closer. But if you land in several approaches, you can shoot young peas before the beginning of autumn, for example:

  • peas planted in mid-March will ripen in early summer;
  • May landings - in August;
  • peas sown in mid-summer will ripen by September.

It is convenient to plant peas in grooves by stacking peas one by one with a distance of at least 6 cm.

It is important to immediately determine the variety, and not only by the degree of ripening. For tall climbing species, you will definitely need a support along which the stems can curl. It can be either a stretched common rope along the row, or individual pegs or ropes. If you don't plan to build one, plant peas near a fence or arch.

How to grow peas: easy care rules

pea careIn general, the plant is able to grow on its own, but several events will still have to be carried out, namely:

  1. Protect planting from birds that often pull peas out of the ground and eat them. To do this, for the first time, cover the bed with a net.
  2. Remove weeds and gently loosen the soil.
  3. Water regularly, especially if there is no rain.
  4. Install the support.
  5. Feed the bushes a couple of times. First time - 2 weeks after germination herbal infusion... Then twice more, before flowering and when the pods begin to tie, - with a mineral complex.

pea bedThe first young peas can be tasted as early as 2 weeks after flowering. The pods are removed without letting them overripe while the peas are still soft and sweet. To obtain planting material, the pods are allowed to dry and the bush is cut off.

Video about the intricacies of growing peas


